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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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PSA from Misteraven...


Alright everyone, time to dial it back a notch.


End of the day, people need to focus on themselves. Get your own situation straight and then share what worked and what didn't. No need to convince other people of anything, just do you and reap the rewards of that. Show and prove and buck the modern day MO of trying to convert everyone to your tribe.


Going to post this one again... People need to focus most their energy into that little blue area in the middle.




And go listen to the podcast: https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/that-which-you-can-change



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3 hours ago, Kults said:

If you want to have an honest convo, dont throw these lame pass/aggressive shots at someone and then project on to them what you're guilty of. You do this a lot @Hua Guofang

I have been nothing but polite and civil to DH in every conversation I’ve had with him for months. There a numerous people that complain about him and openly state that they don’t engage because of his and your trolling and argumentative approach to discussion. 

y’all can ignore it all you want and call for everyone to settle down but there is only one person that is getting abusive, every time. Same shit over and over again and it’s pointless. 


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Dow falls 1,191 points -- the most in history

US stocks again sold off sharply on Thursday as worries about coronavirus mounted.


"What's even more disconcerting is that the news headlines haven't been all that bad yet," said Paul Hickey of Bespoke Investment Group.

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2 minutes ago, misteraven said:



Dow falls 1,191 points -- the most in history

US stocks again sold off sharply on Thursday as worries about coronavirus mounted.


"What's even more disconcerting is that the news headlines haven't been all that bad yet," said Paul Hickey of Bespoke Investment Group.


 "Right now, it's the fear of what could happen that's driving the markets rather than what is actually happening."

I still think its this

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On 2/26/2020 at 12:54 PM, Dirty_habiT said:



On 2/26/2020 at 11:19 PM, Dirty_habiT said:


Did you even watch these?

Tucker Carlson claims the media is telling us it is wrong to be worried. That they’re essentially downplaying the severity of the situation, and quotes some ridiculous headline from Slate. All the news outlets i’ve been following have been reporting about the escalation of the spread of the virus. Quite the opposite of downplaying. 


In the next video you post you have footage of Donald Trump on the same network, saying the risk is very low and basically that there’s no need to worry, he’s got it under control, essentially downplaying the virus. 


Meanwhile the CDC says they expect more cases.

The fact is, they aren’t quite sure yet what is going to happen. So they’re doing what is always done: Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, trying to instill some cause for concern, but also trying to keep a lid on utter panic taking hold of the population. 

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I watched them both in their entirety.  I think they're taking the opposite approach to "politicizing" the virus.  Many of the other networks are suggesting things like "let's call this the Trumpvirus from here on out," and other really ridiculous stuff like that.  I think we'll have to be careful and then wait and see what happens.  The last realistic thing to do in a situation like this is panic and spread fear mongering.  It's that kind of stuff that caused the gas price to go up to $9/gallon in my city a few years ago and entire grocery stores to be emptied out.....


I agree with "play it safe" and "prepare for the worst".... but the average human in USA isn't capable of doing this in a rational manner.  So, telling them crazy stuff like "we're all fucked" in more or less words just creates this frothing at the mouth situation going on.  Last time similar panic was created by the media, everyone did what I said above and then like a week later.... there was no worry again.  I believe it was Houston flooding because they supply a lot of fuel to places.... so because the media created a panic about that, everyone started filling 55gallon drums with gasoline and emptying out every pump in the city..... as the pump owners turned the prices up to $9/gallon.


I stayed inside and watched all the craziness kinda knowing in the back of my head that nothing bad was truly going to happen to anyone in the long run.  I don't think anything bad even happened in the short term other than the actual panic that was caused.


Please don't think I'm equating the two and predicting the future.  I cannot do that.  I just suspect that this won't be as bad as we think it will be.... that's my hope anyway.  We need to stop letting people fly in from other places for a while.  I know that's not realistic and it's not going to happen..... but we'll just have to wait and see.


I might be working from home a lot more in the near future.

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They’re politicizing it just the same. The only difference is you have media sources allowing stupid opinion articles to be released with terms like “Trump Virus,” and you have media sources like FOX sitting around waiting for it. One is an offensive approach, one defensive. Both equally politicized.  

Further on that Trump press conference: He mentions Pence being an expert on healthcare, with other states looking to Indiana to follow their lead on healthcare. This is absolute horse shit. Indiana is towards the bottom of the list of places you want to be in terms of needing healthcare. No one is looking to Indiana.


