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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. Yeah the hawks game was pretty crazy, I don't watch much hockey but that had me on the edge of my seat.
  2. DAO's thread has more posts than Theo's. Somehow.
  3. When I made this username I was actually thinking that if this board had avatars (which I'm glad it doesn't) I'd use that picture.
  4. This right here has kept me from going full blow alcoholic. If I have one drink at lunch I'm useless for the rest of the day, so why bother? I drink out of boredom and during the day there's always something to do.
  5. I've been ready for x-day since the first time it did or didn't happen. He would have been proud of the money, and the people making it who aren't doing any work but making brainwashed idiots run useless errands.
  6. GnomeToys

    Ok I lied.

    Word, thanks... I like how the selection tools have evolved in photoshop, it makes transplanting faces and heads really easy. Speaking of which...
  7. It wouldn't work. The followers are brainwashed and it would make the dead into martyrs and give fuel to the fire. It might even gain new followers since the story of Jesus is fresh in everyone's mind whether they are religious or not. The story of the martyr is so deeply embedded in the mind of the culture that producing new ones might cause people to believe.
  8. Oh I know, but the moralfags took their identity from something they apparently didn't understand enough. As a subgenius minister I have always found Scientology to be extremely lulzy. Hubbard created a great big in-joke which was just believable enough to stupid people to make a profit. "Bob" would have been proud.
  9. Cosign... that liquid metal terminator was the first heavy use of computer graphics in a movie that showed its potential. It wasn't perfect, but it was believable which was far beyond anything else produced up until that point.
  10. GnomeToys

    Ok I lied.

    They are all anon users, unless they choose a name and "tripcode" which is usually only done so that somebody can keep their troll posts identified within a single thread. The whole point is the anonymity. As far as this thread, I wish more people would go pirate photoshop and start making weird original shit. Theo does it, I do it, even DAO does it now... if people were making new graphics all the time it would be even more entertaining, but I think it's pretty entertaining already.
  11. Which is especially hilarious to me since Anonymous complains about it and then proceeds to do exactly the same thing to people on the internet for fun all the time.
  12. I made 3D proof of this a couple weeks ago and posted it in untitled, but here it is again:
  13. I've wanted a tilt-shift for so long... post some photos from it when you take them, I'd love to see some
  14. Three threads on this topic on the front page of Ch. 0 proves that white people pretending to be black people on the internet love fried chicken.
  15. This isn't mine but a friend sent me the link and it's fucking epic. http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=62029 They apparently have low-poly model contests for some videogame, I couldn't be bothered to dig around, but this one is entitled "OctoZom Abomination - Attacks With Babies"
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