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Ahh the old Eye for an Eye ....


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Iran Human Rights, May 12: Acid will be dripped into the eyes of an Iranian man sentenced by a court in Tehran to qesas (retribution) on Saturday May 14th.




Not the good Sandoz shit either. Basically one of those wierd middle eastern dudes who can't deal with wimminz doused a broad in the faceplate with something like Sulphuric acid. Essentially blinding her and decimating her once beautiful mug.


I hear things like this happen in South America as well, on some ultra-Machismo type shit... when bitches attempt to thwart the penix.


At first I was like-



But then I was like-



So today, at some point in Tehran they are going to get 'specialists' to give this guy a taste of his own medicine. Apparently the woman was offered the opportunity to administer the eye drops of doom to the man and she backed out!



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I have mixed feelings about the punishment because I'm a granola eating, liberal douche who dissaproves of the death penalty.


Why render the man absolutely useless? He could be sentenced to a life of being... like her seeing eye dog or something right? Rocking a high voltage shock collar to maintain obedience. That would be the ultimate retribution.

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Holy shit. I dont know what i would do. If this was my sister i would have to admit i would have no fucking mercy on him.

I worked with survivors of domestic violence for like 3 months. I did 3 cases. Nothing like that but man thats heavy. You know a lot of women and men are in or have been in an abusive relationship. It takes a lot of courage to break that cycle.

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Dude deserves it.

I don't agree with the death penalty either, but this isn't the same.

He made what shitty life that woman had in some shitty muslim country even worse for her.

For that he deserves to be hindered himself.

Fuck him and that whole system.


Yes, I know that is a bit contradictory because their beliefs and such probably caused him to act this way, but fuck him. He should have just gone and shrugged off his beliefs like any western religious person would have done and bought a whore and a bottle.

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they should just tie him down in front of a computer

and force him to read Soup threads

:lol: :lol:




Dude deserves it.

I don't agree with the death penalty either, but this isn't the same.

He made what shitty life that woman had in some shitty muslim country even worse for her.

For that he deserves to be hindered himself.

Fuck him and that whole system.


Yes, I know that is a bit contradictory because their beliefs and such probably caused him to act this way, but fuck him. He should have just gone and shrugged off his beliefs like any western religious person would have done and bought a whore and a bottle.



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In Pakistan the woman would have been charged and her sister raped by his brothers as a form of justice.







I'm no cheerleader for capital punishment either, but if this case is beyond doubt I kind of find it hard to argue with the sort of balance that seems to be created with this outcome.


Props to the girl for not being the cunt that he was. More power to her.

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usually im against the middle easts warped sense of justice, but this time it just feels so right.


my father worked at a hospital in baghdad and he said the number of women and children who were burned intentionally with either acid or kerosene by their fathers/husbands was appalling.. i can't remember how many he said he saw a week but the number was big, atleast a half dozen a week. or somewhere in that range. don't quote me on it because i can't remember exactly, i just know it is pretty common.



he had one case where a 10 year old boy disobeyed his father, and he put the kids hands and feet into boiling lye for his punishment.. kid had to have his limbs amputated. nothing happened to the parents. nothing is worse than having to change the dressing on a small child who was intentionally burned on some dumb shit and have to hear them scream in pain.


so whatever, you can call my mom stupid for agreeing with this kind of punishment, but im in agreement with it also. burn this faggots face off.

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the part where i said burning his face off would restore order to the universe? yeah i stand behind that.



the only thing i changed with my edit was elaborating more in depth why i think this is the right way to go. alot of people pull this shit over there like its the norm, if more people get acid poured down their throat or in their eyes maybe it would stop some crazed arab from wanting to throw his kid into a pot of hot lye, like the case above.



you really want to stand up for someone who throws acid in peoples face? FUCK THAT NIGGA. period.

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