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Travel Log - Hunting, Hitchhiking, Painting & Getting Dirty: Traveling Across America


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Thank you, that means a lot to me... These are from shortly before my last post, on the way to Montana through Wyoming - -







I wandered up through the treetops and into the pass, and fell into a dream. The view from that road is continuously changing, whitening, purifying. All the way until you get to the top and it’s all of the sudden one big screen of precious white, and you can see everything and nothing all at once, and nothing matters but the little specks of light that mean fellow travelers. I was running away from my lies and finding beauty, and yet I had the earnest desire to avoid it. The purity of the snow only reflected how unclean my mind and thoughts were, and I wanted desperately to be something with it, to dive into an avalanche and swim through the fog. The light tore through wondrously quiet clouds in thin rays of white that screamed Providence. It was a novelty, the great Midwest – that you can begin your day in sun drenched valleys, sweating and overheating in your car, and four hours later find yourself neck deep in swills of giant mountain snowdrifts, lost in purity. Wyoming did that to me. There’s a pace that’s set when you arrive that takes some time to adjust – it’s a pace that’s more realistic and natural than the East. Time and events occur as the weather dictates. In the East, time is a product that is manufactured, packaged, and delivered on a very slim margin. It is dictated, written down, and calculated to maximize efficiency. But in the Midwest, the ideas and lives of its denizens center around the sun and rain. There is no desire for one-upmanship, for time tables or expensive cars. The feeling of a lack of control over nature is embodied and understood, rather than abhorred and resisted as in the East. They seemed to understand something more fundamental than I could ever imagine, the idea that perhaps man is a not a product of his environment, but a process.

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I would LOVE to come visit Alaska. Sent you a PM. Wanting to go visit the bus where McCandless died and spend a couple weeks in it. Right now I'm outside Yellowstone, got an apartment for a month which I'm two weeks into, doing a few murals in town to stack up a little dough. One of the jobs is at a brewery where they give me the HOOK UP on beer, drinks, etc. A few days ago the boss man was throwing away a large quantity of bottles that had expired that day. He made it quite obvious to me when he was telling the brewer which dumpster to throw them in, and gave me a wink. Lo and behold, I came across one of the greatest events of my life. Dumpstered beer! A single tear rolled down my cheek as I discovered just how much they were throwing away.


1/2 Murals




The tip of the iceberg



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Plans now are to finish drinking all of this beer (ended up being just over a beer a day for a year) in short time, and then heading to one of several places.


1. New Mexico to pick up half my stuff which I left coming to WY - then to:

2. Alaska - > Fairbanks

3. California again - SF to stay for a month or two (Karl Hungus getcherass Ready!)

4. Tennessee - > Philadelphia to see the East Coast & meet up with a fun lady

5. Tennessee - > Florida to raft to the Bahamas/Cuba


Any suggestions?

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I barely remember yesterday gas, do you really expect me to remember many moons ago? Here was I thinking you knew me.



I do look forward to the pictures of KIR skinning a shark on a shoddy raft made out of oil cans and duct tape though.

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