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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. PS - You've lived in Germany how long and you're only now going to Berlin?
  2. At the very least don't put your feet on the seats. I got reamed by an old lady for doing it, then, after I apologized with a blank stare and she realized I didn't speak German, she proceeded to lay in to me in English. Berlin is fucking awesome.
  3. Wasn't that picture that you posted a real life toy in the 80's? Did just imagine this or have a glorious dream about it?
  4. So wait....why did he pull over a fucking ambulance?
  5. Reuben Kinkaid


    Does anyone know if a North American PS3 can be used in the UK? I've heard that games work but a NA PS3 won't play UK DVD's. I might be moving there so if anyone knows please fill me in.
  6. Me and Hydrogen Peroxide have been talking about making a trip to Portland this summer....
  7. Reuben Kinkaid


    I've heard very good things about this game.
  8. Flying RyanAir was the only time I have legitimately feared for my safety on a plane. Not only was everybody cramped in there like cattle, but I could tell we were approaching the runway way too fast....the plane fucking fishtailed for christ's sake. My friend works for Air Canada and has some real horror stories about the quality of pilots on some of these budget airlines. PS - TT Boy....see you in a few months.
  9. Wasn't Dahmer from Milwaukee? This place seems like a real shithole.
  10. God I miss home. See you all soon.
  11. People either love it or hate it. I think it's great.
  12. Those kids were pretty quick to step off. Doesn't anyone stand up for themselves anymore?
  13. Damnit O where's your love for your neighbours to the north?
  14. Well they play us next so that means they're out in a sweep!
  15. DragonForce is touring? I'm on it.
  16. I always wondered what it would be like if one of those cars got in an accident. Thank you for ruining the mystery.
  17. I am seriously considering blowing hundreds of dollars on a PS3 and new TV solely for this game. It better be worth it.
  18. Those Edward Furlong songs cannot be real. They are far too amazing.
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