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oh shit i forgot this came out




they should've just released it as unrated/uncut.


i read the major difference between the original and the reworked version, is that they removed a scene in which someone is castrated. and some of the more brutal deadly attacks are more blurred and less detailed. it said it may be released unedited in the netherlands

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thats funny...

in the forum that i found that link on,

people immediately responded by talking about beating their kids also.


then someone posted this link:


Beat Your Kids


which made me laugh my ass off because i havent seen this site before and ive been lmao'ing ever since then at other various nonsense on the site...

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i was raised to enjoy violence...











if i ever get another genesis... these are definitely on the list.


holy shit mutant football i used to fucking love that game. i would play all the games on the bloodiest setting and by halftime each team was down to 3rd string haha. "Like smashing a souflet with a sledgehammer!"



i still got my sega genesis nomad, that thing came in handy when i was working as a secutiry gaurd.

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I just bought "Flatout: Ultimate Carnage" for the 360. I guess it's a remake/re-envisioning of a X-Box game, but it's fucking awesome fun. Aside from insane races, awesome demolition derbies, and races where the whole purpose is to wreck shit and cars, there is also a stunt mode where there are a dozen or so courses in which you launch your drive from the car to do things like knock down bowling cars, fly into basketball hoops, and do high-jumps 140 yards into fences. Unfortunatly, no split-screen two player, you can only play on Live. There is a "party" mode that allows up to I think 8 people to switch off controllers to compete in the stunt modes. It's an all around great game with killer graphics and crashes, except for it's really fucking hard to powerslide into turns. I wind up crashing a bunch. The game was $50, so it's cheaper than most regular games.


Also bought "Halo 3" and while it's a good game, I can't say I'm overly impressed. It's definitely not anywhere near as good as "Bioshock".


And that game "Jericho" by Clive Barker is getting terrible reviews.


The "Conan" game is getting so-so reviews, mainly calling it a total rip-off of God of War but not as fun.


"Timeshift" is getting decent reviews but seems like nothing too special. I will probably wait until it drops down to 30-40 bucks before I pick it up.

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