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What did you do to get in trouble for at work?


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me and some friends regularly spiked a guys drink with laxatives because he was a expoliceman that had tried to arrest me once.


got fired from a job and went back after I was fired and stole a load of cash.


I dont really see how smoking weed at work is that much of an issue we used to do it regularly at the bank I worked at, we would also have 3 or 4 pints during lunch which sometimes meant messy afternoons.


Used to work in this shitty record shop where we weere paid peanuts so we stole so much there, we had scams on the till so that you could walk out with £100-£200 a day and the till would still balance we used to fiddle stock arrivals and sell stock to the competitors or local pubs for free drinks.

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^never figured out how to slide stop on those.

heard you have to turn the handle and pull the lever in one quick motion..always just stopped and tilted a bit bewildered


Just lock off the turning wheel (attached to the pump arm) to 90degrees and obviously the wheel stops rolling and skids to a stop.


The shit I did with the forklifts though...worst thing was having an electric one cut out power on an embankment with a few grand worth if wine and spirits. No emergency brake though, ran behind down the hill and threw the arm 90degrees to do a skid stop. Watched the ordeal on the security cam, I fucking pissed myself, the look on my face when the power went haha.

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Never really got fired, just quit or left the job as i got bored, and other job offers arrived.


Used to show up all high and drunk to do telemarketing from like 7-11 pm. Would be too high to try an talk to people and sell them shit, and too drunk to care. (Selling magazines, the whole gig sucked, dreadful job, but it was the only job i could find at that time) So i would just sit there with the phone on mute, and act like im talking to someone. Also fucking with people on the phone while telemarketing.


Used to work at a big fancy gym in the heart of the city. I would close at night and had all the keys. They had a pretty big balcony outside, and after closing up, i would call some close friends over and we would have a lil party (case a brew, some joints) on this balcony over looking the stadium. like 30 feet above everyone tailgating, and all the game night traffic. Felt like some VIP shit. Def woulda gotten fired for that move, had i been caught.


Also ive had jobs valet'n cars, and ive drank during that as well when im working like a friday-saturday night.

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I apologize for the wall of text. skip to cliff notes if desired.



after high school i worked at the mall for a national shoe chain that requires their employees look like fucking sports officials.. hated how i had to dress and dealing with customers,

but the mall chicks i pulled, the discounts on kicks, the new pairs of shoes that accidentally got thrown out at night with the garbage (and later picked up on the way to my car when i got off), the extra doe i would make selling said discarded shoes to my homies at the time and being able to be completely stoned off my ass all the time and no one giving a shit, all made working there bearable/fun..


anyways, so one of my especially dirty homies decides he can print his own money.. smart move for sure! so we're chillen one day that i wasn't working and decide we're gonna hit up the mall and buy some shit.. he's spending his funny money, i'm spending considerably less real money.. I think i bought a new hoodie or some shit at one place and a pair of jeans at another.. Dude buys: 3 pairs of kicks (one of the pairs being at my place of employement), a few pairs of jeans, a new watch that was like $400, leather jacket, i donno, a bunch of dumb shit..


Next shift at the job on my way in i notice two suits, one female an a dude.. they kinda stare at me while i'm walking up to the shop like they recognized me. my spidey sense went off. i walk into work and into the back area where the employee bath room is and as i'm walking back the manager is like "hey 'Tfb', there's a couple of people here to talk to you". aand in walk the suits.

they introduce themselves as AGENT fuckface and AGENT smallballs from the mother fucking SECRET SERVICE.. Cool!


They try to interrogate me in the managers office saying they had my friend in custody an that he had already snitched on me telling them i made and was the one spending the fake cash. *cough* *bullshit*... well kinda.

they did have dude in custody, but he def wasn't snitch'n or trying to put shit on me. that's just not the kinda cat he was.


I deny knowing anything about anything and that whatever dude said was untrue and that i had no clue what they were talking about.

they searched my wallet, book bag, patted me down whatever. find nothing..

i was living with my girlfriend at her dads house (he was cool, didn't give a fuck about us blazing and drinking, would buy anything you'd write on the grocery list) so i had no known address.

my boy wasn't so lucky. they had a warrant and were searching his apartment while questioning me. needless to say they found enough evidence plus extra dirt on my homie to let me walk out and work the remaining hour and a half of my shift..