I do agree that flights to and from China, and any heavily infected areas should be put on hold, or be VERY heavily monitored. I’ve flown a lot over the past week, Texas, California, Arizona, Louisiana.. there’s a decent amount of people wearing masks in airports. The fear is out there. 

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Yeah the last place I'd be caught right now is in an airport.  My friend said 90% of his office in Houston is Chinese people and they're currently working on a full work from home plan for everyone until this blows over.  My hope is that it will "blow over" and we won't see the 40-70% infection rate that is being predicted.


I wish the politics could be left out of this whole thing completely.  It's actually pretty annoying and I'm not saying that in a "picking sides" manner.... I'm saying that from the perspective of this isn't the time/place to be dragging our dicks through the sand or pointing fingers.

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We all know China is lying our the ass about their numbers as an attempt towards a show of strength. This should be understood as fact based upon the way they consistently conduct themselves.


That being said, I saw an interesting video on this, that might be an interesting way to evolve this conversation... Basically, what's next?


Personally I do not believe the virus is a massive thread to the USA in medical terms. Though last I checked, its lethality wasn't confirmed, the first estimate was 2% or so. Not a society killing number, but still represents about 1.5 million people in global terms. Likely less industrialized, poorer countries ands population dense localities will be disproportionately affected, and no doubt will have some secondary repercussions that'll amplify the tool. Granted that number isn't confirmed so it can certainly be more. One of you guys interested can pull lethality numbers from past pandemics to compare, but I believe it needs to be upwards north of 10% to truly be devastating from a medial POV and likely higher when it comes to most modern, industrialized nations / societies.


Where it does have a huge impact is in terms of economics and politics. In this way, countries like the USA will be severely impacted. We know that China's economy was suffering greatly due to the trade war under Trump. They were struggling in that regard before all this shit happened, so we can expect that their economy will be ravaged. Likely this will kick off their version of the great depression, which in turn will affect everyone else that buys good from there. In terms of the USA, we're already seeing supply chain disruptions and I expect that'll get worse. That will have a trickle down effect... IE: Ford might be made in the USA, but most the parts are made in China. That means those parts will become harder to come by, which means demand increases and pricing follows. I suspect a lot of this stuff will actually be disrupted entirely, which presents opportunity for USA manufacturers to step in. Naturally it'll cost more to produce, which again is passed down the line.


Where things get super interesting is that when people are unhappy, they start looking to assign blame, which is often a catalyst for change. We know China has been somewhat volatile in general, which was largely held at bay to the fact that their government rules with an iron fist, and also because they loosened up their approach to market economy so that quite a huge swath (historically speaking) are prospering, which in turn gives hope to the population as a whole that they're on the up and up. This will clearly come to a screeching halt and you have several billion pissed off, poor and dying China men. This type of dynamic historically leads to revolution, when left uncheck and again historically speaking, the government response to that dynamic is to wage war. That diverts that anger and attention to something else, and also has near term improvements to the economy with all the industry it takes to support war.


Now I'm not saying that China will wage war with the USA, but we've steady been watching their increasingly hostile posturing over the last many years. We will likely see them crank up their efforts in the South China Sea to an entirely new level, which can likely escalate into something far larger and more significant. Likewise we've seen them eye Taiwan and this could very well be the catalyst that has them crank up things and annex that back into China. There's several other areas we've seen them posture around and all of these are possibilities, but I do think we can expect to see China go from posturing to proactive efforts in an attempt to divert criticism away from leadership and towards something else as their country continues it's downward spiral off this Corona shit.


Thought, opinions... 


What are some other by products of this situation beyond whether we're going to see massive die offs or not from the virus itself.

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4 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

My brother mentioned that it would be a good time to buy stock with the market dipping so low..... so anyone with a few dollars laying around could make some money off this royal Chinese fuck up.

I’ve been waiting for the numbers next week to see whats up. But with my limited knowledge, i agree with this. 

4 hours ago, misteraven said:

Where things get super interesting is that when people are unhappy, they start looking to assign blame, which is often a catalyst for change. We know China has been somewhat volatile in general, which was largely held at bay to the fact that their government rules with an iron fist, and also because they loosened up their approach to market economy so that quite a huge swath (historically speaking) are prospering, which in turn gives hope to the population as a whole that they're on the up and up. This will clearly come to a screeching halt and you have several billion pissed off, poor and dying China men. This type of dynamic historically leads to revolution, when left uncheck and again historically speaking, the government response to that dynamic is to wage war. That diverts that anger and attention to something else, and also has near term improvements to the economy with all the industry it takes to support war.

