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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Re: This mattress is perfect for a white person... or a black person!
  2. Dude I lived with in Florida went and bought one of those tactical SWAT shotguns on credit because this dude up the street sold crack. Every time a dog barked he'd run outside with the shotgun looking for somebody to shoot at. Shit was hilarious.
  3. And when they got there her older brothers forced him at gunpoint to give up all his money to them before they shot him and left him for dead in an alley.
  4. Also with the folding project, clients are available for the Playstation 3, MacOS X, Linux, etc... If you run a Playstation 3 on it you're actually doing more for the project than somebody with a PC as Playstation 3s have an insanely good processor.
  5. Fuck cancer. Scientists are working around the clock on drug delivery methods and medicines so people don't have to endure the pain of chemo. Everyone should consider donating their spare computer cycles to run one of the distributed computing projects looking to find cures. They can use both CPU time and time on your video card (if you have a new one, it's actually a lot faster than the CPU for this kind of thing). The Folding@Home Project -You can help by simply running a piece of software. Folding@home is a distributed computing project -- people from throughout the world download and run software to band together to make one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Every computer takes the project closer to our goals. Folding@home uses novel computational methods coupled to distributed computing, to simulate problems millions of times more challenging than previously achieved. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Community_Grid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta@home My main computers are currently not on the net, but in about 2 months I'll have a Quad Core 2.4Ghz, a fast GPU, and a 1.8Ghz athlon running folding. Would anyone be interested in starting a 12oz team for one of these projects?
  6. Re: TRANSFORMERS 2 Damn... That looks better than the first one... the first one let me down a little but this looks pure badass.
  7. Man, veritably clean's signature is on some kind of crazy shit on Firefox 3.0.10 under Vista, it changes to something else every time I look at it too. Look at this:
  9. I ride a bike (or usually walk) everywhere, and take public transport when I need to. I've caught shit for "polluting" when I was smoking a cigarette outside before and nearly punched somebody in the face. I'm not polluting shit other than my own black little lungs. This computer I'm typing on created more pollution during its production than I will smoking in an entire lifetime, complain at me for that. People also seem to forget that before we moved in everywhere, massive forest fires were pretty much rampant during dry seasons and helped to regenerate forests and cull populations of animals... now we either put them out or there just isn't a large enough section of forest left for it to matter. Those fires probably used to put out just as much crap into the atmosphere as the factories of today, I'm almost convinced that the green movement is a way to get people to send recyclables back to factories for free and save manufacturing industries the money of having to sift through the landfills and do it themselves...
  10. Any time I feel like I'm on the internet too much I go to 4chan for an hour then feel so bad that I don't go near the internet for a week.
  11. Doug Stanhope trolling people on AIM as a Abortions4Free, a free abortion service he advertised online. pologurlcm: hey i want to have aboration Abortions4Free: I will need your name (first only), age, city state and length of gestation. pologurlcm: kindra 16 bronxs ny 2 weeks pologurlcm: hello i need help Abortions4Free: hELLO. pologurlcm: what Abortions4Free: Sorry, we were backed up. pologurlcm: o0o Abortions4Free: How do you know that you are pregnant? pologurlcm: cuz i took a pregancy test Abortions4Free: Home test? pologurlcm: yea Abortions4Free: What brand? pologurlcm: and i am feeling so sick in the morning pologurlcm: ept Abortions4Free: First of all, you shouldnt be having sex at 16. Abortions4Free: I am assuming you are not white. pologurlcm: yea i know pologurlcm: and no i am dominican whats that have to do with it Abortions4Free: Because the muddier races have the children at a younger age. pologurlcm: well i thought u were gonna help me Abortions4Free: Oh, we will. pologurlcm: but then dont be saying things like that to me Abortions4Free: In fact, the fact that you are what is deemed a "dirty" race, we will actually give you a cash bonus to abort your child. pologurlcm: how much are we talking Abortions4Free: It depends on your income level. Abortions4Free: Are you currently employed? pologurlcm: no pologurlcm: i am 16 dumb ass Abortions4Free: Do you sell drugs or prostitute? pologurlcm: no Abortions4Free: Have you contracted any social diseases? pologurlcm: no i havent Abortions4Free: (miracle) pologurlcm: um ok Abortions4Free: Do you live with your parents? pologurlcm: yes Abortions4Free: Are they aware of your condition? pologurlcm: but i am