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List of Presidential Fuckeries from 2021-2024.


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2 minutes ago, Kults said:


I don't disagree. Never said it was noble as I def dont think that but I do think participation is important. It's too easy to just say ahh fuck it, it's all a mess so I wont bother. That isn't exactly noble either


I'm fighting, taking risks, and sacrificing certain comforts for my beliefs as an Agorist. It's not like normies would respect my actions, just like I don't respect voting. I'm non-violent type revolutionary, and think a violent revolution will just lead to more tyranny.


My weapon of choice is counter-economics. Like Sun Tsu said the true art of war is to defeat one's enemies without ever fighting. I don't talk about it much online for obvious reasons, but I'm risking my freedom, or worse, and pursuing paths of higher resistance. Picture U.S.S.R. pre collapse, and how the black market accounted for 60% of the economy eventually bankrupting the Government into non-existence.


IMO a goal much more noble than getting behind whatever contrived public persona I identify with most. You can actually participate in improving the world around you, and that doesn't necessarily have to involve participating in government, or politics, and voting for whatever sociopath of the term they decide you're allowed to vote for.

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If the line off thought is that you can do more to advance what matters to you from the outside and by not participating directly I take no issue with that, that's your choice


Sure, it's far from perfect but I'm not for the collapse of the system



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We survived, and eventually prospered after the collapse of Monarchy during the transition to Constitutional Democracy. I'm sure we'll survive the next transition into decentralization. We may be evolving sociologically faster now because of the internet, but the Boomers still run shit and we are still stuck in the "dim age" right now, but not for much longer. Hoping the internet's impact will be much like before & after the printing press and the following period of enlightenment. Circling back to Presidential fuckeries, I think there are plenty of states wishing these politicians would attempt an unconstitutional gun ban, and with hyperinflation ready to set in, the collapse may be closer than either one of us thinks it is. I'm not ready for it yet myself fully.

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18 hours ago, Kults said:

so what’s the answer? move to the sticks and condescend anyone who participates in the flawed system?


i agree it’s shit but that seems like a cop out 

That is exactly what many adults grown into after becoming tired with the city centers and their neo liberals. 

what could be viewed as a cop out by some could be viewed as I do not have the desire or wherewithal to endure trying to change peoples' minds that are hard headed and/or brain washed.

It is much easier to trick someone than it is to convince them they've been tricked.


My life is instantly going to improve when I don't need to live next to all these "neighbors" anymore. 

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1 hour ago, Dirty_habiT said:

@Mercer- the collapse you're talking about in regards to unconstitutional gun laws has two exit avenues. 

compliance or death via civil war. 

I've made up my mind and prepared for which side of those choices I will be on already

you do realize the police you are defending in the other thread are the people you will be against if a hypothetical civil war were to come about, right?

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16 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

you do realize the police you are defending in the other thread are the people you will be against if a hypothetical civil war were to come about, right?

I love how people think a civil war would just be civilians of the left and right. Like there’s not a government with various different branches of military and law enforcement outfits that would stomp them both into the ground.


I think it was Andy Stumpf who said it on Rogan’s podcast a while ago but it was something like, “there’s a lot of people who have watched their friends die defending the freedoms of this country. If people think they are just going to sit back while it’s torn apart, they are sorely mistaken. It would be very bad for both sides, i’ll say that.” 

Edited by abrasivesaint
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5 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

you do realize the police you are defending in the other thread are the people you will be against if a hypothetical civil war were to come about, right?

I have friends that are cops. They ain't with this shit either and are collecting guns and ammo as much as they can. 

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 

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5 hours ago, abrasivesaint said:

I love how people think a civil war would just be civilians of the left and right. Like there’s not a government with various different branches of military and law enforcement outfits that would stomp them both into the ground.


I think it was Andy Stumpf who said it on Rogan’s podcast a while ago but it was something like, “there’s a lot of people who have watched their friends die defending the freedoms of this country. If people think they are just going to sit back while it’s torn apart, they are sorely mistaken. It would be very bad for both sides, i’ll say that.” 

I don't disagree that what you've just said is accurate.


Cheap civilian FPV drones can reach 250mph and carry 1 lb. of weight. Which branch of police is safe from something like that again?


