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Manute Bol

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a. listen to what substanceOVERhype is sayin...


b. i love how you fuckers focus on trying to find an applicable racial stereotype to come up with when most of your are forgetting the trife ass chick is maintaining a cum reservoir in her mouth while two dudes scrap.


c. whats even more bugged out is the dudes around her are such fuckin pervs that they keep fappin like nothing everything is everything.


now thats focus.


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why do all nigs think that because they landed a punch or two that they "socked em out nigguh"


The same reason they lease a Lexus and still live with their grandmom on food stamps.



actually he threw an ok punch, but it hit the side of dudes face, had that been a straight nose shot( blood city!) or a low chin shot, white boy woulda been ko'd. For the black dudes size, that really wasnt a bad shot, funny how people on message boards like to rate real life fights from their keyboard. lol ive seen many lil dudes put big dudes to sleep, and big dudes put smaller guys to sleep with what keyboarders would call sissy punches... its all about your size and where you land it.


Listen to this spade try and justify why that other spade was justified in his bragging.



no word of a lie, 6 Arab fucks jumped me at a bar couple weeks ago, all throwing flailing punches like homos...they all threw big haymakers that hit me in the skull, the 6 guys eventually gave up when they realised i wasnt even flinching when they hit



when I took boxing your taught to always protect your chin. I've knocked people out with one crisp jab straight to the jaw, it doesn't take much to drop someone.


Protecting your chin isn't an ancient secret passed down from the boxing monks from high on heir mountain, br0.

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