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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Shit, you had shoes? Our family didn't even have shoes, my older brother walked to school with me tied to one foot and my sister to the other, we were calloused as fuck til the twins were born and we got to wear them.
  2. DAO if you need it PM me, I've got 7 or 8 PDFs of Photoshop CS3 books in my collection that I can put on rapidshit for you.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_people White people is a term which usually refers to human beings characterized, at least in part, by the light pigmentation of their skin. It often refers narrowly to people claiming ancestry exclusively from Europe.[1][2] A broadly corresponding and sometimes synonymous concept is the Caucasian race.[3] Caucasoid people from the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Central, and South Asia , are therefore also sometimes considered "White" and related to European people.[3][4]
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people The term black people usually refers to a racial group of humans with a dark brown skin color, but it has also been used to categorise a number of diverse populations into one common group. Some definitions of the term include only people of relatively recent Sub Saharan African descent (see African diaspora). Among the members of this group, dark skin color is typically accompanied by the expression of natural afro-hair texture. Other definitions of the term Black extend to any of the populations characterized by dark skin color, a definition that also includes certain populations in Oceania, Southeast Asia[1][2], and the southern Middle East[3].
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD That kid is so lucky that tub wasn't full of blood at the end of that one.
  6. I worked at a professional recording studio for a while (unpaid intern, thought it would be cool to learn) and they were running a Protools rig on custom PC hardware. At that level it doesn't matter at all if a PC or Mac is being used as long as proper sound hardware is installed. http://www.digidesign.com/index.cfm?langid=100&navid=62&itemid=34329 The reputation Macs have for being important for pro audio / video dates waaaaay back to the early 90s and simply hasn't been true for a very long time. If they get used in those industries more often it is only out of tradition and preference of the users rather than any kind of real performance advantage.
  7. GnomeToys


    I wear a bandanna on my dick instead of a condom, saves a lot of money and I hear it stops AIDS just as good.
  8. I negapropped you once or twice, but only because I'm kind of fascinated by that many red tic tacs and want to see how many you can get. Nothing against the actual posts.
  9. Yeah I thought the stereotype was that mexicans were tired all the time, not lazy. Lazy wouldn't make sense, mexican dudes come to the US and work their asses off for shit pay. The tired thing I think comes from the siesta tradition in lots of central / south american countries.
  10. Must have farmed public records from different states... although I wouldn't be shocked if some bored cops created this as a side project to make some extra cash. My state doesn't put mugshots online so I'm not too hopeful of finding myself on there.
  11. Man I suck at this, only 14%... and I'm only getting the pot related ones right. Anybody getting all women for the battery or assault ones?
  12. I think blumpkin is a good adjective to describe small towns though, I'm definitely going to start using that shit.
  13. I dunno, I never really cared much for or celebrated this holiday. In college it always fell right in the middle of finals week and since then... meh.
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