With a little math you can see that with the weight alone at that speed quite a bit of energy is released in stopping it. This doesn't even begin to get into what it is one pound of. 

It requires modification and understanding to do, however so the average tard has no chance of defending their rights in this manner. 

Read the above info in a book about a website. 

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3 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I don't disagree that what you've just said is accurate.


Cheap civilian FPV drones can reach 250mph and carry 1 lb. of weight. Which branch of police is safe from something like that again?


With a little math you can see that with the weight alone at that speed quite a bit of energy is released in stopping it. This doesn't even begin to get into what it is one pound of. 

It requires modification and understanding to do, however so the average tard has no chance of defending their rights in this manner. 

Read the above info in a book about a website. 

Nothing about this sounds like the acts of terrorists. Nope. Not a thing. 

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I know. It's not like I'm the only person that knows this is possible. There are many people that aren't participating in social

media that know these things and the average public has NO CLUE what their "neighbors" really are capable of. 

I am not sure why any group would make the unwise decision to fuck with America. Those antifa and BLM rioters aren't safe from a drone attack like either.


Quite the naive gamble if you ask me for a cop or a rioter trying to destroy America.

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The government is much more likely to unconstitutionally use armed drones on Trump supporters, and right wingers, than they are to employ them against leftists, and BLM supporters. The lefties are just by default less of a threat to their goals of absolute power. Look at the effort put into prosecuting rioters from last summer, and compare that to what they're doing to the D.C. rioters from January. It's not even apples and oranges, it's like comparing apples and sirloin. Look at Ruby Ridge, Waco, those people they murdered were basically law abiding citizens for the most part, not bothering anyone. They were considered a much higher threat to the Feds because it was believed they posed more of a threat. I mean even on a fistfight level, imagine being a fedboi, having the choice between initiating a physical confrontation between your average proud boy, or your average Antifa member. They like abusing their power, but they also prefer the path of least resistance, which is the main, and only motivation behind banning devices that kill less that 100 people on average every year. They're not concerned with public safety, it's their own asses they want to protect.

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I agree with everything except What A Cook Out was a group of innocent branch dividians just practicing their own way of

life under David Koresh. This was local to me. 

I think the govt made some mistakes in handling it but that dude locked innocents inside basements and shit while fighting police with weapons they had stock piled. That's why the tanks got brought in. It was terrible and the only possible attempt they could have made to save the children that were inside. 

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Disagree, the government had no business initiating a conflict, and invading their compound. It was in fact an effort to violate their constitutional right to bear arms, and self defense. There were zero mentions of any other wrongdoing, outside of the unconstitutional attempt to interfere with their individual rights, until after they needed to justify gassing/burning them. The ATF's narrative is pure bullshit. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be the name of department store sections, grocery isles in a free country. Not a Federal agency who's sole purpose is to infringe on the constitutional. They got a hot tip they could seize weapons, and wanted to appease their masters and really nothing more to it than that.




MFW I try to install totalitarianism in a constitutional democracy against the language of it's core legal document.


These people wont hesitate to end your life if it interfere's with their career goals.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Look at him playing with the easily manipulated.

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hes just reading the cue cards they give him, I dont even think he understands half of what he says. you see him walk when they film him getting on AF1, its really kinda sad

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I think the bait and switch on this one is to get us all to suffer basically by cutting our own emissions within America, when it's clear that many Americans are not even using products that are produced in America. 


A great example is China, they dgaf about emissions like.... at all.  Yet, so many Americans want that bargain product from China because the price is cheaper and "it's the same thing as this other more expensive one right?"


So, while we will all be driving cars like the ones on idiocracy, other nations that are ignoring these same types of artificially created restrictions will flourish selling their products to us that they used many emissions to create and ship.


The sea is not crossed w/ electric ships and won't be any time soon.


Electric freight trains don't move products across our country.


Nobody is flying in electric passenger aircraft yet.


Etc etc etc.


This is just a recipe for us to suffer and for certain people to profit from relationships they have with people in the countries that will benefit.  This is exactly what has happened w/ the Bidens and the Clintons + China.  They're all in bed together having a great time sniffing blow off eachothers dicks and fucking little kids they've kidnapped while America is footing the bill for it.


Sorry that sounds salty, it's enough to make anyone salty if they care about their local community and fellow man.

Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 10.08.31 AM.png

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