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Dude Rape.


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honestly,all these stories of fat girl rape has gotten me shook.thats why im starting a coalition against this kind of atrocities.its time we stood up to these sick sexual predators and future diabetic patients.



we'll call it...




or W.A.L.R.U.S






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Ha, this guy has you beat:


"Before you all go "niiiiice" it wasn't like that.


This is what happened.


I was at a bar Friday night and I noticed this girl that I haven't seen before. She was a cute, tiny thing. 5'0 or so(I used to have a thing for small girls). Age wise I'd say she was 20-25. She was wearing a shirt, a skirt, knee high socks and a backback(important). Looked like a sorority girl with glasses.


I went up to her and started talking to her. We clicked instantly. Eventually we decided to leave. I offered to take her home, but instead she wanted to watch a movie at my place.


So we come home, watch a movie, drink a little wine and eventually we move to the bedroom. We have sex and she is pretty terrible. She just lay there like a corpse. Afterwards we take a shower and fall asleep.


The next morning, I wake up to find myself handcuffed to my bed. And I'm not talking about those cheap plastic handcuffs, these were the real deal. Apparently she had them in her backpack.


So I'm confused, try to rattle them and I hear this mocking voice "aw looks like the sleeping beauty is awake"...not exactly but close, I tried saying "what the fuck is going on" but she cut that off and screamed "shut the fuck up" at the top of her lungs. Then she said something along the lines of "here is how it's going to work".


The rules were as follows:


* I'd be hers for the day...if I behaved and did everything like I was told she wouldn't cut my throat with a kitchen knife.

* I wouldn't scream or yell or try to break free.

* I'd be raped in the ass, repeatedly.

* If I had to pee or shit, I'd have to pee and shit in the bed, since she couldn't afford to let me loose.

* All my semen would be collected and I would be spoon fed it after coming.

* At the end of the day I would drink until I passed out, at which point she promised to release me before leaving. Apparently she wasn't even from the area.


Oh and everything would be videotaped.


I was seriously scared for my life(she seriously sounded deranged) so I had no choice but to play along.


I will spare you the gory details, but basically she had an arsenal of toys in her backpack and she also used a ton of things she found laying around my place to rape me with.


She approached it like a job. Usually her sessions would last an hour(no clock so didn't actually know), and then she'd take an hour or so to watch TV while I recuperated.


At the end of the day, she had me drink wine until I passed out.


When I woke up the next morning, she was gone and I was free.


There was damage, but not as much since she used a ton of lube. It wasn't for my comfort she just got off on the slurping sound. Damage wise I had some bleeding and had trouble holding my shit in for a while, but nothing permament.


Afterwards I was thinking of going to the police, but she told me that she wasn't even from that area...so the only thing that would've accomplished was to let the world know that I was ass raped by a girl.


Like I said, there was nothing "niiiiice" about this. This was a brutal rape by this seemingly innocent tiny girl...who apparently had a thing for ass raping 6'1 guys.


Anyways ask your questions...anything goes, short of anything that can be used to identify myself.


TLDR: picked up a girl at a bar who turned out to be a psycho who raped me in the ass.


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