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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Stevie B. Frostilicus. Inspiring the kids.
  2. Some great pics there. I caught some today as well, will post later.
  3. yeah..., you're an idiot and people laugh at you. Even your username here reeks of cheese.
  4. Not sure what that seventh pic says but I'd like to see another pic of it with more fortuitous light angles.
  5. Yeah, connections and extensions are the logical step that comes naturally only after the letters have reached their limit. You can't force wildstyle, it comes from progresion and progression and can only happen when each stage of development has been properly satisfied. You can't fabricate complexity, it is it's own thing.
  6. Creatine is the only supplement I used that made a marked difference. I definitely gained a few percent of peak power when I was loaded. I think there was less DOMS as well but I can't be sure of that.
  7. Jesus, it's only the interuts and I've been here for 8 years myself. But I still feel at least a little humbled by the amount of 15 year-heads that are stepping in to the light. It's intriguing as to why but we have an innate drive to respect those who have gone before ourselves.
  8. I just want to keep all the arrows for myself, mwuhahahahaha!!
  9. I just think you're reaching too hard right now. You may not have to go back to straight letters but I reckon you gotta do a lot more simples. I think an easy red flag is the mass of arrows you have in your work. Nothing wrong with arrows per se but there really should be less focus on them as they are the most cliche element of graf. Some of the pics are neat, some are pretty messy with squiggly lines and bar widths that vary when they should not. It's clear that you understand flow but I don't think you're able to pull it off well enough for wild style. Do something less complicated (not necessarily straight letters but just with less shit all over the place) and focus completely on flow and balance. Try doing some pieces with no arrows or extensions whatsoever, focus on letter structure and tweaking that to give the letters style. Being able to manipulate pure letters to give all the style and flow you need is the hardest thing to achieve in graf and that's what will give you the best foundation to build on. Until you have that foundation you'll never get all the more superfluous stuff like extensions and add-ons. That's my perspective anyway, others may disagree. But then again, they're all hairy lesbian eco-terrorists.
  10. I'd do it again, to be honest. I always saw it as a long-term project and never thought books would have a two week turn around. People have lives and some, like myself, draw slowly.
  11. You don't want to know what we think. Do yourself a favour and go read/post in the toy thread. Don't take that as an insult, it's a learning phase we've all been through at one point and it's just one you need to go through as well.
  12. I'm back in to it. Never lost the tendonitis so I've gone with light/mid weight with high reps and super-strict form as well as using a wrist strap on my right hand. Prob look strange using a strap with light weights but fuck it, don't care, just happy to be back in to it.
  13. Some new kit up in CBR that I'll have to happy snap before it gets beefed out.
  14. Bottle of Baily's Biscotti. Wanted something sweet and deserty for a friday night cap after an afternoon of champers, beer and spicy wings. I got buyer's remorse instead.
  15. With all the old heads popping back in I'm waiting for Casek and Shai to surface. Might dial an email to Casek and see if I can get him to make a cameo appearance.
  16. Cogitasia - CSIS Librivox recordings of stuff like The Prince, The Republic, etc.
  17. I think I'm the only cat left on here who did this. I'll scan the book I have later but these are some of the numbers I did in other folks' books: GOGP BB by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Mao49 a day in the sun by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Mao49 Effervescence by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Black and White Mao 2 by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Blue Grey Mao by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Fashn sunset chrome by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Fashn grey blocks by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Mao Green 49 by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr No Bleeders by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Black and White Mao by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Stacks On! by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Stickers for bonus: Mao49 BB slaps by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr Mao49 BB slap 2 by Walid Jumblat's conviction, on Flickr
  18. Think I saw the paint thread still floating around. Would be a pity to have lost a resource like that.
  19. I own an apartment that I lease out. There is an old owner/occupier in the same block who thinks he's the local neighbourhood watch guy and hassles the fuck out of tenants if they park in the visitor's car spaces. I had to personally confront him and tell him what would happen if he accosted my tenant or put stickers on her car anymore (small, single mum just trying to get by). Apparently he accosted the wrong lady not two years back about the same issue, her two sons came over and put him in hospital for a week. This shit does happen and can be totally unrelated to race/religion.
  20. Ex-girl puts her car in for service, gets a call that she needs new brake pads - I'd replaced the pads myself not four months previous. I was near the shop and popped in and asked for a look. Rep takes me out and I said WTF, these pads still have most of their life left in them - he said, "well they were almost halfway worn so we thought you might want to change them". Get the car off the hoist, no, you're not getting a cent.
  21. lol, I watched some youtube grabs and kind of figured it wasn't our Dru Down, which was disappointing.
  22. For the uninitiated, what is this show and what was Dru's role on it?
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