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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. "High positions of consistent idiocy" was my favourite.
  2. A few fundamental scientific truths I’d like to see finally embraced in 2017 would include: – Yes, there is extraterrestrial intelligence in the universe. – Yes, there is (or was) microbial life on Mars. – Yes, human consciousness is non-material and not located in the physical brain. – Yes, vaccines cause autism. – Yes, flu shots still contain mercury. – Yes, there are many anti-cancer foods that can help prevent cancer. – Yes, transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a “choice.” – Yes, glyphosate causes cancer. – Yes, DEET is toxic to human neurology. – Yes, genetically engineered crops seeds are a genuine threat to the environment and the food supply. – Yes, water can retain non-physical properties that subtly alter its interactions with living systems. – No, carbon dioxide is not the enemy of mankind. – No, chemotherapy does not “cure” cancer. It often makes it worse. – No, harvesting organs from living human babies is not “ethical science.” – No, science journals are not unbiased, objective arbiters of truth. – No, “scientific” political polls are not reliable. They are bunk. – No, the “experts” are not as smart as they think they are. Mostly, they’re idiots who have attained high positions of “persistent idiocy” in academia or government, and their job is to protect the idiocy for as long as possible, making sure no one overthrows idiocy with intelligence.
  3. This is the only thing on it being an NSA operation. However it just seems to be one rambling guy talking about Bilderberg and tyrannical world govt and stuff. Is there any actual evidence or only theories and accusations? http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/01/flat-earth-hoax-began-as-a-ridiculous-farce-to-see-how-gullible-people-would-be-3273014.html
  4. And also loving my new schooey, bought for 50c from a second hand shop in Ulladulla.
  5. [ATTACH=full]217419[/ATTACH] Had always been put off trying this beer given its silly name and ugly label. However we all know the old cliche, never judge a beer by its label. This is a great beer, less fruity on the hops and just a touch maltier than most other modern and Americanised IPAs. Will have again.
  6. Yes and this Modus IPA is delish too, thx!
  7. [ATTACH=full]217391[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]217392[/ATTACH]
  8. Sorry, I'm already betrothed to the truth - http://theflatearthsociety.org/home/
  9. oooookay, Fuck knows what's going on but only my most recent pic seems to be remaining. No idea wtf's going on.
  10. [ATTACH=full]217306[/ATTACH] Previous image seems to have disappeared, so here tis again
  11. [ATTACH=full]217305[/ATTACH] A much heavier hit in flavoring and with a booze of 9% you know you're drinking it. Pretty good, would have again but not for downing fast like.
  12. [ATTACH=full]217302[/ATTACH] Sensational. Fruity hops with strong bitterness in the end. Similar to a cankshaft for any that know them. These guys are killing it and have just been picked up by BWS (major retail chain). Good luck to them.
  13. Yeah, definitely on board with that and it goes for anything in life, not just beer.
  14. Yep, hops was a preservative just as trains were for transport and spray paint was for wicker chairs and letter boxes. In all three cases their uses evolved to create new and better uses, it's progress, embrace it!
  15. Sorry, that was meant to be red rye. Not sure if you do booze these days, if you do and can get your hands on a Modus Operandi red, that will give you an idea of a red IPA, mountain goat Fancy Pants is similar. Probably not a traditional style beer but tradition can often be a constraint on progress and evolution (or the inevitability of bad habits, sometimes).
  16. I'll be sure to do so when the big producers stop serving up stale and watery swill.
  17. An Irish red, sure. Not a red IPA, red eye ale or others (according to my tastes at least!). I like citra/galaxy/other fruity style hops in my red IPAs with a good balance between maltiness and citrusy bitterness.
  18. Wow, drinking this beer is like being punched in the tongue. Don't think I could drink more than one at a time because it really is, as they say on the bottle, hopped out and devastating!
  19. No shortage of flavor there, mate. Stronger on the malt than the hops (for my tastes at least) and a thick, syrupy consistency. I like.
  20. Christmas present from the wife. I married the right woman.
  21. Darker than I'd normally go and a bit more burnt than I'd prefer but still pretty decent.
  22. Might try and refine this outline a little more in the future.
  23. Do not buy this shit. Was $10 a six pack and still a rip off. It's a major chain cashing in on the craft beer scene, the side even has some cheesy bullshit like "legend has it that joe cheesedick swam ashore the west coast of Australia with nothing but a glass of amber ale in his hand and when he looked over the amber sands he said I'm the worlds most lucky man". It even has a cliche name- Steamrail. On the back it says Brewed under license for Luquorland Australia. Say no more....
  24. Not bad, not great, not expensive.
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