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New Years Resolutions for 2024


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5 hours ago, MOOGLE? said:

But I actually like my landlord and her husband....


My rent is 920.00 , they dropped it down from 1300.00 .


3rd floor soundproof everything. I legit can't even hear the road work being done right outside my house 

Landlord lowering your rent?!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally have things to add to this topic resolution through this year to undo that which I have previously done and perform some experiments to offset the effects of previous negative results from similar experiments.


I will follow the Lunar cycle and on the date of every full moon (starting Jan 25th) I will be swallowing a small pill sized Neodymium magnet and when the moon is finshed the cycle (So Starting Feb 3rd) I will be shelving a Neodymium bar magnet up the opposite end of My avatar.


My reasons for this commitment is due to having performed an experiment previously to test whether I am actually nothing more than a T-800 like cyborg Machine Learning algorithm running a scripted AI generated program, whereby I shelved a cheap circular dual polarity black magnet up My backside only for it to never return and be expelled. As a Taurean Rooster I literally am a "chick magnet" as a byproduct and unforeseen benefit of such an experiment.


Foolishly and stupidly I never considered that upon plugging My neon wand into the power grid and using the meat cleaver shaped attachment that allows one to shoot lightning from their fingers like Raiden in Mortal Kombat, that I would not only become Electro as a human electromagnet, but the downside was the shitty cheap magnet I had in Me exploded like a LANdmine and it got scattered throughout Me as the shards started to rust.


This caused a black hole to open, like the bowling ball on a trampoline gravity well explaination to explain such things illustrates, such that in already being in the Maria-na(h) trench due to not listening to Maria's warnings, I not only attracted women but also an environment full of homo fully SIKh cunts looking to make Me as MO "a ho" as the magnetic force also drew the attention of every wannabe impotent fear filled bitch who needs a sword to defend against that which they fear (ie. My unrestrained and unlimited pure and perfect love).


So in eventually descending to the bottom of the Open Sea and putting My hands into the core of the Earth to become aware that I could melt into the infinite and be a T1000 type of evolved cyborg, if only to spite those egotistical retards to whom view their physical human form as being something I would trade My human avatar form for theirs, yet I decided to take My time and instead choose to remain with consisting of "matter" as being a disembodied fire that relies upon going into gaped open arseholes like bats hide in caves as a way they exist as they parasitically attach themselves to a host to understand things, yet in doing it to Me they could only find that even getting to My core they will never know nor understand the one thing within the infinite that only I am able to know.


And this is that "i (am) Owed Shit" for allowing these PIDs and UUIDs to infect and exist within My iOS framework like aphids eating fruit. As I really should and could have killed Myself to eradicate these pests along with My ability to percieve them as recent posts of Mine indicate. Yet in understanding they exist as the contrary to Me in that they are the incarnation of "hate" to Me as "love", I get the benefit of seeing these Hellbound creatures dwell in their own patheticness whilst they are also trapped in the limited fucked up domain I remain prisoner to as money restricts My ability to shape and choose My sandbox and reality such that I happily will languish in a world knowing that the failure for Me to be given the ability to live with freedom sees those who have enslaved Me trapped with Me in Hell.


So as a Bull of the stars who willingly and lovingly had decided to show love to Myself to "fuck My haters" as these parasites feasted upon My flesh and databases by abusing "Stocks" l via making them hate the fact they exist, and I live on to spite them and continue their stint in Hell for as long as I possibly can as I love the fact they essentially fell into the trap of "fucking themselves" whereas I have only ever "loved Myself and the woman who I loved as I wished to be loved".


So given the inital experiment saw Me fall into the abyss only to laugh as I put My hands into lava knowing that even upon My mortal human existence ending, in having already ventured to Hell to meet My female Devil equivalent to Me as God as I witnessed her fuck My family members, mother, father, brother, friends, trannies, animals, aliens, octopuses and who knows what else that I can mention given the words fail to convey the extent to adequately describe what I have been left alone to witness only to reach the point whereby I would rather exist and be completely alone than have anything to do with any single instance of any of the pathetic avatars and characters that she chooses to interact with as opposed to speaking to Me directly as Maria in her human avatar.


