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Boston Marathon


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these 2 men managed to kill 3 and injure over 140. one of these men died, the other one is injured in custody. that's a casualty ratio somewhere around 70:1. to all those in the streets, grabbin booze and having a good time, cut that shit out. chanting USA USA, when the loss is still much greater than the gain.


They actually managed to kill 4 so far... but why chastise those coming together and celebrating the capture of this dude? If I was pretty much on lockdown for 5 days you can be sure I'm grabbin' booze and having a good time. You must be one miserable fuck.

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I don't. All things considered, I actually think the police handled it quite well and not everything is the start of 1984, which is what they are suggesting.


Stepping outside to greet your neighbors, grab a beer, and high five a cop after a stressful couple of days is a perfectly reasonable thing to expect. But you know. Opinions man.


Eh, I don't know man. I am the furthest thing from a liberal, but I honestly thought it was a little...off (?) that people were celebrating in the streets. Something about it just seemed inappropriate to me, I don't know why. But you're right, I've never experienced anything like what happened there and I probably would have felt a sense of comradery with my community if in such a situation which would have warranted celebration.

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What makes you think they aren't investigating others affiliated with those two?

For the next year there's gonna be surveillance on everyone they've talked to in the last three months.


Everyone was cheering, high fives all around, people gathering in crowds. Bad look if another bomb explodes. I would've expected the cops to be all hypervigilant and defcon 5 for the next week. Maybe they didn't have a hard-on for their dragnet lock down after all.

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Tin foil hat status, but no one who knew him IRL believed he could be involved in this.

Then his twitter feed seemed kind of normal to me, I thought there was a chance he was innocent.


The fact they caught him alive though, kind of deads the chance it's a conspiracy.

Maybe he was mad they call him jizz on twitter, I'd be kind of mad too.



I seriously doubt there was a conspiracy in the beginning.

I think they got shit fucked up and pinned it on the wrong dudes, shot the one nigga dead in the street, made up stories about them lobbing crock pot bombs at them, unloaded on the boat they found the other nigga hiding in, and then had to take him alive because everybody from CNN to your mom was on the scene reporting that the only weapons they heard popping off were the police. Now the cover up is gonna ensue no matter how much this nigga and his peoples swear in court that there is no way in hell him and his brother had anything to do with this shit. And the real bomber is gonna walk away laughing.


And none of this has shit to do with Obama, because it's the fucking police who run this country.

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first after dao.


but they made grenades in their house and used them against the police. Which means they do know how to make bombs. Which means there is no conspiracy this time.


In most cases I think the government fucks everything up. And I do think this should have been handled differently. But I think they got the right dudes this time.

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The motive is to invoke emotions of everyone who turns on a TV, bullshit cats into feeling threatened

and leave idea of random radical driven chaos to be a possibility anywhere, (Civilians are best, no radical would EVER drive such vigor to any governmental organization)

And stand by the sidelines to wait for congress to bullshit a multitude of things they couldn’t legislate prior to said incident.

The motive of the kid framed will be doctored, you actually will never hear him mutter a word, considering he has

sustained severe tongue, and throat damage… (hmm)

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The default position of people here to immediately assume everything is a conspiracy is one of my favouite aspects about this website.



Mum and Dad say he was framed......, well, I guess that settles it then!!




PS, agree with Decy, without a demand it's not terrorism to me - as in using intense fear in the public populace to make the govt change policy. These guys may have been taken in by the jihadi message and saw their attacks as revenge against the US for perceived wrongs, that's not terror to me, that's low-level international insurgency - not looking to take territory but looking to destroy the state. As in you're not using attacks to force the govt to change anything but you attack the general populace to show that their govt cannot protect them, which is the most basic function of a state, in theoretical terms. You're end goal there is that the public themselves overthrow the state and in future ensure that similar foreign policies are not implemented because the cost to security/the general public is too high. The interesting aspect about that perspective is that this is still the use of intense fear to achieve a political goal but it's not terrorism in a classical sense. So the lines are definitely blurry and there are mountains of books and journals dedicated to this discussion.




To poke the sleeping bear, whilst I'm at it - is this support for or against gun control?


- These guys showed that if people have an intent that they can still cause serious harm regardless of whether they can access firearms.


- But these guys could easily have accessed guns but actively chose bombs


- only 3 people were killed yet in VT, Aurora, SH, etc. a person with a gun was able to kill far more people than these two clowns were with bombs.


- Having public with concealed or openly held weapons on the street would not have deterred or been able to stop this attack as it was carried out covertly and instantaneously - armed citizens cannot defend against this kind of attack.



I don't have an opinion myself, I jest felt like getting you cats all riled up on it...., and to have RIPS post some inaccurate and irrelevant memes or youtube links!!

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ive gone 25 plus years, and to my knowledge ive never been shadowed by the fbi.




ps some tin foil hat faggot on facebook just posted s pic with some dudes legs blown off and commented something along the lines of "i dont even see a blood trail".


its times like this when i hate freedom of speech.

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That Guardian article raises a lot of valid points. The motive is not known yet, and the word terrorism gets thrown around alot in America these days, but only if the perpetrators are of Muslim origin.

Chris Dorner went around killing innocent people and cops and nobody called him a terrorist, as did countless other gun toting weirdos.


then there is uproar when they try and tighten gun law. america is laughable. 5 people shot dead in seattle yesterday, wonder who'll shoot the shit out of what next week?

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id actually like to pose a question to some of these conspiracy theorists.


where does this line of thinking get you besides a haunting narcissistic attitude and a sense of paranoia towards life in general?


im all for objectively critiquing media and forming ones own conclusions, but it seems to me like all this kind of thinking has done is spawn a few michael moore documentaries and a handful of immortal technique songs.

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