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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2010 in all sections

    4 points
  2. A little bit of what I have in storage...
    3 points
  3. beer is good. weed is better.
    2 points
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear All you can drink Sake and Beer deal, Thanks for making me so drunk I don't remember how I got home and passed out on the couch. --Earl Dear Animal Cops in Phoenix, I'm watching your show right now and if you ever find the person who cut that cat's paws off, give me a call. I would gladly take a red eye out there and cut that person's hands off. --Earl
    2 points
  5. when was the last dope vatoe burner?? bump the top two..
    2 points
  6. Really good tips to keep google on a leash. Especially since "Buzz" is a big bunch of bullshit http://lifehacker.com/5470671/top-10-google-settings-you-should-know-about Alternatively, you can use http://www.ixquick.com and not have to worry about tracking via searches.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. haven't posted here in a while but here's what i've been up to: Razón For the eraser battle: Reeson(reason)
    1 point
  9. haha, thanks for the straight crits. i could give a shit about niceness over the interent, the truth is the truth. But like Alts said, i just don't give a fuck about wildstyle and all that crap. I'm in it to have fun, and i draw what i like to. Crits definitely help though, cause i do want to progress. I'll keep that in mind, and try to fix that shit. Obviously that isn't going on a wall, it's wayy too fucking cold here for one, and im not piecing for a while. Again though, being callous and truthful is waaay better than supporting bullshit. Thanks for being straight.
    1 point
  10. false, it couldn't be more chill the person below me had a good time last night /nh
    1 point
  11. riiiight. eat a bag of dicks.
    1 point
  12. nothing intresting lately took out the caddi after months in the driveway went to work. finally caught the rat thats been in my shop shitting everywhere. then we got our land rover back after it was stolen bout 2 months ago. customer's car puerto rican plates lunch time. i like how my mexican people spell. this guy went to auto zone, and bought every plastic/chrome stick-on they had and put it on his car later that night. met up with the girl. i aint seen her in a few days, i told her to suprise me with an outfit and she did. lol was trynna zoom in on a cleavage shot, but she moved out the way. kinda... saw this avertisment in the bathroom in front of the urinal.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I had 2 pairs of these back in the day. Hotshit, nice post.
    1 point
  15. In the south, we brew our own Tea. Fuck yeah.....
    1 point
  16. Because it's not that simple. It never is.
    1 point
  17. bump Utah's sexy ass self and the rest of those NY cats alongside OZE
    1 point
  18. Re: --------- GET OMELETTE OR DIE TRY'N - The Official Omelette appreciation thread ------ cheesy-brats as in a Johnson /nh Cheddarwurst? Those are the goddamn heat! Only other way to crush those is over a charcoal BBQ with the fixins. omlettes are hard to make right. the French got the process sewed up apparently...however, i am skeptical since its the French......... here's the sleeper recipe: beat... 3 eggs handful of frozen/drained spinach little milk s/p cook... add... a little serrano ham or proscuitto bleu cheese crumbs at the last minute add the best CROUTONS you can find. yes, the same things you eat with a salad to feel full. trust me, its gooooood.... fold... add parmesean if you have it with something green on top. you're set. eat.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. well...saw these at the store today...
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. someone found a finger in their chili. wendys gave them the finger. lol...get it?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. No sir, there is not. but if you dont want all the smoke and mirrors of jail breaking, just jail break, add sb prefs or something like that and you can hide them, then just delete cydia and blackra1n or what ever and it will be like you never jailbroke.
    1 point
  25. Ader gave her this throw-up, glue introduced her to graffiti (fr8 & cleans) and si taught her to Bomb..... She turned out nicely no?
    1 point
  26. someone listens to too much d.r.i.
    1 point
  27. while back... Wake up. Freezing outside. Go to work. Go to parent's house and eat gravy bread. Give dad cigarettes Thrifting with sister to help build her "club house". Completion. Fancy fence lining palm tree ambiance. 20 dolla dolla. Not pictured is me saving the crap out of my brother's dog phil. My mom's dog steve bullies him and she had the poor little guy by the throat. I leapt and snatched and then I got bit. gratitudddddde. another for good measure. Get coffee. Guy finally found this in his pocket. Christmas lights Go home and put sandwich in hair. Battle scars. Remove nail polish
    1 point
  28. this is really a bunch of sports i dont care about but i suppose people do like them and the olympics is the biggest forum for alot of them
    1 point
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