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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Oh, I forgot to list one thing: get raped by hayfever. fuck nature.
  2. Renovate, renovate, read and renovate. Am already halfway through, it's a long weekend here. Want to work on my bike at some point as I have a new rear shock to put on the Trek.
  3. hahaha,I knew I posted in here somewhere. Fuck knows what I meant by that, I really should stay away from forums when I've been on the beer.
  4. A nation of force and ends cannot lead its kind without justifying trial.
  5. Dude in Canberra who writes Atune seems to have "borrowed" from the above style:
  6. Dang, wish I'd read the prostitutes thread before I hit this one. Got myself trololololled.
  7. Lol, fuck off stupid, just because you/your friends suck at relationships doesn't mean everyone else is. I married a woman from a developing country, 8 years later we're studying together, progressing careers together, traveling together, buying a house together, etc. etc. Things couldn't get anymore awesome. Difference is, I didn't go to a developing country to score an easy wife. I went to the country to learn about it, travel and gain experience. The rest just happened naturally..., as in, not a transaction as you have explained it. You might want to give love another thought, it seems you don't grasp some of the fundamentals.
  8. I don't live in the US so I can't make a call about any of that. But from what I've seen in the US when working there and what I see online, I think there is a problem both with cops and with some parts of US society. I see lesser versions of that in my country, cops acting like dickheads and not being accountable and people acting like dickheads but blaming others for their situation (actually, our cops are often held to account, especially when filmed!). Fucked if I know, just heaps of dickheads in the world. Hmmm, wonder if I'm one of them? Could well be.....
  9. dumb action begets dumb outcomes. That much is certain at least.
  10. I usually know a bit about the countries I go to as my work involves requires I stay abreast of things. If I need to go into pre-modern history I have to read and some one at work will usually have the good oil to give me. Some countries can be fun to go to without knowing a huge amount about and learning as you travel. I did that with Brazil but also had a bunch of friends there to show me around and fill me in. Websites - well, this time I actually used a travel agent. We were so pressed for time that we just let some one else do the legwork. We'd saved hard for a while so didn't need to be overly conservative in spending. I used expedia and TA to look for stuff and read reviews. I use Webjet whenever I book flights otherwise, work, play, etc. It's always been fine for me. I do have to get into the habit of buying direct from the airline when I travel for play, though.
  11. Don't y'all just hit the New Posts button?
  12. Just came back from a one year old's b'day party - I'm now full of Turkish food and cake. Time for a snooze......
  13. Feelin ya on that: So much to know, such little sobriety.
  14. Renovate, one year old's b'day party, renovate and then read a few chapters. Bit of coffee and possibly a sneaky black Russian or three as well.
  15. Not sure if you're referring to this convo but Alexis Texas was the girl's stage name, not more tan that. I live in hope that ayebee's govt name is actually swampfightoner.
  16. Don't know you but know we'd miss you. Glad you're still here and always up for a chat if you need one.
  17. Swampfighter licked her man-jammed arse cheek at some club..
  18. Since first name: Got a new career Started painting on the reg again, only legally this time though as I've done my time and am too fucking old Met a girl, married a girl moved back home from China after 5 years (of breathing coal smoke and drinking fake booze) started riding MTB like an addict again did my postgrad/masters degree got a new job bought a second house bought a new car bounced around Europe for a couple of weeks Started renovating the house The last four are all in the last month too, busy days
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