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slowDown last won the day on October 26 2007

slowDown had the most liked content!


27 Good
  1. yep, clams have us all beat. deal.
  2. Just me and a bunch of robots. Am I seriously the only registered user on right now. Crazy.
  3. Damn man, is that Jay Cutler? That guy....well actually the entire Bears organization has made me hate football lately. It's not even fun to watch anymore.
  4. slowDown

    I'M DRY

    Bag Balm will get that sheen back real quick. Works good on deh feet. I throw some on with some socks before bed and I'm golden in the am.
  5. Well that was disappointing. Thought for sure after the last post that there would be some pictures of said illegal wife.
  6. She has a warrant out for her arrest now related to this... http://nypost.com/2016/09/07/green-partys-jill-stein-wanted-for-arrest-over-pipeline-protest/
  7. The thing that I really enjoy or enjoyed most about this forum was the sense of community. you didn't have to "follow" people or friend them to hear what they had to say. I think social media took away the vibe that we were generally all gravitating to in the first place, that being a place to come where we all had a common ground, which in this case was graffiti. Nowadays all you have to do is like, or friend one person and you get a ton of recommendations of what some algorithm thinks you might like. 12oz always seemed, and hopefully will continue to be, a destination for people of like mindedness.
  8. Oh man that Gene Wilder meme is wrong. Dude was a good guy....
  9. By Natalie Grover The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday banned some over-the-counter antibacterial hand and body wash products, saying they are no more effective than soap and water and could cause long-term harm. The move affects 2,100 products, or roughly 40 percent of the over-the-counter antibacterial soap market, Dr. Theresa Michele, director of the FDA’s division of nonprescription drug products, told reporters on a conference call. The ruling does not affect alcohol-based hand sanitizers or antibacterial products used in hospitals and clinics. The agency said it is banning products that contain any one of 19 ingredients that have not been proven safe. Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble Co and Colgate-Palmolive Co have said they have either reformulated or are reformulating their products to delete the most common of the 19 ingredients, including triclosan and triclocarban. FDA spokeswoman Andrea Fischer and Brian Sansoni, of the American Cleaning Institute, which represents multiple cleaning products companies, were unable to identify the products most affected by Friday’s ruling. The FDA had proposed banning the ingredients in 2013 unless companies could prove they were safe and effective, but was unsatisfied with the data. The ACI, whose members include Dial Corp., a unit of Germany’s Henkel, insists the products are effective. “Clearly this is an industry that needed a good, swift kick in the triclosan. It took far too long,” said Alex Formuzis, of Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit environmental research organization. Thomas DiPiazza, a spokesman for Colgate-Palmolive, said none of the company’s products in the continental United States are affected, although a “small quantity of our bar soap in Puerto Rico, where FDA rules also apply, is being reformulated.” Procter & Gamble spokeswoman Tressi Rose said it will replace “a few” products well in advance of the FDA’s deadline for removing or reformulating the products a year from now. The regulator also deferred by a year a ruling on three additional ingredients used in consumer wash products – benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride and chloroxylenol (PCMX) – to allow for the submission of new safety and effectiveness data for those ingredients. Consumer antibacterial washes containing those specific ingredients may be sold during this time, the FDA said. Manufacturers are conducting research to fill data gaps identified by the FDA, Sansoni said. Any thoughts on this? When I first saw this headline, I thought the removal of the many so-called antibacterial products on the market was going to encompass a much larger portion of the products that flood the shelves. After reading this article I'm not so convinced that is the case. And how much does this affect the resistance of bacteria anyway? I would think that the practice of administering "precautionary IV antibiotics" in the hospital would be the bigger culprit in building bacterial resistance.
  10. DAO and all his beef's. There was some funny moments to be had in there.
  11. A few years ago I decided to go back to school. Volunteer firefighting led me towards a real interest in medical trauma care. Fast forward 3 years. Back at school, old, but doing well(3.7 GPA). My advisor at my college is pushing me to apply to top nursing programs, UCLA, UC Irvine, etc. This past semester however, I took basic drawing as a requirement. My art instructor has said repeatedly that she does not understand why I am a nursing major and not an art major. I said because raising kids as an artist is rough, and I because I would like to keep the passion of doing what I love for me, and not for what is expected of me. Curious to know if anyone on here is pursuing their artistic skills as a means to support themselves and others. or if the real satisfaction is in creating for the sake of creating? :thumbsup::handpointdown::handpointup:
  12. slowDown


    Thanks for the feedback. Feeling pretty tempted right now. Have finals next week and all I want to do is fuck around and get wasted. I make these excuses in my head that I can take a night off of studying, and that the drinking will release some stress and make future study sessions more productive... Crazy how those thoughts come to be, because I know they are total bullshit.
  13. slowDown


    I used to like the feeling of being slightly out of control. Lately I find that I get bored about six or seven beers in, then I just want to eat some greasy food and go to bed. Even with this, I still feel the desire to drink everyday, but most days I just don't act on it. I think that is largely due to the fact that I just have so much going on that I can't afford to feel like shit the next day. Do you folks find that you still have this daily desire to drink, and does it ever go away?
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