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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. It means they're going to round up and shoot the people who didn't notice that it's actually been phase 5 all day. If it gets to phase 7, god dies and the universe stops.
  2. I'm trying to catch this shit now and get it over with. It'll be like chicken pox only it'll scare doctors more and I can talk them out of painkillers.
  3. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. FORNOLL MORROS
  4. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. For your photoshopping pleasure:
  5. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. This is now the "Photoshop Fernel Morris Onto Ugly People" thread.
  6. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. Thanks. I had to make him more ashy for that one.
  7. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. Many ways to get rid of it: For firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865 Quick way in Opera: http://operawiki.info/OperaAdblock Google Chrome: http://google-chrome.com/first-plugin-set-released-for-google-chrome-browser/ If you're using IE you'll have to mess around with this, probably: http://www.privoxy.org/ Safari for the macasses: http://burgersoftware.com/en/safariadblock
  8. They'd better send us all that fucking delicious bacon or I think it's time to invade.
  9. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. http://operawiki.info/OperaAdblock This should help a bit.
  10. Maybe this is some kind of marketing campaign to try and give furries a better image. "We don't just rape your dog and scare your kids, we fight crime!"
  11. Re: How many of you want to punch Fernel Morris in the face. Well I wasn't going to do it, but 12oz is now Adblocked again until it doesn't interfere with the music I'm listening to.
  12. Dude's dick is bent at a 90 degree angle from those tightpants /nh
  13. Re: Gun Control (Round 2) You can use a modern car. The magentron from a microwave is fairly directional and you can build a shield and waveguide out of pretty much anything non-metallic. Giving it enough power without cooking it would be the problem, I don't think you'd get much range out of it though. Or you can do it like these guys... cover yourself in aluminum foil and pray for safety?
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