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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. My shoulders wouldn't handle that after so many years of rugby, parachuting and downhill racing. I lay on a bench press bench with my hips hanging over the end of the bench. Holding the bar to keep my body stable I let my feet touch the floor, I raise my legs in a normal 'leg raise' fashion but once they reach about 70 degrees to the floor I then act like I'm reaching out with my feet along the axis of my legs. That lifts my hips and lower back up off the bench and is hell on all my abs and obliques. you can hit your sides by tilting your hips a little as well.
  2. You will always be "blossom" to me now. My shoulder is fucked, I don't know why. Was a mild little click that has evolved in to a large and painful clunk.
  3. Wow, it did too. Yeah, Thein Sein is pushing forward with some good things there but the military still holds 25% of the seats in parliament as of the constitution and many more MP are ex-mil that have taken off their uniforms. If you want to operate in Myanmar you still have to be very sensitive to the interests of the military. The coming legislative elections will be really interesting as you have to get over 75% of votes in parliament to change the constitution, meaning that the military should be able to retain their power. However if the rest of the parliament are taken by the NLD and its affiliates that's going to create an uncomfortable situation for the military. There may be other constitutional provisions in play here but I'm pretty sure that the head of state does not possess any veto powers when it comes to constitutional change.
  4. Hua Guofang


    The LBS is being killed by their own fuckwittery here in Australia. They have trouble competing with online stores because the market here is small and distance is great. That means prices are generally much higher than the US and Europe. When the AUD went $0.05 above parity (from an average of $0.75 since the early 1980s) there was no way people weren't going to buy online. That's just the way markets work. The average LBS here are fuckwits because they are like car mechanics, often trying to get you to buy things you don't need, replacing parts without prior consultation, etc. I can buy something online and have it at my door within a few days from the US/UK. A bike store will wait until they put their next order in with the distributor and you can wait a month just for a simple new tyre or even a set of forks, etc. The distributors should also probably take a bow for the situation here as well as they corner the market and black ban anyone who tries to cut them out. Added to this is that the bike shops generally employ undertrained staff in their workshops who can do really bad quality work to your bike (look at me complaining about a fucking linkage bolt that rattled loose in an almost brand new $4k+ bike). The LBS's here should have read the writing on the wall with online shops and opened their own shop front online asap. Focus more on face-to-face advice and mechanical in the shop but move shit online where you can match the prices from supplies like CRC, Wiggle, Jensons, etc. But they didn't, they complained, wrote whingy fucking open letters to online suppliers claiming that the online guys don't support the local scene etc. (I mod on a pretty large cycle forum where a BMX magazine wanker wrote an open letter to CRC after they applied to advertise in his rag. It was rude and full of bullshit because the online guys were under-cutting his shop. He would prefer the market to be protected and us to pay a higher price so he could have a profitable business. Funny thing is, CRC was paying for advertising space on our forum and was also sponsoring races and stuff in the local scene). Now, retailers of all persuasions in Australia are lobbying the federal govt to place goods and services (VAT) tax on all online purchases from outside the country to protect local retail industry, rather than improve their own services. So now that the AUD has dropped back to around USD$0.90 people are remaining with online purchases. The delivery cost balances out the cost with local suppliers (when making single purchases anyway. I recently spent about AUD$120 on some riding glasses, a rear tyre - TR Minion DHR, not cheap, crank spanner, BB tool and a couple of tubes and buying online saved me at least AUD$50) but the ease of doing business with online traders is just so much simpler than in shop. The items are delivered to your door, the big retailers are most often EXCELLENT when it comes to warranty claims or lost items and you don't have to wait for the distributor to get his shit in to gear. So I can understand the shops having to change to deal with the challenge of online retail. However, making the experience even WORSE for the shopper by charging them for trying on a shoe is moving in completely the wrong direction. I sure as fuck will not buy anything from them at all. I'll wait for a shop that allows me to try on in store, orders them online for me at a cheaper price (given that they save on warehousing costs) and delivers them to my door. In sayin that, my LBS, Bike Culture in Canberra have been fucking excellent. If you're in CBR and need an LBS, I strongly recommend BC in Braddon and Belconnen.
  5. Yeah, I don't think the GC, law or any signed agreements are too high on anyone's list of things that matter at the moment.
  6. Keep your opponent off balance, instill doubt and retain wriggle room for yourself. Were they Russian troops or were they Berkut? For the operationalist it makes little difference as the consequences are the same. But for the policy maker uncertainty is torture as mistakes are harshly punished in public office.
  7. Does your computer not have a back button? X-fire is a thread graveyard.
  8. Hua Guofang