living with my b/f right now pologurlcm: andyea that y ai am not with them right know pologurlcm: now Abortions4Free: Do you know who the father is? pologurlcm: yea i am living with Q Abortions4Free: Q? Abortions4Free: Ya, he sounds like parent material. pologurlcm: its a nickmane pologurlcm: name Abortions4Free: Have you considered having the baby and leaving it in a trash can? pologurlcm: HELL NO Abortions4Free: Or tossing it out a cab window? pologurlcm: WHAT KIND OF HELP ARE U Abortions4Free: I have to ask these questions by law. pologurlcm: WELL THATS FUCKED UP Abortions4Free: Please be patient. Its regulations. pologurlcm: OK Abortions4Free: What position was the baby concieved in? pologurlcm: THATS IS NOT A QUESTION I AM GOING TO ANSWER Abortions4Free: I will put down "Doggie". Abortions4Free: Are you on welfare right now? pologurlcm: no and u cant conceave a babe doggie style even i as being dominican know that stuipd Abortions4Free: Ma'am? pologurlcm: no i am not on wefere Abortions4Free: I see. Abortions4Free: Have you had any schooling? pologurlcm: yea pologurlcm: i am stil in school pologurlcm: still* pologurlcm: what does this have to do with gettin help Abortions4Free: Its just paperwork we are required to do. pologurlcm: ok well what else do u need to know Abortions4Free: Have you tried jumping off the couch and landing belly-down on a lamp as a for early termination? Abortions4Free: form* pologurlcm: hell no Abortions4Free: Have you had Q try pounding you gut-wise with the back of a shovel? pologurlcm: and u know what i decided to just keep my baby cuz i am not gonna KILL my baby our give it up to u and i am going to the police and asking them if this is legal questions or discriminnatin pologurlcm: what kind of freak are u Abortions4Free: Ma'am they will simply refer you back to us. Abortions4Free: I can send you the forms that the gov't makes us fill out if it makes you feel more comfortable. pologurlcm: no u are not having my address pologurlcm: but what kind of question are these try shoving a shovel up u thats just sick and fucking RUDE Abortions4Free: Well will have have to meet you somewhere to perform the service. Abortions4Free: Because of certain legal issues and liscencing deviations, we have no actual location. pologurlcm: no i am keeping my BABY what part dont u understand pologurlcm: SEE WHAT U HAVE SAID TO ME I AM READY TO HAVE A BABY AND I HOPE U DONT HAVE ANYKIDS Abortions4Free: It is not for me to decide, but honestly, what good is that child going to do in this world? pologurlcm: HAVING PARENTS LIKE ME A Q AND HOPING THAT NO KID HAS TO GROW UP WITH A PERVERTIVE PERSON LIKE U Abortions4Free: Pervertive? pologurlcm: NASTY BETTER pologurlcm: IT THAT BETTER Abortions4Free: I am simply trying to show you that a dead baby is a good baby. Abortions4Free: Or I should say "dead fetus". pologurlcm: WELL I WISHED SOME WOULD HAVE KILLED U AS A BABY ELLEN Abortions4Free: There is no need for aggression, ma'am. pologurlcm: HELLO U SICK FUCK pologurlcm: YEA THERE IS WHEN U CALL MY BABY BETTER WHEN ITS DEAD pologurlcm: THATS MY KIDU R TALKNG ABOUT pologurlcm: DONT U GET IT MINE NOT URS pologurlcm: AND I LIED I AM 8 MONTHS ALONG pologurlcm: AND MY BABY IS A LIL GIRL pologurlcm: HER NAME IS CHRISTINE pologurlcm: U THERE Abortions4Free: I'm sure she will grow up to be a burden on society. I hope she gets lymphoma. pologurlcm: Y WOULD U HOPE THAT ON ANYKID pologurlcm: I KNOW U ARE A BITCH BUT I DIDNT KNOW IT WAZ THIS BAD Abortions4Free: We, as an orginization, support and advocate cancer for children. Abortions4Free: As a cleansing for Mother Earth. pologurlcm: GOOD THING CHRISITNE WONT GROW UP WITH PPL LIKE U pologurlcm: YO THIS IS Q WHOS THIS pologurlcm: HELLO pologurlcm: THIS IS DA BABYS DADDY Abortions4Free: This is Ted Simmons the manager. Abortions4Free: How may I help you? Abortions4Free: Are you the child rapsit who impregnated a 16 year old girl? pologurlcm: YO I AM 16 TO pologurlcm: NIGGA pologurlcm: HELLO pologurlcm: DO U HAVE A # WERE WE COULD REACH U AT Abortions4Free: Have a good day. And we hope your baby dies in your arms with a shunt in its head. pologurlcm: YO FUCK U SON I AM GONNA FIND OUT WHO U ARE AND REPORT U TO THE POLICE AND THN KILL UR WHITE FUCKIN ASS Abortions4Free: Report me if you like but it wont help when cancer creeps up your babies spine.
  12. Tonight: Going to bed soon. Tomorrow: Photography all day, probably seeing DJ Dara at night Sunday: Getting some financial aid bullshit taken care of for school. Exciting.
  13. So... did it Tilt the machine?
  14. This nigga asked the apple store if they had the macbook for dummies
  15. This nigga got a macbook and returned it to the store talkin "Where all the pages at, I only got the cover?"
  16. I can't say it around black people because they are irrational and violent and would injure me. Unless I'm standing across a river or stream from them, then I'd be safe since those people can't cross running water.
  17. I'm mildly amazed that anyone gives a flying fuck what other people are wearing.
  18. Kentucky Fried Movie accurately portrayed the results of this situation back in the 70s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7S5BP-tvR8
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