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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Couldn't be bothered with a background here.
  2. Bit of kit to support the renaissance - mostly fueled by the odd boring seminar or lecture over the last few years.
  3. Yeah, link is fine. I respect the ingenuity and all but I'm not a fan. I'm conservative in terms of graf and even think the huge range of caps we have now days is cheating (don't even get me started on dudes taping stuff out or cutting up lids to get effects). I like the skill that's needed to get quality, it's part of the game and making it easier just degrades the achievement and that whole graf thing. I used to love scouting around for different caps and finding cans that were at the sweet spot for fine work, etc. Taking that out of painting takes out half the challenge, achievement, fun and mystique.
  4. The phibs and Visual are nice but that KOS is an embarrassment.
  5. psycho erotica, never sick of seeing that the 'berra
  6. Can't say I get the background on the second one but that GMC is wicked.
  7. Hua Guofang


    No lycra here, mate. Baggy shorts and a dirty old T. I ride in the dirt, do jumps, wheelies and big skids. I like to make motorbike noises too.
  8. Not all forums but definitely this forum and probably others with visual content and a younger demographic. I've been modding on a bicycle forum for 10 years and sure, it's not as fast as it was in the early 2000s but we still have thousands of active members and it's a nationally based user group in a country with a small population. The difference is that forum is based on a sport/activity and new tech like phones make little difference in the way we use the net. We still need to discuss new parts, trade, organise events, etc. Instagram, twitter, Facebook, etc. don't shift the dynamic as it has here. Secondly, the average age group is a little higher than it was here in the hey day of the 12. Cycling is expensive and the more serious folk need decent disposable income to participate. With an older demographic there is less interest in chasing the latest thing like IG and other new forms of social media. I'd reckon if you looked at other similar forums - go carting, fishing, patchwork quilting, photography, model trains, whatever, they will still have well populated websites as well. It's not just the tech probs this place has been having that's thinned the crowd, Bombing Science didn't have tech probs but their crowd has thinned too. Not as much as this place but there has been a noticeable slow down in participation. I reckon you could correlate the slow down here and on BS with the increased activity of writers on IG. Who wants to write my paper for me?
  9. Not drinking tonight - got to write a paper tomorrow. Next weekend I'll drink to the upgrade and post like a madman.
  10. Think I can see part of a Chase MTV there as well.
  11. almost. I'll be doing my best to breathe some life in to it as of Wed next week when I complete my degree and crawl out of this fucking pit of academic bullshit and waffle. Will be raping the Post-your-kit thread as well given the paint stocks I've built up over the last 18 months.
  12. Hua Guofang


    What are the greatest differences for you and what are the two bikes that you're comparing here?
  13. Hua Guofang


    Blew my knee out training for a 24 hour enduro race. Been off the bike for over a month now - I was pulling up too hard when clipped in and grinding hills on my single speed. Heartbreaking being off the bike like this. Going from beating the shit out of myself 5 times a week to no exercise at all has even stopped me from being able to sleep properly. Sucks.
  14. I like that because it doesn't have the comic book characters in it. I kind of feel that angle is cliche nowadays and look forward to different concepts.
  15. Haha, wow, that was so profound in my mind when I wrote it last night. I'll post some pics of the kitchen later, I roasted, candy coated and choc dipped a bunch of nuts and orange peel. Fist, no single action. I've spent the last week giving the situation in the Pacific a lot of thought and I had a few too many beers last night. I don't know why I've taken to posting on here when I'm drunk over the last few months, I don't even drink that much.
  16. History is a guide that does not contain potential. This time it will be conventional. Last itme it was proxy but that was because we were on the way out of colonialism. This time EVERYONE HAS NUKES. think about that again. Devastation is no longer a strategy, it is now a tactic. If you were born before 1985 go fuck ourself and get laid/dunk/high becuase you have a shelf life that you don't control and its likely far shorter than you think. This is fear and helplessness. Do not think that protest has any significance: My life is a valuable thing I want to keep it that way, I won't cry My life's such a valuable thing Some things don't fade away, I don't mind We give the best we can give We won't forget, we can't forgive Keep us radioactive free Strike a bell in Hiroshima park You know that we can't see in the dark We try and we try and we try Who waits for the planes to come When everybody's got you on the run South Pacific carry on It seems to me that what we're saying Nobody really wants to talk about it This is no time to be wondering why I do the best I can do The human jungle and the global zoo I'll find my way it's a very special way Why wait for the planes to come When everybody's got us on the run South Pacific carry on Here come the Hercules Here come the submarines Sinking south pacific dreams When that song was written it was parochial. The guy who sung it ended up as the (failed) minister for education. Now it is a forecast, a harbinger of bad, very, very bad things. Russia were white Christians, we at least understood each other. The next guy is a whole other thing that even s/he doesn't fully get. (risk and opportunity depending on where you want to go). If you've sat in an MRAP or kicked a door, this is your Paint It Black anthem, only these cats saw it 30 years back. Another way of saying that is that 30 years back it did not end. Why? Because nothing has changed. NOTHING HAS CHANGED Russia and the Soviets were a symptom and isolationism doesn't account for geography, demography, economics and (the consequence) technology. Shale and fracking will not save you it will only save you time. the pacific and atlantic is not the buffer that it once was. If you could overcme water and distance with technology in the cold war to defeat Russia - what will a middle class of 500 million do in 2025 to overcome you? oceans will not prrotect you against the R&D of 500 million indignant ignants. You have reached the limits of what natiure has given you. AMERICA HAS BEEN LUCKY Now you have got to actually work to retain your edge. You have depth but that is nothing more than ditance and persistance can overcome distance. What I mean? I mean you have a huge economy, bullshit huge military capabilty/capacity. The Atlanitc and Pcific got you hear but it won't keep you here because they are so many more and they have the initiative. Containment is not a Soveit era relic, it is a defensive strategy based on geogrphay. We die faster than these fundamentals change. so look back, understand contaiment as and adgectivet that describes a strategy, not a noun that identifies a Cold War strategy that is temporal in nature. Geograpjy has not changed. your enemies still exist. Geography has not changed but techology has spread horizontally. That means the playkng field has shifted. Get with the fucking times. You can fuck up Iraq and Afghanistan because it's not your nest. You fuck up Asia and you're not sleeping.
  17. I wish the paint and sketch threads would pick up again more than anything else.
  18. There's still a few of us living in denial.
  19. Nice. Semester is almost over here, looking to revive this thread as well as some paint threads when I get my life back.
  20. Definitely. I got a bunch of Cultural Revolution era posters from China as well as a coffee table book on the art. Poster art rocks.
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