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On 10/23/2021 at 5:24 AM, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

Wait, so somebody loaded it with live rounds instead of blanks?  Isn’t that how Bruce Lee’s son got killed? How does that even happen, much less twice? 

 it  also happened during the filming of a hip hop filmclip down here as well back in 2017..



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18 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

Wouldn’t have happened if the union workers were there. That is if that part of the story is real. Which it may not be. I don’t believe anything can film without them on site


These assholes hired a 24 year old girl as the head armorer that had to ask her daddy how to load blanks in guns, and thought it was "scary". I posted up the article in the news section thread.


Unless you're an actual slave, you've always got the right to quit, any time, any job. If these dumb fucks decide they're going to carry on filming without you, it's 100% on their dumb asses.

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7 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

 it  also happened during the filming of a hip hop filmclip down here as well back in 2017..



Reading your comment before clicking and reading the article I’m picturing some half retarded  American mumble rappers waving their guns around at their homie filming with the IPhone and I’m like “yeah, that makes sense”. This sounds more like it was a movie set kind of setup. I thought guns were banned in Australia? What was the outcome of this, heads went to prison for even bringing a real gun onset, I’d imagine?

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11 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

Reading your comment before clicking and reading the article I’m picturing some half retarded  American mumble rappers waving their guns around at their homie filming with the IPhone and I’m like “yeah, that makes sense”. This sounds more like it was a movie set kind of setup. I thought guns were banned in Australia? What was the outcome of this, heads went to prison for even bringing a real gun onset, I’d imagine?


Think In that situation nobody got criminal charges but workplace safety violations.


Guns aren't banned down here barring automatic/semi automatic weapons.

Though you do need to have a licence to have one. pretty hard to get and you need a reason (livestock/vermin control etc.)

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21 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:


Think In that situation nobody got criminal charges but workplace safety violations.


Guns aren't banned down here barring automatic/semi automatic weapons.

Though you do need to have a licence to have one. pretty hard to get and you need a reason (livestock/vermin control etc.)

LMAO! Sounds not too far off from here in the 90’s when assault rifles were banned. I shit you not, the propaganda over here is that all guns are banned in Australia.

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Evidence showed that Ray had been murdered on May 26, 2014, while asleep in his bed. Dani had called his boss the next day to say he had died in an accident. She called him back later, this time saying Ray was killed by the family dog. An examination of her computer revealed internet searches that included “headshot from .38 at close range, “if you shoot someone with a .38 caliber handgun in the head is it lights out of possibly survive,” and “what happens when you get shot in the head.” Danielle’s true motive for the murder seems to have been that she simply wanted to be free of Ray in order to begin a relationship with a cowboy nicknamed Angus McNasty back in Florida.


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They are throwing the prop coordinator under the bus for this - already critiquing her moves in other films. Focusing on her being young and i experienced - supposedly on another film she gave a prop gun to an 11yro without inspecting it prior.


Alec getting off and probably was just as much a victim here as the unfortunate person who was killed.

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2 hours ago, DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER said:

 I shit you not, the propaganda over here is that all guns are banned in Australia.

Still plenty of guns

criminals seem to be blowing each other away with solid regularity in Sydney.


My father in law owns one he uses for rabbits and foxes etc.


My mother's boyfriend had one but it was surrendered to the police after he had a nervous breakdown and got hospitalised.

His firearms licence was revoked after that little adventure.

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14 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

They are throwing the prop coordinator under the bus for this - already critiquing her moves in other films. Focusing on her being young and i experienced - supposedly on another film she gave a prop gun to an 11yro without inspecting it prior.


Alec getting off and probably was just as much a victim here as the unfortunate person who was killed.

That’ll be enough common sense for one day. The real question is; how do the lizard people tie into all of this?

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Like it even matters anyways. Well I guess to the a lister who’s career may or may not be over but literally none of these people are ever truly losing. It’s all rep and egos and I totally get it but I’d be the mother dicker laughing in my infinity pool placed on some beautiful cliff side sipping a dirty martini with a bunch of bitches around while my wife is in the kitchen making everybody sammiches. All good in the end.

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