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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  2. Just one more example of how the English game is becoming less and less English by the day...
  3. What the hell World Cup qualifying has already started?
  4. I was just in Holland and this story was all over the news. Of course I had no idea what was going on since it was all in Dutch.
  5. Just went to Holland for a week to unwind. Might be coming to your neck of the woods again in the summer.
  6. PS - Hands up everyone who's NOT watching the Superbowl.
  7. ESPN Soccernet Sky Sports Planet Football
  8. Got to watch them lose tp PSV in a pub in Amsterdam the other day. They didn't look very good at all.
  9. So many hipsters... And where were you staying? It looks just like the view from my building.
  10. ^^^ Yeah I've seen those. That's actually the second season, the first one was all about the England firms. I can't stand the host though. And that pub was fun. It's a shame we can't go and watch England play this summer. That would have been fantastic,
  11. I just beat Arsenal 6-0 on Football Manager. Just thought I would share...
  12. Nice, sounds like your just your typical prick bouncer douchebag!
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the States host it every year don't they? Considering Mexico and Central America already have the facilities in place it would be strange for them to move it to somewhere that doesn't. But it would be great if it did come here. Especially with the success of the U-20's, we showed that there's definitely a demand for top competition. Speaking of, here's some pictures from the U-20's: Vancouver: Not the best seats in the house but fortunately all of the action was at our end. The first ones are from Zambia VS Jordan, for some reason I can't find the rest from Spain VS Uruguay... Victoria: So we get a call one day from my girlfriend's Aunt. It turns out her uncle was the main man in charge of the tournament in Victoria. So we got free tickets, great seats, nice swag, and some good matches to boot! Zambia VS Uruguay: CARDACCIOOOOOOOO! (Just signed for Lazio) Nigeria VS Japan: This entire roofed section was full of Nigerian supporters. They were dancing and singing and playing instruments for the entirety of both games, as well as afterwards. I don't think the people from Victoria had ever seen anything like them. Just thought I'd share. Maybe when I'm bored I'll post up some from the last World Cup.
  14. It's probably a giant marketing ploy. Celine Dion's going to burst out of the flames on a white tiger once a big enough crowd gathers.
  15. This is awesome. But he should have tried for the MTV Awards.
  16. ^^^ We need Pinup to shed some light on OM, what with being a PSG fan.
  17. Don't know if I'd be broadcasting that, myself. Even King Kev can't clean up that mess ;)
  18. ^^^ You need to get Setanta Sports. They show every game so you can pick and choose which one you want to watch. My dad has it and every time I go home all I do is watch football.
  19. Vancouver came close for '09. But there's a requiremnet now that expansion teams have to be able to build their own stadium. People here keep protesting the location of the planned one here, so they have to sort that out first. Vancouver would be a great place for an MLS team. We have probably the biggest ex-pat population in the country, and there are huge Croatian, Serbian, and Persian communities. Plus all of the South Americans that come here for school, and we all know the Japanese jump on every bandwagon they can. Seattle got the team for '09. That'll definitely be good for a few road trips.
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