I’ve been mulling over this idea of some sort of conflicts with China as a result of all of this. I can see them pressuring a smaller country and the US getting involved. If there’s some sort of revolt you know we’ll stoke the fire. 

A few politicians have also been talking beef with China for a while now, and with the fear creeping its way into the minds of many Americans, i can see an easy separation from any sort of sympathy or humanity towards Chinese, or Asians in general, if our government decided to slap em around. Not saying it’ll happen either, but if it does my “surprise meter” will be stuck on 0. 

I mean look at what happened after 9/11. Every Middle Eastern person was a terrorist in the eyes of many Americans. I’m not saying this is even remotely a similar circumstance to 9/11, obviously it is not, just pointing out how quickly a populous can turn on an entire group of people with a little nudge from the media and politicians. 

Natives, Blacks, Japanese, Communists, Muslims.. i mean pick a group and attach a little media driven propaganda and it’s off to the races with the possibilities. You can have some fools calling for bombs in no time. 

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I dunno, I think it's not giving enough credit to Americans to say that they instantly thought anyone Indian was a bomber.  I watched that shit go down and had no problem with Indian people and still don't.  I won't have a problem with anyone based upon their ethnicity in my life time.  I have a problem with people due to them being a certain way after I determine that they're a certain way, and I'm definitely not the only person that thinks like this.


Personally, I'd be fine if we stopped all the airplanes from flying.  We know that won't happen and as a result it makes me feel like we're all a "victim of politics".

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If people are committing crimes they should be reported.  What happens outside of USA soil isn't USA.  I don't think it makes sense that we take responsibility for what is happening in terms of racism/violence/oppression in other countries.  "Not my monkey not my circus."


I don't know anyone that's racist personally and I'll give credit to that statement by saying that I don't live in a cave.  I've lived in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin.  Never met a KKK member.  Never met anyone that says they hate someone based on skin color.


Where are all these racists?

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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

If people are committing crimes they should be reported.  What happens outside of USA soil isn't USA.  I don't think it makes sense that we take responsibility for what is happening in terms of racism/violence/oppression in other countries.  "Not my monkey not my circus."

I’m assuming this is in reference to the India violence? I never said we have any responsibility. I was pointing out that you confused Indians and Middle Eastern Muslims and that currently there is violence between the 2. 


2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I don't know anyone that's racist personally and I'll give credit to that statement by saying that I don't live in a cave.  I've lived in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin.  Never met a KKK member.  Never met anyone that says they hate someone based on skin color.


Where are all these racists?

You don’t need to be a member of the clan to be racist. I’ve never met a member of the clan either, at least that i know of, but i’ve encountered plenty of racist people saying racist shit. 

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2 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

You don’t need to be a member of the clan to be racist. I’ve never met a member of the clan either, at least that i know of, but i’ve encountered plenty of racist people saying racist shit. 

I agree with this, but I'd also mention that racism goes all ways. Some of the most racist people I've ever encountered are asians and hispanics. I've met white people that'll also make racist remarks, but I've yet to see any true hatred from anyone towards anyone else based upon skin color. Nature in general shows how outliers and those that are physically different are often shunned by the herd / pack / flock, etc. That's why you put a gold fish in a tank with expensive fish. Also why you don't buy a single black chicken or single white chicken when the rest of the flock is the opposite. I'm not saying its ethical or moral or discounting that humans should be more intelligent, only that this is ingrained behavior that you can see throughout nature: to migrate towards the familiar.


Now all that said, I certainly don't see the overt racism or the prolific turn towards racism that is constantly brought up in MSM. Race is absolutely a huge topic right now, but IMO only because the MSM keeps driving that narrative and fanning the flames of that cultural conversation. When it isn't race, its class. If not class, then nationality. There's always something lurking and as soon as the conversation gets stale, they shelf it for a few and move on to the next boogie man or whatever else paints the picture of an emerging crisis that ensures a deep inventory of click bait bullshit that keep everyone arguing with each other and no doubt *engaged* to whatever bullshit the MSM is peddling for that week.

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10 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

I’ve never met a member of the clan either, at least that i know of, but i’ve encountered plenty of racist people saying racist shit. 

Sometimes its funny. You didn't see the latest Chappelle special? That was racist as hell and fkn hilarious. I don't believe every racist joke is a call to clutch your pearls.

