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This coin is legal tender for all depts, public and private


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Australia stopped using 1c and 2c pieces back in 1992, just round everything to the closest 5c.

With rising metal prices, the US penny now costs more to produce than it is worth. Approximately 1.2c to make a single penny. That doesn't make cents to me.



fixed :lol:

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I might start paying for shit in pennies just to try and get arrested. My lawyer would have me caking off wrongful arrest suits


Drunk Swamp: "I'm buying all of you degenerates a round!"


Bartender: "Holy shit, not again..."

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This shit reminds me of the people gettin arrested for dancing, dumb motherfuckers.

There's no argument, close thread, shoot the faggot who started the thread, keep shit moving.




eat a bag of dicks & wash your hair hippie.



So this shit reminds you of the absurdity of people getting arrested for dancing, yet you're calling me a faggot for posting this?

Then you go on to call me a fucking hippy?


Pussy I'm DAO. I'd punch your fucking head off then spit down your decapitated throat.

And there's a couple people on here who will vouch for that.

Watch your fucking tone when speaking to the god, sonny.

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So this shit reminds you of the absurdity of people getting arrested for dancing, yet you're calling me a faggot for posting this?

Then you go on to call me a fucking hippy?


this ain't crossfire, but..


The cops were in the wrong for takin these people in, but I mean there are fights you should fight, this just doesn't seem like one. Do the cops have too much power? -yes. Have they been abusing their power? Fuck yes. But what the fuck does dancing at a memorial solve?

They were playing with fire & got burnt. Now everyone's crying over how the were arrested for dancing. Bitch please.

Plus it's not like they weren't warned.

Some dumbass even tried resisting arrest.

Why would you wanna go to jail over some dumb shit like this?

just my 2 pennies



And DAO, I'm not even gonna respond to your retarded ass hostile ass rant on how you're gonna DAOcapitate me & spit on me over some internet shit. Choke on a cheesesteak, & grow a spine. I ain't got nothing personal against you. Peace love and all that shit.

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good ole Vernal...dinasour town. my birthplace. haha



If the hospital denies payment, the guy shouldn't owe the money anymore.


You're correct.

Whenever any debtor refuses any payment, you should be able to consider your account paid in full.

Im gonna start paying shit is change, to see how much debt I can wipe away.

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Drunk Swamp: "I'm buying all of you degenerates a round!"


Bartender: "Holy shit, not again..."


That'd be the first time ever that a bartender wasn't happy to see me haha.


Which reminds me, I gave em $60 on a $20 tab last night. That, my friends, is the key to being wasted for cheap every night

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That'd be the first time ever that a bartender wasn't happy to see me haha.


Which reminds me, I gave em $60 on a $20 tab last night. That, my friends, is the key to being wasted for cheap every night


Some boy tried this paying for two drinks with 600 in 1p and 2p coins in the pub last night. place was busy as fuck tae...


the boy behind the bar just told the jew to fuck right off...

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I hate when I'm trying to get on the bus and people pay with pennies. My friend worked as a gas station clerk, he wouldn't let people take the pennies from the "take a penny, leave a penny" tray. I watched him straight up tell people "those are mine." He saved them up for a while. Fucking a girl on her period smells like alot of pennies together. Thats about all I know about pennies.

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This shit reminds me of the people gettin arrested for dancing, dumb motherfuckers.

There's no argument, close thread, shoot the faggot who started the thread, keep shit moving.




eat a bag of dicks & wash your hair hippie.


Dumb mother fucks like you are dumb mother fucks.

Mother fucker.

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wtf. I pay in change all time. its fuckin money isn't it? People look at me weird now when i use dollar bills. fuck credit and debit cards, shits a scam. I was on an airplane trying to buy a drink and they said i couldn't use cash. "this is legal tender for all debts public and private" so take my fucking money bitches.

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this ain't crossfire, but..


The cops were in the wrong for takin these people in, but I mean there are fights you should fight, this just doesn't seem like one. Do the cops have too much power? -yes. Have they been abusing their power? Fuck yes. But what the fuck does dancing at a memorial solve?

They were playing with fire & got burnt. Now everyone's crying over how the were arrested for dancing. Bitch please.

Plus it's not like they weren't warned.

Some dumbass even tried resisting arrest.

Why would you wanna go to jail over some dumb shit like this?

just my 2 pennies



And DAO, I'm not even gonna respond to your retarded ass hostile ass rant on how you're gonna DAOcapitate me & spit on me over some internet shit. Choke on a cheesesteak, & grow a spine. I ain't got nothing personal against you. Peace love and all that shit.


You just said the cops were in the wrong for bringing these people in, right after calling me a hippy faggot for even bringing this to your attention.

What fight was dude looking for other than with the bill collector having to count pennies?

He was paying his fucking bill with legal cash tender.

What's next, 25 ones aint acceptable and you're going to get locked up for trying to pay what you conceive to be a false charge with ones?

What the fuck ever happened to "This note is legal tender for all depts, public and private"?


Pussy you're the one bringing up people being arrested for dancing at Thomas Jeffersons memorial for no apparent reason other than to distract from the topic of this thread.

But since you brought it up, what exact purpose did assaulting and arresting private citizens serve other than to prove to them that they live in a police state that disrespects the actual founding father of our country who's memorial that they were visiting?

"Playing with fire"???

Are you fucking serious???

By dancing at Thomas Jefferson's memorial???


Pussy, "playing with fire" was Thomas Jefferson and his people declaring our independence from the King of England in 1776, then co-writing a constitution that specifically defends freedom of expression in this country.

Thomas Jefferson of all people knew a thing or two about "playing with fire", and he of all people would be rolling in his fucking grave at the ignorance of you and your ignorant words.

He'd probably punch your ignorant head off then laugh while his boy Ben Franklin shoved a Cheese Steak down your ignorant, decapitated throat.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




....and as usual,

tryin to call some one out on being umad, when its clearly you thats butthurt.



Your posts usually amuse me,

but bragging about your internet rep is pretty weak, even for you.


I wasn't bragging about "internet rep", I was speaking in real life terms.

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