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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. I know what they are, but watson saved me the trouble of explaining why I said that.
  2. I think this next paragraph is talking about poesia: Alright. Now. Let’s take another one. Let’s take another one. PC says, this is also an actual. On the auditors report it reads, “What do you do to make others wrong” PC says he doesn’t do anything. F/ N. But the PC, an hour or two later, and the following day, was found to be fantastically upset. Really fabulously upset. After an auditing session the PC is upset. What the devil is this? He’s supposed to run his service facsimile, supposed to have gotten a bunch of F/ Ns. What’s he doing all upset? L.Ron mad because they stylin on him.
  3. ... continued from later in the document: Now there are certain things that get wrong with cases. There and so forth, auditing him with Dianetic audible commands, „Dowt mmemblemm mmand, wmm dsmtm thmmm wmmmbl. Mmmwm fwwm mm cmm. Amm jmmmm…“ Yea, for Chris’ sakes! Didn’t you ever hear of telepathy? We do it all telepathically. Jzzztl Bump. Toot zee! Zzzzmmmmnl Phew! (Laughs) And as far as 7 is concerned, and 8, all the materials of 7 and 8 are sitting there, I haven’t written them up. There’s no reason to write up 7 and 8 without standard tech in up to 6. And, the other thing is I’m so far into 8 that 7 has gotten awfully dim. I’m just being lazy. And besides this, people haven’t been nice to me lately. They haven’t been nice to me. They here and there, here and there, why, there have been non—compliance’s with standard technology, and although people say, „Yes, we’re doing just as you said“, and so forth, the review folders don’t follow. So, I, I think I won’t release 7 until auditing is standard through the world. Actually 7 is one of these little jolly old go—carts. 3 goes zig and 7 goes zag. And if a guy can’t audit at 7 he may as well quit. And you can talk all you want to about uh, the guys start getting into trouble, do you understand? They start getting into plenty, plenty, plenty, of trouble, if they can’t audit well at 3. Well, if they can’t audit well at 3, boy they’re going to go down for the third count if they can’t audit well at 7. ‘Cause 7 is much tougher to audit than 3, merely because it’s just more or less straight auditing job, but it’s got zig zags in it. You have to know your business. And as far as 8 is concerned, well 8 is very airy—fairy, and uh, well I’ll give you some kind of a notion of it. The lower grades are dominant C, communication. They’re dominant C. Somewhere in the vicinity of Power, one passes into the band of R. And R runs on up to, pretty close I suppose, I haven’t made a graph of it, but somewhere around 3. And then from 3 on up it is pure A. That is the dominant. It’s affinity that runs on up from there. And when you get up into 8, why the three start to harmonic, one after the other. You get R and you get A and so on. Your dominant stress.
  4. https://secure.wikileaks.org/wiki/Scientology Read it and prepare to say WAT AN INTRODUCTION TO STANDARD TECH A lecture given on 24 September 1968 Thank you very much. Thank you. I wish to announce the opening of the Class VIII course. Now, you’re the lucky ones, actually. And I’m very happy to see you well turned out. I’m sorry the stage isn’t high enough; a bit higher, so that I could see all of your faces. I like to look through an audience and see the misunderstoods. This is a very… this is a very stellar day, actually, in Scientology. And all of these years have piled up and have made the thing called Standard Tech. Now to celebrate this, we have certain congratulations here. Here is one from the… all the staff at WW, Ron, Class VIII Students. Dear Ron, Sir. Our congratulations and best wishes for the universes’ first Class VIII course. Your gift of tech and now most wonderful of all, standard tech, cannot be measured in terms of mans’ freedom and sanity. The students you are training will bring back a priceless commodity. Our thanks to all who made it possible, and to the students, but most of all thank you Ron. From Roger and all staff of your Office of LRH, WW. And this next one. Here’s our very best wishes and congratulations on the first Level VIII course. You’ve done it again. Much love, from LRH Comm, London, Executive Council London, and all staff from London. Our love, good wishes and abundance’s of Class VIII auditors for the world. The commanding officer of the Pubs Org and all staff. And here’s one from, relayed, from Cape Town. Dear Ron, congratulations on first Class VIII course. All the best. Love, E. C. Cape Town and LRH Comm Cape Town. Now, what is Class VIII? Why Class VIII? Well, I wish to welcome you all here to a series of revelations. A series of very, very interesting revelations known as Standard Tech. You are about to get wins. And about to guide through wins that you have never heard of before. Technology was actually not summated until 1966. Individuals follow what is called the hidden data line, mostly. Um… Didn’t get a laugh. You don’t even know what it is. But a student on the Saint Sill Briefing Course is given all the research materials, now of eighteen years, so that he’ll have a good background and a good rounding out on which he can operate. and then he goes into power and his lessons in simplicity begin to occur. Only an expert can be simple. A one—ace trained individual, „Uh, no, ah, ah, where— where’s the tone arm?