    Fair enough too. I used to have a pair of cannondale shoes that looked like normal runners but were fitted out for clipless. I ended up wearing the shoes out from normal use before I got around to installing the pedals. Now I have the pedals and can't be fucked going out and buying shoes. Over here shops are starting to charge people to try shoes on in the shops. It's supposed to deter people from sizing up in shop and then buying cheaper online.
  9. Let's vote this out, already already. Super close between Hecz and Decy for my but like the cleanliness of Decy's so he gets my vote.
  10. Just on that, I'd also suggest that the pod type espresso machines be avoided. They are good for the office and places where simplicity and cleanliness matter but at home, get one with a proper group set like my first picture above. When you grind your own beans and pack your own basket you get to decide how strong the coffee is. You can do a super-fine grind and pack it in really tight for a thicker, stronger shot or a courser, looser pack for a milder flat white coffee, or something. With a pod not only are you restricted to the way the pod is made and the coffee that manufacturer uses but you are also trapped in to paying the price and sometimes only being able to purchase from their preferred retailers. Using the traditional style machine gives you greater choice on the coffee you make and what kind of beans you decide to use. With the grinder, the conical burr grinder is supposed to be the ducks guts. They are most definitely easier and faster to use but to be honest, my palette is not refined enough to tell the difference between a blade and burr grinder. I'm really not sure there's too much difference. I only have a burr grinder because there was a deal where it came with the most recent machine I picked up.
  11. Bumping this thread in case anyone is interested. Up the page you can see the discussion regarding how the protest in Kiev were a Russia V. West thing more so than about Yanukovic's corruption. In Crimea you can now see the regional competition bubbling to the surface of things in Ukraine. Can't recall if it was mentioned above but Russia has it's only warm water/deep water port in Sevastopol in Crimea, leased from Ukraine. If Russia looses that, to deploy vessels in to the Mediterranean it must sail all the way from the Baltic, which also freezes in Winter. The fact that ousting Yanu and installing a new govt hasn't settled things in Ukraine indicates that this is not a domestic issue. What we saw before was a domestic issue being used to the advantage of external actors.
  12. We exist, we will have a footprint. Challenge is making it sustainable. Yeah man, definitely go an espresso. A cheap alternative to start off with is a Mocka Pot, like I posted up above. You can brew one batch, put fresh grounds in and then run that coffee through a second batch of grounds. Shit will pop your heart. But yeah, nothing gets blacker, deeper and richer than an espresso shot. Think I just talked myself in to one from my own machine.
  13. Not a big French press fan either, it's just acceptable when the other two are unavailable. I also have seen the Aeropress and am intrigued. That Meile thing up there ^^^^ is that like and espresso machine in a fridge, or something? Y'all also need to try an espresso shot in a Guinness. I won't drink a G without it....., mainly because I don't really like G too much.
  14. Hua Guofang


    Any reason you don't go clipless?
  15. Keurigs? really??!! I get abused with that shit each time I have to visit head office across the pond. Guys, it's fucking shit. Honestly, I don't think the US is aware of what it's missing when it comes to coffee. That shit you cats drink tastes like burned and stale old crap, most Americans I know that spend much time in Europe/Australia never go back to typical US style coffee. I never thought I could find anything worse than Americano drip style coffee. I did, it's the Keurig. There are only 3 things that make coffee worth drinking and they are listed below in relevant order:
  16. Just get it done. You've made the change, now get on with your life, don't be a waste.
  17. Port-A-John - I have no idea who piers morgan is, sorry. Usually I'd agree that it's an X-fire thing but this joint is so quiet now I don't think it matters. Always can click past if you're not interested, because no doubt, this thread is a downer. Not drunk posting either. Part of my job is paying attention to all this kind of stuff in detail and sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. That pick up top of Yarmouk left me astounded due to scale and destruction and made think of how much of this we are witnessing at the moment and how current trend lines point towards things getting quite a bit worse on a number of fronts.
  18. Tie dye - 1960/70s - 1990s - 2010s?
  19. YEah, Australia doesn't have a lot to brag about at the moment but at least we have movie stars that punch out photographers and beat people with phones. That's something we can be proud of.
  20. lol, stop crying, ya clown. I wasn't referring to the arrows Marsh did, so you can pull his cock out of your mouth now.
  21. Pretty much my fav style of fill as well ^^^^ I like the throwy style pieced out a little like this \/ \/ As much as I dig Marsh, I do see a bit of Rime sneaking in here. As a matter of fact, I see Rime's style being picked up by way too many people. I mean his arrows were so badly bitten that they became a genre of their own but adopting a style is another thing altogether.
  22. Helsinki is one of the coolest towns in Europe, love that place. REally dig the Hellboy charo as well.
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