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francis buxton

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Another "I'm-going-on-a-trip-what-should-I-do-?" thread.


Anyone ever been? I'm headed there for about 2 weeks in the middle of august.

Fun things to do?

Any interesting painting storys?

Know where to get paint etc?

Interesting non-graffiti related storys?



I've been to costa rica and painted a bit but all I could find was shitty off brand car paint.


I did a search and the only thread I could find had no worth while info.


Be my tour guide Oontz!




Commence Van Halen and cocain jokes.

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Herrerano, eh?


"Most people who have not drunk it before who you give some to will accuse you of trying to kill them. A certain percentage will come back about 20 minutes later and ask for more. The rest will consider it only useful as a substitute for rubbing alchohol, which it resembles."


I'm no POZ, but I'll give it a shot.


Drink crappy rum, check.

Whats next?

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i hear good things about the canal.


ie: that it exists, and that it is unpredictably shaped by both its water and surrounding lands yet travelable by boat, canooe and/or river raft made of unused or stolen pallets strewn together by twine or the braided hairs of a blonde white woman.

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I say do tons of graffiti while you are in any backwards ass third world country, that's totally a great idea.


here in panama, this is both a great idea and a bad idea. they don't have a law against graffiti per se, it gets folded into 'destruction of private property'. so, if you have a great line and a raison d'etre to be painting somewhere, even if it isn't exactly legal, it won't fall under destruction. if you don't though, then you might as well commit arson, you're just as bad off. ehhhh.

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I say do tons of graffiti while you are in any backwards ass third world country, that's totally a great idea.



OMG, YoU MeAn t0 tEll mE DoiNg TeH rAp lEtteRzz in A 3rd w0rLd c0uNtry MiGht bE RiSky?!?!?!


Shit! That never crossed my mind, I bet no ones ever done graffiti over seas. Thanks for looking out for me broseph.



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany way, Props too andrewreynoldsx, and MayorMenino for the legitimate advice.

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South America is not overseas, not even close, I was giving you good advice.


You'll find out the hard way, and your pops won't be able to buy your freedom this time.



So, You've been there? You did some graffitos while you were there and had a bad experience?

Then thanks for the helpful insight. As for buying my way out of prison, "My father says everything's negotiable".


here in panama, this is both a great idea and a bad idea. [/size]they don't have a law against graffiti per se, it gets folded into 'destruction of private property'. so, if you have a great line and a raison d'etre to be painting somewhere, even if it isn't exactly legal, it won't fall under destruction. if you don't though, then you might as well commit arson, you're just as bad off. ehhhh.


This is more the advice I'm looking for.

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not to get btw you twos, but i'd say that the keyword of what i wrote was arson. if i were you, i'd set about finding some safe walls. just because the police are too scared to go to places like Chorrillo, Santa Ana and San Miguelito does NOT mean you should go paint there. shit, you shouldn't go to those areas for any reason.


here, there's no such thing as police brutality, its just called getting arrested. and trying to buy your way out of the slammer is surefire way to either A. a kick in the nuts or B. a quick trip to an ATM machine with the police so they can max you out.

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Alright fine. Forget I mentioned painting, for a second I forgot that I posted in the

"No-Graffiti-Content" section aka "Has-Beens-&-Never-Were" section.


So since nobody in ch.0 is interested in doing graffiti while on vacation,

What would you do/What should I do in Panama?


I'm looking for advice I wouldn't get from the Lonely planet web site.


So far I'm gettting; Go fishing, Drink, Holler at bitches. Pretty weak.

What else ya got?



MayorMenino, thanks for the legitimate advice again, but I already know what

neighborhoods not to go to thanks to said web sites. I'll probably pm you for some insider info later.

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