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Oh for fucks sake y’all get goin about the dumbest shit sometimes. But fuck china and whoever else played a hand at letting this bullshit get over here. I did hit up the Chinese grocery store the other day for my dumplings and the niggas flat out told me it is no more dumplings because they and every other market like their establishment is fucked and with the Chinese twang accent hit me with the “this fucking corona virus is fucking everything up.” So other than bitching about politics (i know this is where y’all do that) how about wtf you gon do if this shit gets goin in your hood? Like on a serious level. Nothing wrong with taking some cautionary action if it really steps forward. I don’t know shit about survivalist preparedness and I’m sure there’s a lot more to get into then just stocking up on canned goods in your basement. Shoot me some cool links cause I don’t really see much on the cdc site outside of wash your hands and carry a mask. Perhaps I’m ignorant. Perhaps I’m just part of the problem. I’m here for the scary shit lol. Motherfuckers puttin the fear in my little state now...




Edited by NightmareOnElmStreet
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56 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Oh for fucks sake y’all get goin about the dumbest shit sometimes. But fuck china and whoever else played a hand at letting this bullshit get over here. I did hit up the Chinese grocery store the other day for my dumplings and the niggas flat out told me it is no more dumplings because they and every other market like their establishment is fucked and with the Chinese twang accent hit me with the “this fucking corona virus is fucking everything up.” So other than bitching about politics (i know this is where y’all do that) how about wtf you gon do if this shit gets goin in your hood? Like on a serious level. Nothing wrong with taking some cautionary action if it really steps forward. I don’t know shit about survivalist preparedness and I’m sure there’s a lot more to get into then just stocking up on canned goods in your basement. Shoot me some cool links cause I don’t really see much on the cdc site outside of wash your hands and carry a mask. Perhaps I’m ignorant. Perhaps I’m just part of the problem. I’m here for the scary shit lol. Motherfuckers puttin the fear in my little state now...




Lots of info out there, you just got to search a bit. I'd suggest reading a bunch of articles and watching a bunch of YouTube videos. You'll start to see a lot of overlap and repetition, which means its probably pretty standard advice. Likewise, you'll hear new stuff, some of which will be retarded and some of which will be specific to certain scenarios that might resonate with you and your pwn circumstance. Either way, its not a bad idea to be thinking ahead and having some stuff on hand like that and it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than most other types of insurance you probably have or are supposed to have.


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Just not really gonna believe this is "racism country".  Sorry @abrasivesaint.  You want to get knit picky and sensitive about it then fly off the handle every time anyone of any color says the word "nigga".  I said if people are committing crimes they should be reported in reference to the USA.  I don't really give two shits what happens in any other country of the world.  Sure that's going to make some of you reel back in horror, but seriously... they need to get good and get their shit together or I'm not going to respect them.  I'm tired of USA wiping the rest of the world's fuckin boogery noses.

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LOL. What the fuck are you even talking about? What the fuck just happened? Haha.. This went from pretty simple statements to utter fucking nonsense. 

Who’s knit picking? Who’s flying off the handle? Who said anything about jokes not being funny? Dudes getting real sensitive about some shit. 

Fun fact: i’m going to see Chapelle soon. 

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"I'm not racist, I'm going to see a black comedian soon."  😉


Racism is not as alive and well as you'd think.  Maybe in a fairy tale world.


If you're confused about what I wrote, go read the last post you made where you were talking about racism and that should clear things up for you.

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As far as what to do about the virus.. Just live your life, but be cautionary. I’ve worked in hospitals for about a decade now. Ebola happened and they hit the panic button, and look how that turned out. I haven’t heard a peep about the Coronavirus. So either it’s not as bad as the news is selling, of they’re really at that much of a loss. 

I know the comparison to the flu has been mentioned throughout the media but the CDC has this to say about flu related deaths... 




in 2016-2017, 38,000 deaths resulted because of the flu. Average that out, it’s about 104 people a day. The only difference so far is the flu is relatively seasonal and Coronavirus has man unknowns still. 

If you’re in good or decent health i wouldn’t hit the panic button yet. As far as preparing for any panic of the population, that’s a different story.  

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3 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

"I'm not racist, I'm going to see a black comedian soon."  😉


Racism is not as alive and well as you'd think.  Maybe in a fairy tale world.


If you're confused about what I wrote, go read the last post you made where you were talking about racism and that should clear things up for you.

Again, simple statements turned to utter nonsense. It’s not what i was saying at all. Get fucked and have a nice day. 

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