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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Yeah I was in one about 4 years back now as well, that old NY head Des kicked it off. We all got our books back, I've still got mine and copies of the pics I did for others tucked away somewhere. Was fucking expensive sending books to the US from Australia, shit cost me hundreds in the end but still worth it.
  2. My concern with that would be that Forums seem to have peaked and social media platforms have moved on. Sure, there were tech issues that pushed a lot of folk away but some people have moved on from the graff and dance faze of their life, some have moved on to evolved modes of coms and sharing, etc. Is just having a forum again the key to bringing folks back or was the 12OZ (and forums in general) hey day a once only thing? I hope I'm wrong but I'm skeptical that this can again be what it was. I mod on other forums that had a huge amount of trading, big road trips by users to meets where there would be hundreds of us and all other manner of shit because the combining factor and topic of the forum involved IRL activity/sport. That sport is bigger now than it ever was but the forums has dropped from 9 million to 1 million clicks and hardly pays for itself anymore. We never had tech issues or any apocalyptic moment, people just moved on and the younger generation went to FB and other online platforms because that was what they were more familiar with (and also because older forum heads sometimes act with a sense of entitlement and want to throw their e-weight around, which never helps). Things just changed and it's because of this that I'm sadly skeptical that you will achieve what you're looking for here. Again, I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I still paint and really loved this site possibly more for brickslayers and paperchase than CH0 - and I fucking hate instagram because the pics are only a fraction of my fucking screensize. So I genuinely hope I'm wrong, time will tell, I guess.
  3. Hi, I forgot I even had this username. The weird things is that my avatar is actually from when Walid Jumblat was my username. If I could be fucked I'd change my name to The Real Hillary Clinton instead. But I can't. Been here in one username or another since 2007, not and OG but here none the less. Hi.
  4. Yeah, sorry but you suck and make graffiti suck ^^^^
  5. There seems to be more spam in this place now than legitimate activity. That's likely to be the final straw for me, can't see me hanging around a place that doesn't even make the effort to protect itself from bots.
  6. I reckon it's pretty interesting, as long as you're working with the orig artists rather than off the orig artists.
  7. That totem is funk, there's another star wars burner around something similar but I've not been able to find it. Never been a huge fan of Rath's letters but dude knows colours in a way that makes me green.
  8. I've been plugging away since getting time back to sketch. Can't seem to find my groove, it's too crappy but still not matching the picture I have in my mind at the moment.
  9. Don't mean to be all hateristic but I really couldn't care less enough about the other people in the movie theater to want to go back in time to watch something with the first audience. Go back to Wodstock? Sure. Go back to being at the Berlin Wall when if fell? absolutely. Stand in the crowd and watch Princip cap Franz Ferdinand? You bet. Go back to watch an original Shakespeare play with Bill in the audience? Awesome. Go back in time to watch a movie? Meh....
  10. Disc in my lower back is hating me and my left leg. Been out for over a month now. Would have been back if I didn't clip my pedal on a log going for a night ride this past week though. Think I've bruised some ribs now too. I need some adamantium on my bones.....
  11. I like my job. Took seven years of education to get it though. I enjoyed my education. My job has nothing to do with art.
  12. Guessing it's the same bloke that used to have the shop upstairs just above the tobacconist. He ran the shop with his girl who also painted but they went their separate ways and the shop tanked. Selection and prices are what you'd expect, 94 at 8.50, NBQ 6.50, Mon white 6.30, Mon black 9.00 and MTN HC 7.50. He's selling this other stuff in a blue can I've not seen before called AeroArt for $4.00. Looks like it's about Export level with donut on it.
  13. Interesting, prob suited for the graffuturism thread too.
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