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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Miley Cyrus, so I think it could possibly qualify as CP in a dimension where women looked like that. We call that dimension "Heaven".
  2. I made this just for casek just now.
  3. Re: Quiznos has gone Homoerotic I won't watch this for the same reasons I don't watch TV. Also this:
  4. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=129109
  5. Did I push it over? Mine's almost 3000 now so I dunno how that translates.
  6. Anonymous is legion but anonymous also doesn't have the balls to do anything useful. Harassing fringe cults and ruining the lives of 13 year old kids isn't really that hard to do or impressive. When they troll Russia into nuking North Korea I'll be impressed.
  7. Somewhere, in Japan, someone has a fetish for this.
  8. Somebody needs to start a supervillain persona where they call themselves "The Gun" and shoot this dude in the nuts
  9. Nah, it wasn't the dude with teh crack that had the shotgun, it was my roommate... he had a $150,000 worth of metalworking tools in his shop on the property so anytime he saw something shady he had a gun out.
  10. I'm a big fan of that tradition.
  11. Thank you. Every time I see TL;DR on the internet some part of me dies. I read like 4 novels a week these days and get amazed when people can't read three paragraphs about some crazy / funny shit.
  12. Rapists get less time than drug offenders... rapist cops aren't gonna get shit. Sad but true.
  13. I really like that first one with the dog, it's got a really commerical stock flavor to it which is definitely not a bad thing on that image.
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