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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. No way am I watching this. dogloveroner.
  2. I can just see you on one of those tours....
  3. I'm sure I've seen you in shorts. SURE OF IT.
  4. Californication Anybody else watch this show? I downloaded it and now I'm midway through the second season and I'm hooked. At first I thought it was kind of lame and David Duchovny just came off as some dude with a mid life crisis trying way too hard to be cool and hip and it kind of pissed me off how he banged all these chicks because it would never happen in real life. Well, I guess maybe it would in LA. But the copious amounts of boobs kept me intrigued, and he became less of a douchebag as it went on, and now I find it quite entertaining. Basically, the point is it's a good show.
  5. This dude looks mad trashy, And not in a cool way.
  6. HP stole that job from under me. True story.
  7. This thread makes me want to get really really high.
  9. FUCKING YES. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1223001/Great-White-Shark-bitten-nearly-half-BIGGER-monster.html
  10. Something about head shots really depresses me...
  11. David Cross is a hipster now?
  12. They just tell the guy to be a dick for the sake of it, I mean really how bad do you think the shit he throws in people's faces actually is? You're not going to learn anything, just go to the auditions, tell them you got raped when you were a kid or have a learning disability or have 4 dicks, something that will make you stand out, then get on the show, fuck the hot girls, go in to the kitchen drunk, throw a boiling hot roux in Ramsay's face and rep 12oz hard. For one episode.
  13. Mongolie Grill, Steamworks, Leeside. I'm curious who your guide was....
  14. Oh shit this is my favourite show/toy of all time! Spelled wrong because I'm an idiot.
  15. Looks like you had a pretty jam packed trip. Makes me miss home.
  16. I didn't post it because I think it's a big deal, I posted it because the media is making it one and I happened to know the guy and think it's quite funny. It's getting completely blown out of proportion. It's literally in every single newspaper here. Did you read that Sun article? It just shows how fucking infuriatingly shitty British newspapers are. "As he staggered around the city centre wearing trendy £100 Diesel jeans...." What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Yes, the guy pissed on a war memorial which is stupid beyond belief, but by all accounts he was so drunk he couldn't even stand up, it's not like he did it maliciously and on purpose. The guy's getting death threats now, having his address and phone number posted on the internet, he's probably going to get kicked out of university for this.
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