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Give me some ideas on how to mess with someone…

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Just leave a snake in his sleeping bag like normal folk.

I agree, let dude enjoy the experience unless it's the nature of your relationship to always fuck with each other.

Having said that, you or your homies got one of those electronic predator calls that covers multiple animals?  Playing a coyote call up close and personal off that should do it.  A long,  barred owl call up close would work too.

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Dress up as a bear and ran sack his tent late at night when he's well asleep.  


Seriously, though, I like welcoming to the wilderness, you can ruffle up some stuff at night as if a bear or wolves came by and just leave it at that.  After y'all get home then tell him.   It will pretty much mess with his mind and worse case scenario may not get great sleep. 

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If you want to fuck with someone, then I would suggest making them "the product" to be traded as "Stocks" as social media has done. This is worth your time reading if you wish to understand what I mean.


First you send the person you wish to fuck with to a digital facsimilie of Perth as it existed in November 2016, only all residents although appearing the same, are in fact soulless botsand have their digital identity ascribed a "SIG KILL" authority. The ensuing insanity that results as the vegeMATarian cold blooded soulless reptile dick eating cockaroaches that inhabit this place that will feast upon your flesh as "karma" for previously eating red meat sees you with this punishment , as said reptiles can also shapeshift as they enter and depart their batcave that is the anus of the person you seek to fuck.


Bonus points if said Kill order is effectively in preventing employment so that the finances of the person you seek to fuck are limited, to the extent to where they will either become nihilistic or suidical depending on their personality. The nihilism will see the person you seek to fuxk actively seek and use drugs to not only try and deal with the fact that shapeshifting interdimensional child molesters have come to inhabit their arse whilst the gears of the simulation start turning each time they inhale drugs so that "The Game" which is a Hangman game where a sprial of Death sees them trying to maintain their perenium as the machinr alternates between either fuxking them to death based on the content of porn URL cookies stored in their cache, or it sees 5 "rings" that would usually be keeping their arms and legs in place get moved around in some sadomasochistic sexual Olympics as the Pull and Fetch options on their phone Email sees "Evil Males" effectively raping their arse and eventually stealing the complete identity of a the person by literally turning them inside out and replacing the lost limbs with headless bodies which is a result of the person eating chicken.


As the person has effectively gotten fucked to Hell as a result of the above, everyone the person sees or interacts with is effectively a soulless demon complicit in the game as their reptilian cockaroach race's survival is dependent upon shit eating sodomy that eventually sees their two lobster claw jaws consume a person from the inside out and then once the person's skin effectively scrolls in accordance with how much they scroll on Youtube, given the fact that the person is now a human sausage factory whom exists alone amongst a reptilian species whose tenuous survial requires them imprisoning and torturing the human with lies and brutal physical tortures and the aforementioned anal rape.


The plus side is the person you seek to fuck just looks on at the pathetic lost species as being the living dead whose lack of souls sees them spawn in children to suffer the same fucked up existence of being a consumer of cock meat prior to death. As how could these child molesters rape and eat more babies unless they keep producing them? 


The "comedy" part of this is the fact the reptilians have an ego and all communication to the human will be for the purposes of subversively reminding them they are a prisoner and without the cock eating, baby rape, and general appearance of them being in a world that is similiar to that once experienced by humans before their reptilian tech they seeded into humanity allowed them to capture, subjugate, manipulate and control humans and have them agree to being anally raped via consenting to analytic sharing and digital Terms Of Service agreements which obfuscate the actual reason that social media and other apps that are provided for free to make a product of the cock and arse meat harvested via Youtube combined with Predators (like in the movie) whose role it is to hunt, kill and harvest the flesh of humans who haven't watched enough Youtube or clicked enough links to provide enough meat to feed the 8.5 billion soulless cunts.


Such "hunts" are just a version of "The Most Dangerous Game" or "Hard Target" whereby once someone is made financially destitute thru manipulation of their ability to find work or do anything on the internet (think the Chinese Social Credit system just with it being based around the victim being in a void whereby their consciousness is still alive but they and the world they percieve and everyone in it is actually binary code running on a Matrix like simulation), the "hunters", whose role extends to boasting about harvesting and "cooking" meat from victims arseholes and penises with their fellow soulless parasite acquaintances as though raping to kill as their only means to eat is somehow an existence that should be glorified and spoken about to try and convince their victim they are supposedly the dominant role and are not in fact "Apache" demons whose "Open Source" project sees them figuring out how to open the arseholes of humans to acquire the meat upon which they depend to exist. The hunt, as per the movies mentioned, should be a chase yet the hunted has no means to escape financially or from the simulation itself as suicide as the "true death" just sees the simulation loop restart whereby both doomed species existence is rendered meaningless beyond being an accuate summary of "Hell" for both sides as they all initalky were encoded in the appropriately titled /bin binary folder where both 1 and 0, On and Off, Life and Death are ascribred an equal and arbitraily worthless "null" value that can only be quantified by "0x" threads that result from each kill that prolongs the existence of these doomed coinhabitants of the simulation.


