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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Casek, those palermo core semprons overclock like a motherfucker.
  2. NO. You cannot put that ram in your computer you have right now, and nobody should have been recommending that you try it. That old ram is going to be PC100 or 133 SDRAM most likely. RAM isn't going to be "designed for NT", it has absolutely fuck all to do with the operating system. Pentium IVs will have either DDR or RDRAM, most likely, although I recall some cheap early ones using something else. SDRAM: RDRAM: I use FireFox to take advantage of the NoScript and AdBlocker plugins in particular, but it most definitely isn't faster or better than IE, only somewhat safer. I still use IE sometimes if I'm going to be visiting websites that I know won't have any nasty embedded shit, for speed's sake.
  3. Nice. Today: The shadow turned out too blurry, but that was the bird, right there.
  4. I'm using a Sigma SD9. If you're saving money for a DSLR right now, I'd be heavily looking into saving up 3k for this baby: http://www.dpreview.com/articles/canoneos5d/ 12MP, but more importantly, it has a FULL FRAME sensor, which generally means really low noise levels at high ISOs. I consider everything besides ISO 100 on the camera I own right now unusable. From looking at the samples in this pre-production test of the 5D, I'd use ISO 1600 whenever I felt like it without thinking. Word.
  5. Less facials. I can find shitty internet porn anywhere, I want teh funnies.
  6. Some night shots from 20 minutes ago: I don't take too many night shots, but I'm going to start.
  7. Board is back up finally? Or was it just me. Anyway, here are some from the last few days. (yes, I know that's cliche)
  8. I've been busy moving and doing some endurance training on the bicycle for the past week or so, but here are some of the pictures I've taken. I like the gallery idea, but like many others don't have any contacts.
  9. KING BLING, I just got done calling out the extreme gayness of that story in the original thread and here I find it in this one already.
  10. Wow. I mean I really don't... I mean. Wow.
  11. Today: ...and yes, I'm aware of the unfortunately large amount of dust on my lens & sensor. It needs to be cleaned badly.
  12. Judging by your first 6 posts on this name, are you sure they didn't ban you?
  13. Nice sas, that second one starts to move if I look at it for too long though. Thanks Home Time. onesec, I'm pretty sure everybody died last week. You're the sole survivor of the brave, post apocalyptic world. If you take a Harley and go on the road looking for food, jump to page 31. If you stay where you are and kill everyone that approaches, jump to page 33. If you fart loudly, jump to page 681. Page 2: The pictures from yesterday.
  14. Nobody shooting anything or what? Thread seems kind of dead lately...
  15. Thanks. I ended up overexposing the sky in most of them because of how shaded it was on the river, which was sad as there were some nice cloud formations around that day.
  16. Read the first post again, where he is requesting foreign films and things that everybody hasn't seen. Almost every American has seen all three of those movies, with Boondock Saints probably being the least known of the three and still incredibly popular. I was making fun of him for posting three very well known movies in a thread where the original poster wanted movies that weren't extremely well known. Smell that? It's sarcasm, you cumguzzling moron. Edit: I see from your post you didn't get the point and managed to post a bunch of academy award nominees that they just showed you in film lit 101. Good job.
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