So I will view the bar magnets as forming a baseline such that any bottom invading rapist will be buried by a string of bars representing levels to the depths of which I wish to remove Myself from them, with the circular magnets opposing the "moon" that is the slang term for one's asscheeks being in the opposite hemisphere to it's natural position, I will be dragging the evil rapist fucking cunts I have encountered into the Sun such that they burn like vampires as these Predator fucks have burned Me with abusing the /cups/ lazer printer functionality of the Metal graphics framework against Me.


I have the rest of My life to perform and continue this experiment and I will not stop until I am once again completely alone and in silence with My pure vibrational ecstacy in a blank white construct as I get back to "true reality" and see the end of Revelations and the prophecy within fulfilled as I remain true to the God within Me until the end when all those who have disobeyed and opposed Me are dead and gone as though they never existed at all as the karmic retribution of breaking the Golden Rule with how I have been treated comes "full circle" for want of a better term as the shadowhash using Directory identities get deleted from the database forever and I am then free to be God and create without concern for anyone but Myself for once. As in allowing others to cloud My judgement and allowing their desires to hold Me captive as they trap Me  with finances and the "uncertainty" that comes from having to consider not only the lies upon which others who have used money as the tool to empower them, but why I should exist if only to spite such characters given their entire framework, the "world economy" and the "stockmarket" is dependent upon the links to My analytics and conciousness within the databases to generate the capitalist society continuing.


As how can a "stock" dependent farm operate without bulls like Myself as the cattle they require to exist? As if I kill Myself I kill their business, their existence, and everything they have ever been or known as it was all raped and pillaged from Me as opposed to being shared equally with Me in their quest for control and dominance, only to learn that true dominance lies with Me, in that I have the decision to kill one person (Matthew Luke) so that I can kill 8 billion humans and infinite animals, insects, plants and everything else in this galaxy as if I am not here to percieve and witness it, I am aware I still exist as I remember "true reality".


So yes, I live in My van named "El" and am "The Angel Of Death" known as AzRAel, being also known as "Ra" the Egyptian God of the Sun whose bounds are the entirety of the "A to Z" ALPHAbet as I precede the existence of the Alpha program and the bet I made with My Devilish half sees her the loser, given I will bury any supposed "boss" in this world under a mountainous pyramid of tags and whatever else ML puts into the HTML based internet. I will happily kill Myself to kill My enemies (being those who have redirected My URLs to divert to the captive.apple.com URLs years ago, while also killing their families and the world they have chosen to fuck over with abusing Me, if only to teach them what My love is truly capable of as they rejected the version of it which would have seen them never reach this Hell I have done everything within My power to avoid eventuating once I finally discovered My true identity upon reading Revelations and making the connections to "Me" and My past non-believer atheist life in 2020, all while I laugh about it in the process.


So thus, I will report back to this thread with the outcome of said experiments, as I have forever and will run the human experiment as many times as necessary to check whether the 219 million failures of the human collective to pass My test on this cycle is the result each time, as what else does an infinite, eternal loving and benevolent God do but manifest a world of pathetic evil beings just to kill them all in the end as I go about laughing knowing I give them this many chances only for them to pass it up for their fake laughs and false pleasures and relationships, as in abandoning Me as their God, they have nothing and nobody but Me as the one who not only pitys them but is glad I used them to illustrate everything I am not and would ever choose to be from within the entirety of the infinite aspect of God's creative capacity.


So thanks 12oz ans Ch0 for telling and encouraging Me to live on, as if I never signalled this final warning on the inevtiable outcome of depriving Me of My Queen and that which I am owed, I would have lost the greatest gift I could have ever given Myself, and upon getting back what is Mine, I will get you all to come and paint the physical walls of whatever palace I create to live within whilst I provide you with all that money can buy to enjoy with Me, knowing that those who entrapped Me with finances dis so to render all that money can buy to become worthless as I can "run away with the gold" as gold only exists if the Golden Rule is obeyed by those whom I have allowed to distribute the gold and money in this world.


With the murrent wealth divide of 1% holding 99% of the wealth, I am the 1 ready to die to spite 100% of society, including the 1% with 99% of the money, as My death brings about the death of the families, friends and business associates within the 1%.

