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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. LOL, they just got them sitting out there in the open too, wonder how long it will take them to learn. I'll be passing through that neck by the end of the week, keen to see what they're charging.
  2. No shit? Will have a nose around. Been a rash of throwies and solid fills in CBR of late.
  3. No charge, they make their money off the drinks/food they sell. Would assume it's illegal to charge for viewing when you have a public broadcast license (or whatever their contract is). In Australia if places did charge they'd be very promptly reported to orgs like the Broadcasting Authority and Consumer Competition Commission, etc., and action would be taken. Plus, every pub and club was showing it so folk would just cross the road and watch it for free at another joint.
  4. Yeah, Floyd won that by avoiding to actually fight. He won the smart fight but it was anti-climactic. I watched it at the local Hellenic Club..., who had no fucking idea at the level of interest there was in this fight. Those guys weren't even close to prepared for the amount of people that came through their doors to watch the fight.
  5. Fee Fie Fo Fum, I smell and fucking troll.
  6. Never seen that Mr.E Vision before - He and Snooze were my top pics for the 80/90s Syd scene.
  7. BMI is def poop. Good luck with the heart stuff tho, mate.
  8. Read Tale of Two Cities by Dickens recently, was dead set awesome. Couldn't put downer.
  9. Hemps and Mast are always quality kit.
  10. Yeah, that's a local painting for him. In reluctant defence of the Chief Min, the Woden drains and Turner catchment (my two fav spots) are being closed for good reason and one that again points to the dumbarsedness of a lot of writers. Cat's just turf their cans, leave their McD's rubbish and shit everywhere, wash roller trays out in the water and all this shit flows in to the natural waterways. I've always noted and hated it, couldn't be a better example of shitting in your own nest. Chief Min is still a tool, though.
  11. Holy shit, just found out that the spot has been shut down, along with a bunch of the other good spots for painting in Canberra. We're being pushed from decent spots out in the open to dingy tunnels and under passes. http://www.cmd.act.gov.au/open_government/inform/act_government_media_releases/tamsd/2015/changes-to-legal-graffiti-sites-for-act-artists The new Chief Minister has proven to be a complete prick. He's also screwing over a bunch of not for profit orgs just to make a few hundred K.
  12. Yeah, the Hams and the Risk are the best at the spot right now. Also like the ICEE below with it's early 80's NYC tilt.
  13. We need to get Cope back on the site......, ranting.
  14. Consistent bar width throughout the letters Keep doing stuff like the second one, really simple just with a little bit of swing, try different words or even just the alphabet and keep doing that until shit looks fully balanced, even, and consistent. Then start tweaking from there.
  15. The large bars at the top with New Posts and forum tabs take up half of my phone screen as well - iPhone 5
  16. REally like that. I'm so far out of the creative cycle right now. I actually have time in my life to sketch/paint and a truck load of tins just sitting there. Just don't have that urge to put anything down right now. Kinda career/fitness focused at the moment and it's pushed most other stuff out of the way.
  17. Inspiring kids Crooks and castles Steak
  18. Trying to upload pics from my phone, not having much luck
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