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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2009 in all sections

  1. is dj am in some sort of trouble?
    3 points
  2. yesterdays pies, play by play : woke up - oontz went to lube shop - breakfast saw graff n dance by lube shop snacked on a gyro hooked up with peter, rolled a j he oontzed graff n dance got more beer - she wouldnt show her tits nom nom nom - decide to go to the river god bless oregon find spot to chill at underwear date in the river /no homo /no homo life vest dog ftw bought more beer and gyros, then head to park to watch women with nice breasts play ultimate frisbee 2nd gyro for the day back to peter's for dutch rudders /no homo go to movie with homie's girl on some vincent vega / mia wallace type steez
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. i posted almost identical to that long before i got beat with the banhamma !
    2 points
  5. Re: Maine Funk New Asylum Shits... Dope Sauce...
    2 points
  6. today went here checked in.. waited for Jesse.. while lookin thru these.. saw this in the door... LOL had to sign papers.... FINALLY... outline... 00000h yeah and we're done.... (: went to panda with my gf haha soo cute lol my buddy is hiding... finished with a gay but true fortune.. and then off to home.. /The End
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Wolves are canines, dogs are canines. Dogs are not wolves. Wolves are not dogs. Or for all of you kids out there...Pikachu is a Pokemon. Squirtle is a Pokemon. A Squirtle is not a Pikachu. A Pikachu is not a Squirtle.
    2 points
  9. you want illegal ish? the lost membah from michigan...
    2 points
  10. My friends and I are going out as characters from Homies . :lol:
    2 points
  11. Until your bosses find out and take you to get hammered at 11 am, rainy pittsburgh day seems to fit the bill 40's and train tracks later to bring in 27 just like 17.
    1 point
  12. Last year I was "a cokehead with a big nose" This involved me wearing a Burberry shirt, gelling my hair like a douchebag, and wearing one of the glasses with a big nose attached with flour in the mustache I lost the glasses/nose at some point in the process of running around and doing actual coke ha
    1 point
  13. werd keep it rail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Maybe he thought it was the magic school bus and wanted to fuck ms. frizzle
    1 point
  16. Walmart 1.50 Cambells chunky soup 2.50 big box Cheese its I go to Walmart right before i hit the grocery store. You can get the same exact foodstuff at walmart for way less. I mean why would i pay 2.75 for a can of soup when I can get it for a buk and a quarter less right up the street? I dont even fuck with the grocery store nowadays. I get canned goods and non perishables at Walmart and produce and meat at Eastern Market I am people of Walmart. Stop shit talkin my brethren
    1 point
  17. Nobody wants yo ink nigga.
    1 point
  18. DAO is the cockroach of the internet
    1 point
  19. i havent but i seen a movie with rocco siffredi in it and he had a few bitches out there
    1 point
  20. Im going to try to be simple so you may comprehend this. Once again you are resorting to personal attacks, which again indicates you have no substance, and lack education or intellect. Instinct has nothing to do with a stimulus response, thus proven by Pavlov, they are two very different concepts. You once again are having trouble comprehending this. I sited the defenition of Instinct from the Websters Dictionary. I will take that definition over any bull you try to say it means. And again you misquote me and make up things, never, at any point, do i say that all people abuse the system, and all people get stuck in the rut of gonvernment intervention. If I did please quote me, because Im quite sure in previous posts I was very clear that it was not even the majority. And for a person with such a impressive educational backround you should work on learning to spell GENERALIZATION correctly. When you attack someones intellect, you better not live in a glass house. Your rantings are uniformed and unitelligable. You resort to simple attacks on my intellect to try to make yourself look better instead of showing any facts to backup any of your statements. Im just curious as to how someone making well over $460.00 per hour, which according to my pea brained kentucky math is: 460 x 8 = $3680 per day 3680 x 5 = $18400 per week and 18400 x 52 = $956800 per year What are you doing on a graf forum sounding like someone who just found out what a thesaurus is. Your little insult tactics might work on someone who is 14 years old, but when it comes down to it, your arguments sound like typical rhetoric from someone trying to be somthing they are not. If you would think about what you type, before you do it, you might find that every time you try to quote what I said, you are wrong. Maybe you should try going back to the 4th grade in an American school where they can teach you simple understanding of the english language. All you do is speak in platitudes, and use large words to make morons think you know what your talking about, trust me, your a fuckin idiot. I really hate to have to resort to personal attacks on your stupid ass, but its like talking to a parrot who only has the same dribble to repeat over and over. Well have fun with your obviously far superior intelligence, and bumper sticker platitiudes.
    1 point
  21. Your voice is doo doo mayng!
    1 point
  22. 14 pages!!! We need to get to 100! Keep going, pushing!!!!
    1 point
  23. What the fuck are you yappin about now cornroll?
    1 point
  24. Wtf?? Seyer figure out which one of your idiot illuminati's banned me and undo that shit. My voice was meant to be heard not ignerd.
    1 point
  25. Do you know how many bacteria are floating around in thin air, compared to public piss soaked toilet seats? :dunce:
    1 point
  26. BLACK FRIDAY. get it? /noracist
    1 point
  27. I've also never seen somebody who claims to be a "psych major" be such a mentally unbalanced moron. :)
    1 point
  28. i want a wolf/dog i would ride him into battle
    1 point
  29. Open both threads at once and its in 3D!
    1 point
  30. As my last post stated, humans and chimps are in the same family also. Does that mean we are a different breed of chimp?
    1 point
  31. Old JAPAN Old JABS And that RBox end to end is soo nice. Im glad you got the last flick of it
    1 point
  32. DAO's right. Dogs and wolves both have the same genus (which is canis). The only difference is the species, which varies throughout every dog.
    1 point
  33. What dumbass said dingo is not a dog? Dingo is a type of canine, dogs are also canines. That is like saying a Panther is not like a house cat
    1 point
  34. That's right. Hundreds of shoppers smashed through windows at a Long Island Wal-Mart early Friday morning, killing one store employee in the stampede. Click here to read more details. News' reader Nakea Augustine caught the chaotic scene on her cell phone, check out the photos. The unruly crowds stormed the store at 5 a.m., when the Valley Stream store opened. Above, shoppers wait for the doors to open. Hundreds gathered before the store's opening. The crowd trampled a 34-year-old worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, who was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead just after 6 a.m. A 28-year-old pregnant woman was also trampled in the mad rush and hospitalized for observation. Shoppers continued to pour into the store after the man was knocked to the ground before police shut down the store. Source: Nyorkdailynews.com The worst part is, the employee that was killed just a temp.
    1 point
  35. Re: so heres the delio.
    1 point
  36. Cai Guo-Qiang
    1 point
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