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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. Wait 50 is a girl? In that case look me up when you get here...
  2. I'm missing some kind of backstory here...
  3. Take a trip through the downtown eastside and pretend you're in a zombie movie. Stop by Funky Winkerbeans for a pint of Lucky Lager to enjoy the real experience. The Cambie is right around the corner and is open late and decently priced beer, though expect to wait in line for an hour with a bunch of scene kids. As for other places to drink, the rugby club on Broadway sells $2 pints, and it's actually a really classy place. The Calling on Davie and Denman is open until 3ish. The Two Parrots on Granville is always fun, plus afterwards you can stroll down the chachiest street in the city and watch bar star douchebags fight each other while eating Numero Uno pizza. HP is our resident food connoisseur so go with him. Although definitely go to Kintaro on Denman for the best miso ramen you will ever have in your life. It's right on the edge of Stanley Park and would be perfect after the inevitable rain soaked walk you'll be doing. Oh and TT Boy's right about Budgies, I pretty much eat one every week at work. October is kind of a weird time to come. I'd have a lot more suggestions if it were summer...
  4. This screams of Russia...
  5. Happy Birthday madam. Might be heading down your way in August....
  6. I guess things are over with your girlfriend? PS - Come to Vancouver already. PPS - Happy Birthday.
  7. I'm about to go drink some Molson, get my face painted, steal a kid's ice cream, punch someone for not liking Don Cherry, and watch some fireworks on the beach to celebrate the birth of our lord, Sir John A. McDonald.
  8. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8461545182818927599
  9. It's actually all just a conspiracy so he can sell tickets for his new tour. I'm sure Major League Baseball is involved somehow...
  10. Re: street punks with cell phones? There's this group of them that always hangs out near my building and they're playing a fucking PSP all the time.
  11. RIP Michael. Moonwalking your way through the pearly gates. Always be the king.
  12. Is everybody who's suggesting moving to Calgary or Edmonton or anywhere in the prairies for that matter ever actually been there? That whole part of the country is a desolate arctic wasteland, boring as shit, and full of in-bred hicks (sorry, "cowboys"). The only places worth moving to are Vancouver and Montreal, Toronto is just like any other sprawling metropolis, at least those two have a uniqueness about them. It's not like Canada is some magical place that will save you from the recession, I'd take your money and move to California, at least it's warm there.
  13. Always one of my faves....RIP.
  14. I've been to Blackburn....not doing coke in clubs would be the least of your concerns.
  15. Speaking of heists, I just finished watching Heat. Fuck is that movie sweet.
  16. Drink Don Simone sangria on Barceloneta beach. Visit Gaudi's Sagrada Familia and Palau Guell at night, go to the Nou Camp. Get drunk on wine and wander the streets.
  17. bf you don't drink? Who got my beer cozies???
  18. Jobs are for chummmmmmmmmppppppppps.
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