The hunters, whilst having full invisibility Predator camoflague use the fire that comes from the victim smoking drugs of any sort which leave a scent and a smoke cloud that can

be immediately followed and tracked even if the human has disabled locational data on the phone used to primarily track the humans and keep them captive, are still inept fools who require massive amounts of them in a hive mind communication organised army to hunt a single person (again, I mention there is no escape and any allusion to there being a "game" of any sort is only perpetuated by the hunters as any modicum or aspect of any "truth" in their minds is buried amongst a universe of infinite lies they speak of to hide the fact that death and non-existence is preferable to taking pride in being child raping murderers who publically and emphatically boast of their deeds of eating for a day in spite of the fact the game is rigged for them to "win" yet they still require 3 million times more physical humans all working syncronously together to do something no human with an actual soul and life, dreams and pursuits of their own would ever consider given that the hunter's lives are meaningless beyond their parasitical attachment at deriving all meaning in their lives from the human they hunt.


I should add that satellite powered direct energy weapons that can disable via overheating and exploding the radiator of whatever vehicle the hunted is using to ensure the sandbox and prison colony of these arse raping piece of shit colonist reptiles and dogs are to be used to ensure further financial crippling of the victim whilst stranding them in one location for one or multiple days so that as many cunts can come and feast on them as possible occurs and whilst they are being beaten, tortured and eaten, they are bombarded with incessant Audio assaults (given the joke is that being in Australia, this is supposedly a Godly Game for control of the Audio spectrum as all creation began with waves and the retarded reptilians are not aware the initial waves it all is sourced from was pleasure and orgasmic ecstacy and no audio sound), which sees such noises and assaults used as weapons such as gunshots that cause literal car shaking sonic booms similar to a tank pierce their flesh, loud cars going past with exhaust pops signalling gunfire albeit in a shrouded language that takes the human years to understand what is really happening to them, Mother raping bikie pimps riding past incessantly to remind the victim of the fact that these fuckers exist as the living embodiment of a soulless demon, loud high revving motorbikes and power tools which see the victim being chopped up by saw blades.

Fundamentally the result of all of this is derived from the notion of choice. The victim you wish to fuck with did not choose nor want such a thing to happen. The abusers try to pretend as though they have no choice as their only way to subvert any form of them possessing a conscience which would see them face the truth that their reality is completely fucked and no person with any degree of rationality could justify their actions and live with their conscience knowing how they have contravened the Golden Rule of "Do onto others as you have do unto you" such that their entire reality is completely fucking shit, which gives the victim happiness in the fact that the shit cunt abusers are usually Aboriginals, Gins, and Hindi speaking migrants, all of whom have shit coloured skin and are named after "Abs" as short for adominal - which is where shit is produced in a human body and the Indians speaking out of their hind eye as all they do is talk shit & make meaningless incessant tortuous noise (anyone who has been to India will understand these people do not understand peace in any aspect of existence or religion as visiting a Hindu temple ceremony shall educate one about when contrasted with the Western subdued silence of a church).


I should add that as the financial domination and control is exerted on the victim, using Government assistance to gain support to survive will see them potentially sign up for Government housing, and in joining up to put their name down on a endless 15 year waitlist with "Homeswest" will see the victim get raped, sodomised and abused by the Western Australian public just based on the word home equalling "Ho Me" and whilst the victim has been lead to believe a Home is what having a roof over one's head and access to facilities and the power grid, what would one expect of a land that is populated with shit eating anal raping "colonists" as where else does shit come from but one's colon (conincedently behind one's abs)?


