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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/last-nights-episode-nailed-em--graffiti-punk/2766558620 Here's another link.
  2. ^^^ Squeaked through! Who do you support Filter?
  3. I would imagine something like this would be huge news up here. Since I haven't heard a single thing about this in over a week since it was posted, I'm just going to put it down as conspiracy theory commie propaganda.
  4. Yo 'Muffs where the hell are the Taco Bells in Vancouver? I haven't seen a single one here.
  5. Re: fuck your band. Who's the band?
  6. Looks like Philly got the next MLS expansion.
  7. Get him to do his chicken nuggets dance and he's a shoe in.
  8. Well if you're basing it on scoring a hat trick against Middlesbrough, sorry but my Mum could do that.
  9. So anyone care to disagree with me when I say Liverpool are pretty much the most disorganized, predicatble, and boring team in the EPL right now ?
  10. The only reason I'd watch this movie would be to see if they drank in the same places I did when I was there.
  11. This would be better if we'd quiz each other on geography because I'd school you all.
  12. So since you know what I actually do look like, you're saying I look like this guy? I'll take it.
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