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Also... I heard yesterday that they are developing a next gen remake of Final Fantasy 7 for the Xbox360 & PS3.


Portal is doooope.... but Team Fortress can kiss my ass....


And if any COD4 heads don't have a clan yet... I started a 12oz clan tag... put it up if you have some skills.

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yeah there is a super mario 2 though. it's on the super mario allstars game. It's called the lost levels or something. They figured it was too hard for americans so they came out with the other one instead


yeah it looks just like the original super mario but a lot harder...



Doki Doki Panic




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Looks like HD-DVD will lose the format war. Warner Brothers switched from HD-DVD to Blu-Ray last month; that was kind of the tipping point. Then this month, Wal-Mart said it will only sell Blu-Ray in its stores, and NetFlix said it will only support Blu-Ray. Best Buy said it will still carry HD-DVDs, but said that their employees will only recommend Blu-Ray to its customers. I think putting the format on the PS3 also gave Blu-Ray some momentum early on. In Japan, Blu-Ray already accounts for 90% of all HD format sales. One reason I feel all of these companies are siding with Blu-Ray is to add to its momentum and end the format war as soon as possible, since it's a major reason why HD sales have been lagging. With one format, consumers will be more inclined to buy and HD costs should drop.


Time for Toshiba to throw in the towel. Toshiba can always manufacture Blu-Ray players.


It will be embarrassing for Microsoft since their only solution would be to make a deal with Sony to allow Blu-Ray support for the XBox 360 and future Microsoft gaming platforms, pouring money into the company of its rival console.

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Looks like HD-DVD will lose the format war. Warner Brothers switched from HD-DVD to Blu-Ray last month; that was kind of the tipping point. Then this month, Wal-Mart said it will only sell Blu-Ray in its stores, and NetFlix said it will only support Blu-Ray. Best Buy said it will still carry HD-DVDs, but said that their employees will only recommend Blu-Ray to its customers. I think putting the format on the PS3 also gave Blu-Ray some momentum early on. In Japan, Blu-Ray already accounts for 90% of all HD format sales. One reason I feel all of these companies are siding with Blu-Ray is to add to its momentum and end the format war as soon as possible, since it's a major reason why HD sales have been lagging. With one format, consumers will be more inclined to buy and HD costs should drop.


Time for Toshiba to throw in the towel. Toshiba can always manufacture Blu-Ray players.


It will be embarrassing for Microsoft since their only solution would be to make a deal with Sony to allow Blu-Ray support for the XBox 360 and future Microsoft gaming platforms, pouring money into the company of its rival console.



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The rumor about FF7 coming out for next gen systems is not true, it has been asked about many times, died, and been reborn by fans for years, and Squaresoft has continually confirmed that it will not happen.


Anyways, for them to do it justice, they'd need the original team, not which all of them even work for Square anymore.


Speaking, of former FF7 people... Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu are a big part of the team that also made the Shadow Hearts games on PS, they just came out with this game Lost Odyssey on 360... (Uematsu is the soundtrack guy from FF games, i forgot what skaguchi did but he is major)


Its supposed to be really good, got good reviews.. first ever 2 DISC rpg on a next gen system!!! Im fucking psyched about it...


Also, on the mass effect front did u guys hear there is going to be new DLC for that game soon? Time to dust it off and pop it back in already! (finished it a while ago, played thru it 3 times)


Also, BURNOUT PARADISE IS FUCKING SICK, u gotta get that shit.

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Also, BURNOUT PARADISE IS FUCKING SICK, u gotta get that shit.


Double dip cosignage. I've been playing Burnout for hours with this song playing on repeat and it's been the most sublime gaming experience ever.


As much as I've enjoyed playing several games with people online, I've never had as much fun on Xbox Live than with this game.


Buy this fucking game now.

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Its supposed to be really good, got good reviews.. first ever 2 DISC rpg on a next gen system!!! Im fucking psyched about it...


Also, on the mass effect front did u guys hear there is going to be new DLC for that game soon? Time to dust it off and pop it back in already! (finished it a while ago, played thru it 3 times)


Maybe Lost Odyssey is 2 discs on the PS3, but on the 360, the fucker's FOUR discs.


As for Mass Effect, ya i heard about that, seems really cool for the price. They throwing in a new race. The downside is that if you don't have access to the Citadel, you'll have to play through the whole beginning of the game to get to the Citadel in order to play the DLC.

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Maybe Lost Odyssey is 2 discs on the PS3, but on the 360, the fucker's FOUR discs.


As for Mass Effect, ya i heard about that, seems really cool for the price. They throwing in a new race. The downside is that if you don't have access to the Citadel, you'll have to play through the whole beginning of the game to get to the Citadel in order to play the DLC.


1) Oh, no shit??? I must have heard wrong then, because i thought it was 2 discs on 360... that is fucking epic... as soon as i am done whoring the shit out of Burnout i am gonna pick that fucker up. I cant wait. I love JRPG's.


2) Not a problem for me, hehe.



Double dip cosignage. I've been playing Burnout for hours with this song playing on repeat and it's been the most sublime gaming experience ever.


As much as I've enjoyed playing several games with people online, I've never had as much fun on Xbox Live than with this game.


Buy this fucking game now.



I agree, but I have also noticed there are more complete dumbfucks playing this game than any other game, lol. Every time I join a match online, or host one, and the host starts challenges or races, the majority of the players either A) quit out B) ignore the challenge and just be idle or crash everyone C) are just plain too retarded to even do the simplest challenge.


But although all of this drives me absolutely furious, I still cant stop playing it online for hours. It is endless fun.


Did you get the Elite lisence yet? or any of the carbon cars?


I havent gotten Elite yet, but I beat all of the Showtime and Time "road rules" and also beat 2 full sets of online challenges (which gives you a fucking sick carbon fiber le mans style race car)

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just copped some gamecube controllers,and mario kart double dash so i can play that shit on the wii....anyone know of any good gamecube games?



I just recently picked up a cheap ass GameCube myself, i'd recommend Smash Bros Melee and Star Fox Assault so far. And if you haven't played Beyond Good And Evil on a dif platform, i'd get that too.

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There are two Star Fox titles for the GameCube: Star Fox Assault, which is like a revamped, next-gen version of Star Fox (i loved Star Fox 64 and i'm digging this one), and Star Fox Adventures which i haven't tried out yet but i think is the RPG type one you're speaking of.


Beyond Good and Evil is, to me, a refreshing platformer with soft, but appealing storyline. I really enjoyed it, and think the market today really lacks any games like it anymore.

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