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Reuben Kinkaid

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Everything posted by Reuben Kinkaid

  1. This is pretty much in every paper in the UK. The guy had to get a police escort home because of death threats.
  2. WE CRAZY UP HERE SON! WOOOOO! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2684084/Lout-urinates-on-war-memorial.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1220579/Carnage-Shame-drunken-student-caught-urinating-war-memorial-mass-pub-crawl.html Aaaaand a Facebook hate group thta's growing each minute: http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=phil+laing&init=quick#/group.php?gid=310354700106&ref=search&sid=651340383.3331333682..1 Peace out Phil. We had a good few weeks sitting next to each other in class.
  3. Just started watching it. Already hooked.
  4. It was after I masturbated furiously, obviously.
  5. That chick needs to clean her room...
  6. Damn you guys ate a lot of food.... And does Memphis have anything even remotely close to grizzly bears? They should change their name. I suggest the Memphis First 48's.
  7. I can never seem to go through with a mustache for more than one day. This website has inspired me. And your name fits this thread perfectly.
  8. Don't you live there? How long are you there for, I might just head down that way.
  9. What's that website that has every South Park episode on it?
  10. They're just looking for chocolate.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCsruomCCzs Ugh....
  12. There's some pretty smashable crack addicts in your hometown...
  13. Isn't it almost Winter Ale time? Nectar of the god's my friend....
  14. On closer inspection I see you're there for 3 days. What kind of crappy vacation is that?
  15. IE: Hipsters drinking Pabst and DJ's putting Itunes on shuffle. I don't know how long you're there for but Wineo's on Granville and Nelson sells $6 pitchers on Tuesdays. It's a pretty cool little joint and has a secret back room behind a bookshelf. I think it's cool anyway. ALSO, the Templeton for brunch. Or the Diner in Point Grey for an authentic full English! I don't know why I'm still giving suggestions I don't live there anymore...
  16. Yessirrrrr I left 3 weeks ago. When you coming to visit haha?
  17. Lynn Canyon has a pretty sweet suspension bridge too, and has good hiking trails. It's not as big as Capilano Bridge but it's free and not full of Japanese tourists. But don't go jumping in to the rapids like some drunk rebellious teen.....that shit will trap you and you'll die. Also if you're out that way Deep Cove is a sweet little town to drink in. Enjoy the locals gawking at you while you get beligerently drunk! Vancouver's on Google Maps street view now! It's like I can go back to pigeon park and scour the streets for heroin without all the hassle!
  18. Yeah I don't know where this $36 for 2 drinks was. Sure you weren't at fucking Vij's?
  20. All I know is that the Winter Olympics (which are only a fraction as popular as the actual Olympics) have put Vancouver in a massive amount of debt in the billions that they will porbably never pay off. It's become such a fucking hassle and logistical nightmare that people don't even want it anymore, Everyone I know is leaving for those 3 weeks and renting out their pads for extortionate amounts. If any of you want to come and visit me in the UK while they're on, you know where to find me.
  21. It is also kind of fucked up to think about how in some really abstract, twisted way, we could all be considered "friends". I mean, I could pretty much go to any major city in the world and there's someone on here that I could message and sleep on their couch and hang out with. I already have even. That's another fucked up thing to think about. /tehghey.
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