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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. As far as I know negaprops are proportional to the amount of props the person giving them has... so if he negaprops you almost nothing happens. For a fun test of this, wait until you have around 2,100 e-peen and then go over to The Yard and negaprop somebody who started a stupid thread and they'll turn red instantly.
  2. He accidentally the whole tampon.
  3. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  4. This kid is gonna regret this shit for the rest of his life. I mean, me and my friends used to make stupid videos and tapes while we were in middle school, but thankfully that shit doesn't exist anymore so I don't have to see what an awkward douche I looked like. Youtube is fucking ruining everybody.
  5. Some of the chicks from the thick girls thread could slide a magnum over this dude and use him as a dildo.
  6. Yeah, he was all like, "oh, this ain't so bad" then that one hit and he was all "FFFFFFUUUUUUU-"
  7. this nigga installed the bonzai buddy with kazaa so he could download a pirated copy of Windows ME
  8. I guess we haven't had a media-hyped flu epidemic that ends up killing a few sickly 90 year olds and people in countries with poor health care in a while, so this is right on schedule.
  9. Handsome Boy Modeling School ass nigga
  10. I ate McDonald's today and almost retched afterward. End of story.
  11. I've done some reading and the dehydration caused by the flu can apparently cause a temporary decrease in kidney function, so I wouldn't get too worried about that part of it. Get well soon.
  12. I'd link you to the DAO vs. ASS internet fight of the century where ASS claimed to have posted on cop forums with links to DAO's personal information and warning of his joy over cop killings, but that thread got deleted so you'll have to do with this run-on sentence to summarize it rather than read through 20 pages of bullshit and trolling.
  13. Gay raver kids shoving ecstasy up their ass has now reached the mainstream in the form of this. Pretty fucking stupid, but my question is: What are the gay raver kids going to do next to top shoving drugs up their ass?
  14. friendster using ass webcrawler.com using ass Prodigy Internet ass nigga
  15. We used to have these all over our house (mainly in windows in the fall) when I was a little kid. They were pretty harmless... didn't bite, they don't get in your food or anything, they were just kind of there. Then those got taken over by those weird asian ladybug lookalike things that do bite sometimes, but there aren't as many of them and they're all localized in the attic.
  16. I'm guessing that the "edited by" attribute of the post is contained in a different table than the posts that were lost, probably specifically referencing the post number. Since the posts were deleted, the main post database is probably reusing old post numbers, cross referencing them to the "edited by" table, and coming up with bizarre erroneous matches from last year's edits... Which means there's a year or so left before the problem resolves itself unless someone fixes it by clearing / editing the old "edited by" list which is essentially corrupt past the date of the last saved post from the crash. Then again, they might store it in the user information, forum software usually contains all kinds of levels of gayness retained from the early versions and it's hard to say how they would have programmed it. ... but apparently new edits are being added correctly. I wonder what happens if you try to edit a post that's showing the edited by message?
  17. still life flagship store. WUT I know you guys have important shit to fix but the video of this guy autoplaying in every therad is getting kind of scary, and the volume settings on him won't stick so I have to intercept and pause it every time to keep listening to music... Soundblockin ass my name is Frenel ass video ass nigga.
  18. Random selection of new and old: For a friend's wedding invites: Serious rapper is serious: DOF stitched:
  19. I'm not gonna lie, I was scurred for a minute. At least they got it fixed as much as they did. Kind of interesting now, I've got 1200 something posts all during the period that got knocked out, so 1200 posts and 7 or so actually exist? GHOST POSTS
  20. ... http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90809&page=17 Bumping and fixing dead links right nao. This nigga tease would be proud if wasn't too busy making a white bread and government cheese sandwich in his bathroom.
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