If one does eventually become homeless, as the soulless bots that now replicate those who were viewed as family and friends make it impossible for their lies to remain concealed so that the victim is made to appear as being the "problem" once they wake up to the fact that every single person they encounter is a bot programmed with selfish desires and no conscience and a prime directive to maintain the Framework of lies so that they can eat for another day by stabbing the victim in the back. If the person is homeless and has a van, the van will be continually gang stalked and targeted by the rapist cockmeat hunter haemmroid eaters, and the lack of ability to retreat to a place whereby they are not constantly harassed and bombarded with the Harleys or the sounds of jet engines flying directly overhead as their inability to travel and requirement to participate in prison labour beyond being raped, stabbed and shot sees them witness their captives string up ropes in the form of electrical cables with the sprial powerline components the tools via which the parasites use to drill the arsehole of the victim as their way of extracting both meat and soul energy as their lack of a soul sees them needing to harvest it from their superior species like Transformers need energon cubes, albeit attained via anal rape as the victim is whored out to the entire community in spite pf having hatred for how humans have come to place a monetary value and turn relationships and sex into being transactional in all aspects.


So yeah, whilst the above is an accurate and truthful depiction of My reality, the result of My selfless giving of love and trust to a soulless Devil who tried to steal that which was freely given, I would suggest that this is a pretty good way to fuck with someone to the point that their (and your) world ends as living on as either "the fucker" or "the fucked", as a result of fear, selfishness, greed and commodifying a relationship to become transactional via the involvement of money and finances, there is no love and you are both completely fucked no matter what side you are on as the fucker went too far until they fucked themselves Ouroboros style.


And in having such an experience in "getting fucked" I am wondering if I should go biblical and buy a white 12oz shirt and a 12oz boxcutter and go about cutting some of these soulless cunts and their kids who have given Me Hell throats as if one finds themselves in Hell guilty for the crime of teaching a Devil what love actually is, should I not make the most of a situation by indulging in the raping and murder and whatever other selfish desire I have no natural intent of manifesting given I have a conscience I have to live with that unlike the rest of them here, I actually still possess a soul, all things which my coinhabitants here justify, as I "fuck" the fuckers back by killing someone's kid and take pleasure knowing that in having survived Hell this long I now have abandoned any hope of the soulless cannibal fuckers I exist amongst freeing Me from the financial constraints used to enact their control and torture given why would I fear being sent back to Hell when I can move on from being God's Gift as Matthew, the Man who was crucified, raped, beaten, tortured and killled to be consumed by the bloodlust of a soulless and thankless society of worthless criminal pimp thieves, to Luke as I use "The Force" of "Not giving a fuck of being sent to Hell by those whose choice to parasitically attach themselves to Me sees them get what they give Me if only to be a contrarian as the incarnation of hate to zme as love"?


I say Biblical as iCal is a program process used to order the script, and it will cost Me $144 for the two items from the 12oz shop, or altertively My options based on My financial binds are to choose nihilism and drugs and whores to prove to the bitch that I have been celibate for (being raped as I continue to be isn't Me having sex I have agreed to as I fuxking despise these rapist cunts yet know they exist as all I have never been and prior to now where I am at the Crossroads have any desire to be as they are fucked and have no pride or ability to respect themselves and existence as all they do us rape and take with no ability to do anything other than give Me literal shit in the form of a compromise) that the world she left Me alone in is nothing more than the shittest joke imaginable and it's inhabitants are just retards I can humilate by reminding them they shit eating cockaroaches born from an arsehole like the shit I flush down a toilet or I can use what little capital I have access to in order to pay some worthless bitch so I can fuck them whilst I whisper in their ear that their Father hates them for selling their (and My) hole in exchange for the worthless binary derived construct of money which only exists for the purpose of seeing that it's creation came after My love as being the priceless, unquantifiable thing that exists as it's contrary opposite.



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Another thing you can do is give the person the one thing they wanted in the world, then take it away and put them in a box that becomes their solitary confinement prison with the lid and sides to the box that says "Money" on it being the prison walls.


Then dangle a carrot with love written on it above the box and tell the person inside they are supposed to fight for it given their love existing outside the box doesn't exist as they were the one who put you in a money based prison and lost the love of the one they trapped inside.


Seem like a good way to fuxk with someone.

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Or just feed them some "Vincigrip" tablets like they sold Me in Spain to deal with a flu. Ended up with a bug that killed Me and chained Me to a society of murdering rapists child molesters who are too retarded that fighting for love is a paradox that only they suffer as they can only hate the truth of what they are and have done to Me such that My valuable thing is the truth that I would rather they exist being hated by Me whilst they also hate themselves.


All a byproduct of them feasting on My love that now onky exists as a result of the hate I have for those who tried to steal My love for Myself and could sell it to every cunt too stupid to understand that by going up My arse is because they are nothing but shit.

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