I talked to dude the next day via collect call from jail an he said he never said any of that shit.. which, i already knew.. he ended up doing some time.. he's out now and owns a tat shop here and one down south. still bullshit with him on occasion.


oh, and i quite that job about a year later because the new assistant manager was a douche..


CLIFF NOTE: i worked a shoe store at the mall(which was awesome). homie spends crazy fake money while at the mall. secret service show up at my job and interrogate me. they say homie snitched *bullshit*. i deny/had no known address. they had warrant for homies crib and find evidence. he goes to jail, i walk. he's still my homie an is doing well.

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what ...you want a gold star sticker or some shit for mature life choices ?

fuck outta here mr. givemyopinionevenwhenitwasntaskedfor


Says the fucking idiot who dips his hand in a biohazardous cancer vat then sucks on his fingers for teh lolz.

And here I thought you posting pics of yourself on here gaying out like Richard Simons was a stupid idea.


I was being real when I said that I don't hope you get cancer though.

You can take that for whatever that's worth.

Or not.

Like I really give a shit.

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was working at hungry jacks (burger king but in w.a, exact same company)



No, Burger King is still Burger king in Washington state.

And hungry Jack is still pancake mix there too.












































































































I'm assuming you meant western Australia, but I had to be a dick anyways.

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OH NO SHE DI'INT... [/color]



I hate that shit.

I always assume that's the persons voicemail and hang up when I hear music instead of a ring thinking that their phone is turned off.






































































Would you be calling her a "niggahbitch" if the niggahbitch was white?

Cause I smell racism in your tone.

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so what? I was doing acid on the regular before I smoked weed regularly , on some "weed is bad for your brain, acid expands the mind" shit...


I mean not saying I was 16 either when I first smoked, I had to know I didnt like it somehow, but don't be that "OMG I SMOKED WEED LIKE 4 YEARS BEFORE YOU!!!" guy


I think he was clowning him for being mad old first time he smoked weed and you took it the other way.

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Says the fucking idiot who dips his hand in a biohazardous cancer vat then sucks on his fingers for teh lolz.

And here I thought you posting pics of yourself on here gaying out like Richard Simons was a stupid idea.


I was being real when I said that I don't hope you get cancer though.

You can take that for whatever that's worth.

Or not.

Like I really give a shit.


but ya know to be honest...i couldnt give a single fuck if you and you and your whole family died in a stove explosion right now.

for reals...i still think about krie and other oontz folks that are still lurking or elsewhere just living life..or still post under different names..even new cats the are memorable to me as far as semi anon forum life can get in my eyes..a detachment that goes as far as one can allow.


i can seriously say right now that...dude you are on some faggotree fruit weighing down the branches two inches from the ground type shit... ya may wanna take a break from 12oz for a few years and come back after you clear your ass from sticking your head up it so often

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if you work for a national chain, they have a central database of all their employee records. This is why every chain store has a "have you ever worked at another location" question, so if you click yes, and then they ask you where, they can go in their database and confirm your training or whatever trouble you got in (warnings, suspensions, firings) - so most national chains have a status list as "rehirable" or "unhirable" - if you walk out on your manager screaming "Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu im out" in front of customers, they log you in the national database as unhirable, with a note why in the file, and you can never work for Best Buy (not where I worked, but all places do this) in CA after stealing on the clock at Best Buy NY


So then it's only in-house and doesn't apply for if you're trying to get a job at a different company then?

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Working at JFK was the shit. I worked in terminal 3 and we got away with some shit.


As far as trouble, We use to work from 12-10 at night. Once the place it hit around 8:30 the place was usually dead. We all helped each other with our after work (We had to carry over 200 of these giant baskets to check in rooms to send down bags in, or your stupid straps would jam our conveyer belt) We always had an hour to chill out before we got off which usually meant smoking or drinking on the job. One day we were chilling out drinking stolen vodka. (We were with TSA as they stole everything, alcohol,money,ipods/ipads, macbooks!,cologne) Our supervisor caught us as we were passing around a bottle and smoking a blunt under a plane. Though we didn't get fired we we caught hell for it. There is a shit ton of hiding spots in airports and you never realize how fucking big a plane is until you are underneath it, fucking with it.





I've got a shit ton of stories while working there. TSA girls are fucking whores. A couple of my coworkers were caught have sex or getting head on the job in the dirtiest of places.

