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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. GnomeToys


    I also recommend that if you're seriously thinking about this, figure out the schools you're going to apply at and go to http://www.fafsa.gov and fill out the 2009-2010 application with the codes of the schools you're applying at right now. The earlier you apply for it the more grant money you can get.
  2. GnomeToys


    I don't know how old you are, but if it's over 23 you can get massive assloads of grant money from state and federal. If you go to a state university they'll basically pay for everything... If you want to go to one in a different state, go move there for a year or whatever it takes to get residency. The amount of money you can get is based on your previous year's reported income, higher than 10,000 and they start expecting you to pay for part of it. If you end up needing to take out loans, the federal subsidized loans don't collect interest / and you don't have to pay on them until you're out of school, and the interest rates are really low. I basically get enough money to pay all my rent / utilities and eat decently for the year, plus pay tuition and buy books. I usually get a part time job and try to make under their cutoff just to have money for toys, although when I go back this time it will be as a full time student. Choose your degree wisely... an economics degree isn't worth two shits from most schools, but it can be turned into other things at the graduate level (my sister's about to graduate with an International Business Law degree and is already hired to a firm for $180,000 a year, she did Econ and a couple other things for the bachelors). Science degrees can provide nicely paying jobs depending on the field as long as you're up for all the math... and can stand being in classes with clueless 18 year olds for the first year or two.
  3. We'll call it the "Alan Parson's Project"
  4. I don't really care about Spitfire but I can attest to the fact that the cops in Florida completely ignore anything white people do. I didn't see a single white person pulled over for anything the whole time I was there... and my friends dragged me to some college party once and we're standing around talking to these people who had a 4 foot bong on the table outside and a keg of beer, living in the dorms, and the cops drove by and said Hi to us and asked if we were having a good night.
  5. Ironically, the first time I saw this thread, I was listening to "The Wall" by Pink Floyd, but in my hurry to post the dancengraff graphics I forgot to mention it.
  6. I can just see the NY Times article: Bronx Man Smokes Wet, Kills Swine Flu
  7. Another option for the flash: Metz Mecablitz CT60-1 Mecablitz CT60-4 I have the 60-4. These were $800 flashes back in the 90s, but the TTL on them doesn't work with modern cameras so people don't use them much and they go cheap on eBay, but they have all kinds of manual settings and also meter very well on their own if you dial in the ISO and Aperature from your camera on the unit. They are insanely bright, guide number is something like 930 feet at ISO 1600. I was shooting some DJs last weekend in an outdoor pavilion with a 60 foot roof and was able to use bounce flash off the roof for lighting at ISO 800 without any problems. At more normal speeds, they'll flash at up to 5 frames per second.
  8. *You're ... and that only applies to people who work.
  9. I tried to make goatse with it but there just wasn't enough room.
  10. That was a concept design when I was on the phone with this girl and we were trying to think of the gayest thing in existence. If anybody can think of anything that will make it gayer (I'm not gonna spend my time modeling dudes fucking, but anything else) shoot me the idea and I'll add it to the scene.
  11. I'm gonna start writing COPE 2.2360679774997896964091736687313, because that's the square root of the 5th element of hip hop. Motherfucker. And I'll paint more arrows than every other writer in the world combined on each piece. I'm gonna paint the motherfucking arrows on a giant steel arrow I haul in by crane and weld to the building. I'm that fucking serious. Graff 'n Dance 4ever.
  12. Visit mexico, it's a great vacation spot they said.
  13. That one that Tuff posted is such a waste of a Friedrich Condenser and a bunch of nice ground glass lab equipment it makes me want to cry. Also, light bulbs work better for vaporizing weed when they're directly under it and turned on. After you scrape the shit out of them they're better for DMT but I don't know anything about that.
  14. ^^^ I just realized that's the next U MAD image.
  15. I went to high school with this dude and he's pretty fucking funny (and was then) so here you go... dude started calling himself Nubs before anybody even got a chance to crack a joke and he ripped on everybody. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whgd8cXfWnw
  16. Can somebody airbrush my 3D design for me?
  17. Re: hi There's like 5 threads about this. I started one before the crash, then DAO started one, then Rap Letters did, there's one in feedback, somebody else had one going in here, one's locked... etc. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=128941 http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129019
  18. Don't worry, you won't get it from food. You do have Hep C now though.
  19. Hahaha holy fuck that's great.
  20. interior crocodile alligator i drive a chevrolet movie theater
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