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mental invalid

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  1. what's up gang, its been a bit but i wanted to share this video we did at vice on steve powers about writing, sign painting, being a dad, and his love letters to brooklyn. http://www.vice.com/art-talk/steve-powers later taters r
  2. Check out this video on James. I knew about the LEDs and the lazer shit. But the eyewriter that he and others created for Tempt is maybe the most inspiring shit ive seen recently. If you don't know the back story, Tempt suffers from ALS and is virtually paralyzed by the disease. But through sheer tenacity and technology James and the group created a custom "eyewriter" that allows Tempt to once again create with just eye movements, thwarting the effect of ALS. Watch the video here - http://thecreatorsproject.com/creators/james-powderly Hugs, roedood
  3. hey im lazy and dont want to dig in but thought these links were great. stumbling home drunk last night finally saw the twins mural on houston. they twins dedicated their mural to iz and sacer. made me smile - http://gothamist.com/2009/07/16/sace_dedication.php and one of the best thoughts on sace as well as photos is on gavin's (vice founder) new site street carnage. http://streetbonersandtvcarnage.com/blog/dash-snow-1981-2009-2/ multiple posts as well with dope photos roedood
  4. YES! dood you just plopped me down on memory lane, smoking maui wowie, and drinking pitchers of bad ass coffee while reading hunter thompson and watching hawaiin sunsets and paulie (a girl) strip down naked and frolick in the water.... happiness if even for a brief moment...
  5. all i can do is laugh...... hahahaha.....
  6. holy shit mams.....thats just so friggin great..... ive been staring at a canvas for about two weeks now, completely paralyzed....ill either move past this point tonite or toss it out the window... good shit gang
  7. "For those of you reading... Kema and I were almost done with a full color sketch book of all pieces by just me and him. I think we both had to do 15 pieces each and it was damn close to being finished. I mailed it to him so he could do his last couple of pages and it never arrived. And like an ass I didn't register or insure it... now it's missing in action forever. The plan was to print it through Skullzpress as their first color book. So sad... " WHAT!! YOURE FUCKING KIDDING ME!! FUCKING POSTAL SERVICE!! i saw some of beardos sketches he was working on.....good god that blows.....dood you gotta just put it behind, and start again...that book will be a hit for sure....besides, now whats beardo gonna get me for xmas....
  8. "i wonder whats worse...bein that kid or the proud parent holdin the camcorder?? " :lol: :lol: .......no shit
  9. smashing show hopeski......
  10. hahaha......awesome thread..... um off the top, clash of the titans and the dark crystal..... i didnt watch D&D, i WAS D&D mutha fuckas.......level 9 elf, or something like that......goodtimes uno forever.......
  11. there are few things in life that are certain: death taxes europes flicks being off the fucking chain.....:eek: "shut the fuck up".......classic A+
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