“ Much less where’s the PC? „I, I, it looks awfully blank, and uh I think that blankness,… and see, I think blankness, I don’t remember calling anything… I’d better develop some technology. Let’s see. I’ve got a new process now. ‘Who’s blank? ’ Yeah, that ought to crack his case, yeah. ‘Who’s blank? ’“ They don’t even know there’s any technology there, boy. In other words it takes a total expert to be totally simple. And you just gonna be surprised studying this Class VIII course to find out how totally expert you have to be to be totally simple. It is a fantastic revolution. It’s a revolution, it’s a revelation. And then there’s this other thing called a hidden data line. This thing called a hidden data line is one of the most fascinating things I ever heard of. Now, Captain Joe Von Stodden, Captain of the Flag Ship, has given some thought to this as an old, old, old time auditor, as well as a very good captain. He sort of racked this around for a while, and he finally found out how a hidden data line occurs. Or how a hidden command line occurs. And I’ll just read his dispatch in full here as I received it this morning. It’s very, very good. „Regarding the subject of a hidden data line, I have observed the basis of the hidden data line, and it is simply this: The hidden command line. This is the only way command intentions can get alter—ised apart from outright non—compliance, which I feel, if looked at closely, is also due to a hidden command line. „For example, a level 3 auditor does a green form without an E—meter. A level 6 asks him, „What the hell are you doing?“ And the level 3 auditor says, „I have just come back from the AO and they do it like that.“ And the level 3 auditor gives a big explanation of why it goes that way. And the level 6 auditor pursues the issue and finds other auditors from AO doing a green form this way, and therefore it must be OK. So the level 6 auditor starts doing a green form in this way. This is an extreme example, but the point is the level 6 started backing off when the AO was mentioned. „The higher up the command line, the level 6 wouldn’t have just taken it from the level 3, but the 3, being just… having just had close contact with a body higher on a command line than the 6, starts off the level 6’s doubt. And the higher on a command line the power is drawn from, the wider area the alter—is covers. Like it seems someone figured this out and just put god there. You know, somebody just heard from god, so that’s the right thing to do. „Religion is a pretty good example of a hidden command line. There is policy on ‘If it’s not written it’s not true’, and ‘The only standard tech is found in HCOBs, tapes and books’, yet tech gets alter—ised in Orgs, and the form of the Org is difficult at times to keep. I conclude from this that command lines are misused and not understood always.“ The Class VIII course is handling the tech line, and I really feel will get the data line in from source, and kept in by Sea Org Class VIIIs doing a patrol of tech. To handle the design won’t it be a good idea to run the Org Exec course based on some principles, the same principles as the Class VIII auditors course here? To put in the command lines with a thud, then, we will be able to turn out cracker jack auditors and a cracker jack to back them up would be a great help. So it undoubtedly occurs organizationally as well as technically. And those are very, very important considerations. The laws of listing. They were all on tape, they were in bulletins. And somebody has removed both tapes and bulletins from the training line of the Class VI course. Now, do you realize that the morale of an organization is proportional to the accuracy of the technology? If they haven’t the accurate technology that works, works, works, I will tell you what. Their morale goes to pieces because they haven’t got anything left to work for. Now I don’t mean to appear violent. But when you have talked your lungs out hour after hour, day after day to drive one point home and it doesn’t drive, and it evaporates, it demonstrates that the subject can be wrecked by deleting from the subject line a piece of key data. As well as somebody who just came in saying, „The advanced. That’s the way they’re doing it at the advanced. They run the PC standing on his head and the E—meter plugged into the light socket.“
  5. Yeah DAO, I dunno which version of Photoshop you have... in CS3 the animation toolbox is under the "Window" menu. If you have CS1 it probably came with ImageReady which can crank out animated gifs in no time flat. Do it. I want to see.
  6. I can attest to this. When I was 13 we went to my grandma's for Christmas and when we came back my parents realized they had forgotten all the keys... so we stood there for a minute and I finally asked if they wanted me to kick it in. Knocked the frame out in one kick, the door was a solid hardwood deal but the frame gave quick. If my skinny 13 year old ass could do it I'm pretty sure anybody can.
  7. The thing is if Jerome from the block had been doing it nobody would have noticed, I'm sure this shit happens all the time out in the country too, rednecks fighting dogs, roosters, whatever they can. He's still a fuckface, but maybe there's just the slightest chance that he had some time to think in jail and realized how fucked up what he's doing was. That or he knows he can get dogs fast at PETA.
  8. Re: 17 year old girl arrested for swearing on 9 1 1 God explodes.
  9. The technical definition for me would actually be "poly-drug abuser"
  10. Yeah, they make a 70mm f2.4 which is almost as small... Seems like it would be a great lens for candid street photography as nobody would possibly think that thing had any kind of reach to it. http://www.photozone.de/pentax/127-pentax-smc-da-70mm-f24-limited-review--test-report
  11. Re: 17 year old girl arrested for swearing on 9 1 1 I'll help you get to Canada afterwards. They're not aware of what murder is there, you'd be safe.
  12. I'm jealous, everybody is getting nice lenses in here lately. I still want one of these: Was supposed to get it earlier this year but money didn't pan out.
  13. GnomeToys


    Untitled took a bigger hit than Ch 0 and the discussion forums did in the crash... It's easier to get a bunch of new threads going about tightpants wearing faggots and jailbait sluts than it is to resurrect a bunch of slow-growing art threads. The traffic was already low in Untitled but now I never see anybody there except the 3-4 threads on top right now.
  14. From the Leland Hotel in Detroit (still open, partially abandoned):
  15. Fun, isn't it? I think it would be fun to get everybody in channel 0 that can do that to save up their props for a day and go to the yard and give everybody a tampon who doesn't already have one. I already do this every time I'm there but on person can only do so much.
  16. I accidentally the 8 points.
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