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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. You're running hot chicks out of 12OZ Town? Excellent work ......
  2. Hua Guofang


    Don't even know what that is, sorry mate. Looks like I've bitten off more than I can chew. Dude on a forum I'm on for bikes has come down with a chest infection and can't join his team for a 24 hour endurance race (prob the biggest annual MTB race in Aust). I said I'd stand if he needed it so his team didn't have to cancel. I've been low on the k's lately due to my clicky shoulder, so doing +100km with early morning laps included will already be a struggle for me. Now, it's pissing down rain and forecast to do so for the next three days. Unfit mud-fest injury enduro. Should be fun.
  3. I've travelled a lot and to some pretty obscure joints, everywhere I've been had at least some graf, not of my doing. Vast shit is.
  4. I don't know, man. I think it's just as feasible that he left because didn't want to be in a place owned by some one he was dark on. I've modded on another forum about 30X larger than this place for about 10 years now. If I had a falling out with the site owner to the point that my mod status was revoked I'd probably leave too. Not because I wasn't a mod anymore (actually thinking of giving the mod shit away anyway as there's a fair bit of work on that site given that it involves a trading section and I'm sick of arguing with idiots), more so because I wouldn't want to hang around somewhere that I felt I wasn't welcomed. If you had a major public falling out with your local bar owner, would you continue to hang out there or would you find somewhere else to spend your time instead?
  5. That pink negative space deal is nuts. that read/white stripe background fill is enormous.
  6. Thanks Mone, I got Alts on the Hs
  7. Hua Guofang


    Dude sure knows his way around a bike. I'd be keen to give cyclocross a shot, looks like fun. Don't think I could justify another new bike right now though.
  8. Pffft, don't you cats watch TV? Get Bowflex. Get bitches.
  9. Jesus, those benching fails. I had to turn it off.
  10. Hua Guofang


    Just started riding clipped in. Love it. Second ride on dirt today, doing a half decent climb, was on the switchbacks going up when I cane around a tight corner, front wheel hit a rock, I stopped dead halfway though at turn, couldn't get foot out and around a rock in time to catch myself and toppled. Would have been funny if I didn't funny bone it on a rock. My right arm is dead to me now. Should be fine again tomorrow. Got my quickest time on the DH section though, clipping in is fucking awesome, even if the shoes do look wanky.
  11. Just nabbed me 20 cans of Export for $50. Yup.
  12. Great design on that Tank but I reckon the background needed to be a different colour to make the fill stand out properly. Maybe deep purple or something.
  13. Fuck working on a Friday arvo...... Hey, how ya doin? Shit's all about steak in here now.
  14. Lost a lot of power posters around that same time - Shai, Casek, Gliks, Bojangles, Swindle, Swamp, amongst others. It was a pretty rapid attrition
  15. Yeah, what was the deal with Earl? He was a real loss for this joint and I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't know what actually happened. /outofthelooper
  16. Playing with these letters - Ache Original Flavour by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Think my first attempt was better - Achy Breaky Stone by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  17. Thx, would have been surprised if it was. Anyway, I know ACT isn't Syd, just adding a bit to help power the thread up....
  18. Get on to that R and S. Then start putting a shadow on them and some 3d. But that's the way to do it ^^^^^^^
  19. IF Pulz isn't around I reckon they should be passed on to the next person so this keeps moving and peeps get their books back . Up to you cats but they're my thoughts.
  20. Anyone know that Biro personally? Was good mates with a bloke who wrote Biro in the 80s who dropped off for various reasons. If he's back up again I'd like to know so I can look him up. He'd be in his early 40s if it's him.
  21. If I were to put money on it I'd say that the pilot has lost the plot, hijacked the aircraft and done some kind of dumbarse shit.
  22. That's a lot of runways to watch, especially throughout India and the parts of Central Asia that are reachable. Also, all you're going to see from a satellite is a plane flying/landing. Still have to be able to identify which plane it is. Secondly, when it initially happened first thought would have been crash, they would have been looking around the presumed flight path if anything. I was wondering what the chances are of an aicraft like this landing on salt flats or a long freeway. The Sinaporean freeways are designed to accommodate the airforce in case the airfields are cratered. Wonder how many roads there are in the radius of the flight that might take an aircraft like that. Maybe fuck all, I have no idea.
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