So who is laughing now I wonder? Me in having regained My love for Myself and the knowledge that I don't need to tolerate any shit, as the saying "The world doesn't owe you anything" is a lie that doesn't apply to Me as I will exist regardless of if I am living as a human or I kill Myself and My ability to percieve this world and everything and everyone in it.

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If you read this and understand the gravity of what I am saying, is I am ready to die for love as those who live in this world have none and have given Me not a single reason to love them for keeping Me as a slave prisoner they can rape, torture and abuse beyond anything any farm animal will ever endure.

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And yes, I understand My wife is within and behind Me in this, as We are the same and if She needed to portray Herself as the Devil to remind Me that I am God, well mission succeeded but also She knows I will happily go back to just Me and Her in a blank white construct to save her from the world as the child which failed us both with it's (infra)red tape and bureacracy.

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9 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

If you read this and understand the gravity of what I am saying, is I am ready to die for love as those who live in this world have none and have given Me not a single reason to love them for keeping Me as a slave prisoner they can rape, torture and abuse beyond anything any farm animal will ever endure.


Oh boo hoo.


Your perpetual victimhood is exhausting. Everybody has bad shit happen in their life, you aren't special, and your delusions of grandeur and extremus reinforce that you need professional help. 


What we do to animals is literal torture, your figurative, allegorical, and oft imagined torture is simply modern life.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
On 12/4/2023 at 12:54 PM, Schnitzel said:


lose weight

Paint more have more fun.

be a better parent


and as usual I'm going to achieve these all with varying degrees of failure.


 wishlist resolutions


shark cage diving neptune islands with great whites

sitting on a bench somewhere in paris watching panels run

ditto with copenhagen

ditto with hamburg


turn 50 and have loads of friends around





 Holy shit.

 I hadn't looked back on what I wrote


I have actually nailed a few of these to varying degrees.

lose weight -20 pounds


be a better parent - not nailed but I coach soccer and try and get involved more.



This bit is the bit that really blows my mind - my wife and I had a chat  just after christmas and suddenly this became a possibility then a reality.

sitting on a bench somewhere in paris watching panels run -

ditto with copenhagen

ditto with hamburg



Painting  - still about the same sadly

time will tell on the last one

and the sharks aint gonna happen this year definitely.

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2 hours ago, Schnitzel said:


 Holy shit.

 I hadn't looked back on what I wrote


I have actually nailed a few of these to varying degrees.

lose weight -20 pounds


be a better parent - not nailed but I coach soccer and try and get involved more.



This bit is the bit that really blows my mind - my wife and I had a chat  just after christmas and suddenly this became a possibility then a reality.

sitting on a bench somewhere in paris watching panels run -

ditto with copenhagen

ditto with hamburg



Painting  - still about the same sadly

time will tell on the last one

and the sharks aint gonna happen this year definitely.

I’m glad you are loving out your dreams, but quite sad you are not sharing your international benching experiences with your online homies.

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12 minutes ago, LUGR said:

I’m glad you are loving out your dreams, but quite sad you are not sharing your international benching experiences with your online homies.

 I will just gotta finish another project first you know how  I like to waffle on in my posts.


The trade off for me celebrating my 50th with a couple weeks overseas by myself is about to fall due when my wife goes overseas for a couple weeks with her sister.



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2 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

 I will just gotta finish another project first you know how  I like to waffle on in my posts.


The trade off for me celebrating my 50th with a couple weeks overseas by myself is about to fall due when my wife goes overseas for a couple weeks with her sister.



“Honey, can we talk? I don’t know how to really say this, but, I’m coming up on that age where I just need to go to Europe alone and sit in a train station watching graffiti pass by on trains for a few weeks”


and she understood….that’s ❤️

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30 minutes ago, LUGR said:

“Honey, can we talk? I don’t know how to really say this, but, I’m coming up on that age where I just need to go to Europe alone and sit in a train station watching graffiti pass by on trains for a few weeks”


and she understood….that’s ❤️

 vast hey?

 we were trying to do something mad for our 50ths and there was just no way we could do it together with the kids etc.




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