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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Actually it's mostly about the graffiti for me. Admittedly I've only been on this site since 07 so I kind of missed the golden days anyway but if the pics section was doing more than what it is now that's where I'd be spending most of my time. I'm in a transitional point in my career, just left the joint I was working at for the last 7 years to take a part time job (well, pays part time but is full time commitment) to improve capabilities and focus on the local network in the hope that my career will take off in a different direction with in the same field as of 2016. So there will be less sketching and painting this year for me and even less CH0ing as well. Lots of riding though, so I'll likely be in the bicyclettas thread a bit, I guess. Will prob do a bit of northern border/east coast trip across the pond later this year as well as my niece gets married in Ct. Might hit a few of you cats up for a beer/paint as I cruise on though your neighbourhood.
  2. I think I've been through 18 different usernames since you checked in last. Is April O'Neil a porn star and did you lick her butt too?
  3. It's finished, not sure if many of the people involved even come here anymore.
  4. Oh and by the way, Dao, thanks for the negs and the history lesson on Hitler and Stalin. It really changed the way I think about this........... I also love that you continue to use the props system on a website that has only around 20 users left.
  5. Never really felt your letters but the flow is pretty awesome on that.
  6. I couldn't even pretend to understand the complexity of the issue in NYC but on the surface of it this targeting of the mayor seems a bit anomalous. From what I'm aware he just told his son to be careful dealing with police given his skin colour. I can see how police wouldn't be too happy about that as it's an indictment on their professionalism. However, I think it's a pretty big leap to then connect the executions to the mayor. Feels like a 'deny, counter-accuse' strategy or at least some level of scapegoating. Maybe there's something political involved as well. Either way, doesn't sit right based on the little that I know.
  7. That's ^^^^ a sugar glider. But what's the thing Mar posted?
  8. I think that's really good advice^^^ My job doesn't have a specific start or finish time so I can stay up late and get up as late as I want on most days. My habit is that I stay up later and sleep later each day until I get to the point where I go to bed up sun up and sleep until 2pm. To fix that I forced myself to get out of bed at 7am regardless of how much I've slept. That would force me in to bed earlier and earlier until my sleeping patterns normalised and I'd be asleep by midnight. I think they call it sleep discipline, or it's an element of discipline anyway.
  9. Yeah, I haven't seen much of it over here but what I have seen has not been encouraging. Ugly situation just keeps getting uglier. Feels weird not having DAO in here telling us all that all cops deserve it, blablablah
  10. Some of the images that came up when I searched Autonomous sensory meridian response
  11. Yeah, can't see how offing cops makes anything better. Can definitely see how it will make things worse though. Maybe if there were more guns in society things would be better though, right? Those cops should have been armed so they could properly defend themselves.
  12. Oh dude, google "wheat paste"
  13. Surprised it took so long to correct me on that. Bugged me every time I saw it.
  14. jesus, I am such an embarrassment sometimes. lol Head is killing me.
  15. if I can let my comparitevely sber self say, sorry, I was just rrefering to the fuck hole I was drinking in at the time. I'd since wised up and gong home but shut a sexy as fuck fat piece of cunt (sharp gilr, cool person, which made her sexy fat as fuck wouldn't walk for a week and I'm just talkin tongue( cause Im sorted and anit no one got shit. i caught the bus and it misses me. go fuck yourself.
  16. You need a fuckin weather vane? Maybe we all do.
  17. Sure, you carry it in there and press the button.
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