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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Re: 17 year old girl arrested for swearing on 9 1 1 http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129162 http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129162 http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129162
  2. Just keep in mind what the economy is like right now before you quit, but if I were in your shoes I probably wouldn't stay there. I'm happier broke than working at a job I hate.
  3. CLAM CHOWDA it costs too much these days though, I'm not spending $2.50 on a can of pre-made soup that doesn't fill me up.
  4. I bet this is the first time Spitfire got banned in Europe.
  5. Yeah, I have to run that site in IE because I've got firefox adblocked and flash isn't installed in it, and it definitely pops up names.
  6. Dear lord that is epic. Leave it to people to try to sue him over their own mistakes.
  7. You gotta understand though... I grew up around white dudes like that... the majority of them won't get violent with anybody unless you fuck with them, and half the ones who act so racist and wear swastikas and shit could give a fuck less about black dudes or anybody else... it's like they never grew out of the teenage phase of trying to piss off their parents so now they're trying to be as outwardly offensive as possible to everybody. That's what MERO was talking about, those big bikers and skinhead dudes aren't going to fuck with you unless they have a 10 to 1 advantage because most of them are scared shitless of black people just like half the other white people in the country.
  8. Search engine mothafucka http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129156
  9. My high school was so hardcore that I wore a JNCO shirt one day and got sent home for repping the latin kings at school. And I'm white. I wish I was joking about that.
  10. I've always wondered exactly who the fuck watched these kind of shows and why they were still on the air. Now I know. The people in this thread do.
  11. Taking vacation pictures with iPhone when a real digital camera costs $79.00 = FAIL.
  12. I came up with a mathematical proof that the product of all non-zero real numbers is 1 last night.
  13. Yeah, I didn't design those two, just picked glass, cut, and foiled/soldered them... Our boss did the patterns and gave inputs on the colors ... she mostly got stuck with church work but a dude from the Philippines wanted those for his house, so we actually got something cool to do for once. My only design out of that batch is the snake eating its tail in the middle, I only got to use scrap glass for my own projects and didn't have much time or space to work on them with all the complicated stuff like the ones on top coming in.
  14. Those are dope, that morgue render... I don't think I could have told that was a render if it wasn't labeled. I'm using 3D Studio Max 2010 and rendering everything in Mental Ray... except that material test object which was Maxwell render... I've just been doing this for fun since I was in high school and the first version of Max came out. Probably going to install Houdini tonight and see if I can figure anything out, I tried it a long time ago and it seemed ridiculously complicated.
  15. I agree, I'm going to get a photo mag together on this thing soon.
  16. Smaller varieties of birdshot will just bounce off your skull or won't penetrate far enough. People need to learn a lesson from this and remember to use buckshot or slugs when they shoot themselves in the face.
  17. I didn't even know he had anything out since Slim Shady / Marshall Mathers and I somehow feel glad about that.
  18. Also it's kind of messed up that their names show when you roll the mouse over, I didn't notice that until just now. Also, this:
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