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Everything posted by GnomeToys

  1. That's why they're testing warmth and H2S content. They're attempting to quantify the stink. That pun was actually unintentional, but probably done subconsciously because I never use that phrase.
  2. Some of my anarchist friends just microwave theirs for about 10 seconds. The antenna picks up the microwave radiation and it fries the electronics of the chip. They've all been in and out of the country several times with them so I assume it isn't a problem.
  3. Does anyone remember this? http://archives.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/08/07/contrails.climate/index.html http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0520-05.htm Research paper here: http://facstaff.uww.edu/travisd/pdf/jetcontrailsrecentresearch.pdf When they grounded all flights after 9/11 the temperature began increasing rapidly due to particulate crap from fossil fuels not being in the atmosphere to reflect energy back into space / form clouds.
  4. The point & shoot photos from mn, brewster, and __ __ __ __ are excellent... Flower & Random macros from today: poppy season is almost here
  5. Yes, they've finally done it. You can now build a machine that rates your farts based on noise, temperature, and gas content. http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/FinalProjects/s2009/rac82_mos22/rac82_mos22/index.htm "The flatulence intensity detector was designed with the goal of detecting the intensity of a fart. To that end, the dectector measures hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration with an H2S sensor, temperature with a super sensitive thermistor, as well as sound with a microphone, to determine the danger of a fart. In general, Hydrogen sulfide concentration determines how malodorous a fart is (other gases, such as methane, also contribute to the smell but are not present in every fart). Temperature, on the other hand, is related to how much smelly body bacteria has been trapped in a fart – the hotter the fart, the more threatening. Finally, noise is important for determining the danger of a fart – while not directly related to smell, it is related to the awareness of those nearby (a scare factor). Sensor values are compared against those in look-up tables in order to determine the ranking of a fart. Once the flatulence is detected, the user is alerted by a speaker and an LCD display. The user also has the option of playing back his masterpiece at the push of a button." "Our main program file, FartDetect.c, was separated using a state machine for different functions. Two sub-programs were used for lcd screen manipulation and debugging through the hyperterminal, and these are referred to in the References section. Below is a description of how the main file operates in addition to its state breakdown, neglecting include statements and variable declarations:" They've got full source code and circuit diagrams, so I'm strongly tempted to build one of these.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan%27s_Law "The law is named for seven-year-old Megan Kanka, who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by Jesse Timmendequas, a repeat violent sexual offender. Timmendequas was found guilty, and was on New Jersey's death row. In December 2007, New Jersey ended the death penalty. Timmendequas will now serve life without parole.[1]"
  7. Just make him stay in. He'll be smoking meth and raping everything in sight as soon as he moves out from his parents' house anyway. All of them do.
  8. Oh good. I was hoping I was wrong but I caught glimpse of too many of the recent cop shows on ABC in case that gives you any idea of where I came up with that.
  9. These pictures would be cooler if they were her sitting on a cactus.
  10. Haven't seen it. I kind of lost track of the 9 million cop shows on TV lately, didn't even know this one existed. Let me try to guess the catch of this one real quick from the picture. Rookie cop gets thrown into investigating a string of drug related murders and finds that he has an uncanny ability to sense what happened and catch the "perp" when all others failed.
  11. My school was in such a small ass bumblefuck country area that we only had one black dude, who was actually from Africa, one Mexican kid I knew, and one hot ass Korean girl. There wasn't really any racial tension though, except the rednecks vs. the halfway civilized people.
  12. Celebrities need to start taking pictures of themselves with more expensive cameras. Do you mean to tell me these bitches can't afford anything but a camera phone? Fuck them.
  13. Add me to the hates the shit out of it list. It was kind of funny when the first season came out and I was like 15, then it just kept seeming worse and worse every time I caught one until I'd get visibly upset if somebody started watching it while I was around.
  14. This is my cat Jumper. I found him as a kitten half starved to death near an old covered bridge in the middle of nowhere two years ago, and I couldn't bear to leave him there so I brought him home. When I first found him he kept jumping up and down to about chest level on me which was impressive. Now he'll jump on command. He's now my friend's cat but I see him when I'm over there. This is my current cat who I've had since she was a kitten (about 2 weeks longer than jumper). She's a barn cat and completely psychotic to everyone but me. I'm the only person who can safely pet her without getting their hand ripped open. She's my guard cat. This was my old Himalayan, Putin, being held by a a rapper I was doing video work for. He referred to her as "holy fuck you got mothafuckin garfield in here". She had been shifted around to 3 owners between her original and me. Going in reverse order, her names were Putin, Putz, Precious, and her original certificate name which was Little Miss Billie Joe Precious. She would get pissed if I used the full name on her. Being a Himalayan she was mentally retarded. She could not be taken on my flight/move to Florida because she wasn't in the greatest health so we found an old lady who likes that breed to adopt her. She'll be missed.
  15. Some randoms from the past week or so:
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