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lol really?

im gonna go smoke this blueberry tumbleweed and watch some four rooms tarintino style...

you have fun there emokid


edit* this to me was a 03 style thread done well with walls of text worth reading save for sf1 still stuck in some control drama unresovled...you need more hugs in life dude

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I missed a mistake that my boss made and the resultant fix cost around 75K. Of course he did not want to man up so he fired me. Joke was on him as the client liked me and stopped doing business with them when I was no longer around.


Lesson learned: never work for a born again christian right wing cocksucker.

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I never really got caught doing anything, but I almost burned a 4 plex house down . . . I used to find one person whome I couldn't stand and make their jobs/lives a living hell. . . .


Actually, at the second job I ever had when I was a sophomore in high school, the manager had accidentally hired this semi retarded incompetent bitch as an assistant manager, but after calling up her former employers and asking them what was up with her they found out she was the older sister of a well known civil lawyer, and had been known to sue employers for firing her.


It then became part of my job duties to make her life a living hell and force her to either quit or violate policy, for an asshole by nature teenager like me it was a dream come true.


First step was to take away any authority she had over me. Since I only worked after school (closing shift) they only scheduled her opening shift. They then instituted a rule that opening shift assistant managers did not have ANY authority over closing shift employees. There was a natural overlap in shifts as the closing shift guys came in after school one by one, while the daytime shifts were leaving, so she would be the last to leave since she was the highest rank of the daytime shift. This left a couple hour overlap where she was still there ending her shift, and I was just arriving. She would try and boss me around, I would straight up tell her do it yourself (I couldn't get too abusive or it would constitute a hostile work environment and I would HAVE to be fired or they would face lawsuit; I was made aware of this before taking the mission on). I would ask her dumb questions while she was trying to do her closing duties, start rattling off random numbers while she was counting her registers to throw her math off (she was semi retarded, so it took her forever and she would flip out over this), sing really loud off key and annoying songs, crack jokes at her, and in general be a dick to her as long as it wasnt directly offensive. Sometimes I would tell her WHEN I was taking my break, she would tell me "this needs to be done" and I would tell her "Uhhh, no, you aren't my boss, do it yourself" and just walk out. She even tried to fire me, and I refused to leave, she flipped out, called the manager, the manager flipped out on her for trying to fire an employee she had no authority over, and she got so frustrated she walked out without finishing her till count or clocking out. That was enough to safely fire her, since it was clearly walking out on her duties and making a scene. Mission accomplished!

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I think he was clowning him for being mad old first time he smoked weed and you took it the other way.


Nah, I get what he was doing, Im just saying, some people dont like to smoke weed, or dont want to, or think its for hippies. I think clowning people for not smoking weed while they were young, in effect bragging about how young you were for smoking weed is pretty weak. Weed aint shit, it's not hardcore to smoke weed, who cares if you never smoked it until you were 20, 30, or never.



So then it's only in-house and doesn't apply for if you're trying to get a job at a different company then?


yeah, it has nothing to do with any job I apply for, ever, because I aint tryin to work for a certain Cabin that sells radio equipment and whatnot at this point in my life, but I can still use the reference by leaving the managers name and store number, not regional HQ

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as a teenager i also worked at mouse themed family restaurant which will remain nameless. i had the rad job of climbing in the mouse suit and dancing around like a fucking jackass for minimum wage. i used to get high as shit before going to work so it was almost bearable. one time i tripped over a kid in the mouse suit. the head fell off and the kid instantly started crying because he thought he had killed me. i used to rob the place blind and spent most of the day playing skee-ball and eating free pizza and cake. it still sucked.


i got caught getting high one time by this manager that looked exactly like buzz lightyear. he made me think that i was gonna get fired and he was gonna call my p's to let them know. dude was picking up the phone to call my p's and then started laughing his ass off and said to invite him out to smoke next time or don't come in reeking like weed.

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When I was around 18 I'd been up all night drinking and doing lines of louie. Figured it'd be a good idea to 'straighten up' by doing the rest of the louie in one line a few minutes before I went to work. Bad idea. Jaw wobbles like crazy.


After about half an hour of being laughed at by co workers I ended up throwing the tools down and walking off while yelling some shit at the boss about why I had to leave.


Got a spiel about drugs etc from the boss the next day. Awkward as fuck around the boss for the next few weeks.

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Working at a call center, whether it's incoming tech support/whatever or outgoing telemarketing, is unquestionably one of the worst jobs that you can possibly have.


As much as I enjoyed drinking nips in the bathroom and smoking bowls on my breaks to make the rest of the day less excruciating, I would never go back.

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