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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2021 in all sections

  1. In that video Jim Jordan is essentially asking for a date from Fauci - a date so Jim's constituents can get their constitutional freedoms back... because being asked to wear a mask is akin to living in China - GTFOH. Essentially he's asking a question that can't be answered the way he wants it to be, and he's showboating on that. All Fauci had to say was "it'll be over when it's over". That is the second video I've seen with that guy asking a question that can't be answered, but acting like it's a question the requires a simple, easy answer. If he wants an answer I've got one, Americans being the stubborn cucks that they are will see to it that this shit goes on for as long as possible, forever if they want. From the folks who wear masks to the folks who think it's living in fear to wear one (don't get me started on that stupid fucking fear argument) ... this is going to be around for a long, long time. And a lot more people are going to die because of it. Everything is a fucking political issue, everything - it's stupid. I'm fucking over it. I can't buy alcohol or shoe laces without someone thinking I support a cause of some kind.
    5 points
  2. Update opperation just put it back together: I need more money Been a little bit since I updated. Im rained out of work today so I have some time to get busy. Rooms are in various stages of finishing mud work. Eventually all rooms will be brought up to a level 5 finish where the entire walls will be whited out. If you only finish the seams, but joints and nail heads as pictured below, when the sun light comes in through a window and shines down your wall you will see a difference in the smooth texture of the mud and then the rough texture of the drywall paper.
    4 points
  3. That was the biggest problem I had with the old men that used to work for me. They didnt want to wear glasses to work so they would miss sanding shit all the time. I couldnt get them to use their hands either. Apparently they had been doing this since I was in diapers and I couldnt tell them shit.
    3 points
  4. Rabies is the biggest hoax, they just want to inject you with a tracking chip. People who get rabies shots after being bitten have a 98% higher chance of setting Bing as their default search engine, and a 99% chance of carrying MS office 360 subscriptions.
    3 points
  5. Nice work man! We got close to painting the bus this weekend but some finishing putty was faulty and kept shrinking. Got a lot of the white and some clean on pieces. Next weekend it will be finished and it'll be time to put her together. We got photoshoots and gigs on deck so we gotta move! Fixing this kind of stuff last weekend Doors all back on.
    2 points
  6. I haven’t been following it much tbh. She wanted Trump impeached that second time for incitement. If youre holding her to the same standard shouldn’t she be impeached too?
    2 points
  7. I think letting other people know you're armed in day to day life is a mistake. For protest reasons I'm a bit torn.
    2 points
  8. I’m not saying you’re definitely gonna be happy with the results, but you’ll be surprised
    2 points
  9. Damn I seent that but can’t remember the name. Something like Green Rush or Green Gold or Humboldt Gold or some shit. @nicklesndimes
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Portland does as Portland does, ha. Seattle isn’t quite the same, although obviously “worse” than other areas of the country. I don’t think anyone around here condones the looting or burning of small businesses. I think it needs to be reminded that these things are also done by opportunists, not necessarily protesters, or rioters. Sure there’s a degree of “monkey see, monkey do” but thing’s aren’t as clear cut as “protesters looted and burned.” edit: and Portland generally goes for government buildings and things of that nature, as they should, because the qualms are with the system, not the local businesses.
    1 point
  12. It's to rile up his constituents, man (run for POTUS probably). Don't take it so personally. We can't have our freedoms back because we never lost them. I'm anti-mask, but respectful (I wear one where I have to and don't where I don't. never outside because that's dumb).
    1 point
  13. We should boycott fast food and any food or drink that links to inflammatory bowel syndrome while also regulating dietary requirements of all food to eliminate illness and combat obesity that has been brought upon us through the greed of large food distributors. Also Obama likes them or something I bet so we can keep this political.
    1 point
  14. Since when did a prosecutor become concerned with police brutality.
    1 point
  15. The fuck does this even mean?
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I mean nobody even has used any long guns in any "peaceful protests" yet. It's all been pistols. My point is there is no reason to show off small caliber rifles when there are people with proper sniper semi auto rifles staying far away from the bee nest. For that reason I think the showing off publicly is a really poor decision. Thirty cal will go right through engine blocks and punch through both sides of a vehicle door no problem. Bricks no problem. Anything short of proper armor no problem.
    1 point
  18. Weren’t you pro proud boys? They banded together via social media. Black Panthers didnt band together via social media. They’ve been around for half a century.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. wd40 is a good cleaner for it's lack of harshness. It can take all types of shit off of automotive paint without messing up the paint.
    1 point
  21. Said it later tested positive for rabies, seems to be the common theme in these type attacks.
    1 point
  22. Tractors and diesel motors in general are surprisingly fuel efficient. Don't let them sell you on the idea that freight and farms outside of cities are bad in comparison to vertical farming. This will be nowhere close to the level of large acreages in terms of output anytime soon.
    1 point
  23. Most likely will also be repercussions from the Military, he's truly fucked.
    1 point
  24. Today’s flex. Flick is upside down for added style points.
    1 point
  25. buick got the fruit tingles going on! Nice cheerful graff!
    1 point
  26. Trenched a back yard for a French drain with my excavator. Towed it 3h north to Dallas on Friday and came back Saturday afternoon. Played legal eagle with the whole crew at the legal wall. Met new members. You guys know DFW has a Montana can delivery service a guy is running? He will literally show up at the wall or train spot with a trunk full of every color. CC's accepted. I couldn't believe it.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. If you’re outside shirtless yelling racist shit, throw them in the incinerator.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Making the bed is actually just covering it with blankets and the phraseology completely fucking sidesteps acknowledging the actual creation of the most important piece of furniture a person can own.
    1 point
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