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B **************** S **************** M's superdutytoughthread


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"bitch put period juice in my stew,

Now isn't that a wicked witches brew"


Or something like that...


I cant get down with soup. Unless it's tortilla soup.

Not a fan of stew either. I mean, I'll eat either if it's there. But I never order one when I'm someplace...or make some when I'm hungry.


Never had pho. Doesn't interest me a bit.


Siracha is la bomba

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ralphy, i ate it in a motel room. they were legitimately earned :D


and yes, sriracha is BSM as fuck. the only thing wrong with the pic of pho above is it needs ~8 times more sriracha imho.


i ended up killing a pint of jameson at the beach last night and falling asleep on the sand while listening to bluegrass. damn good night.


ps if anybody is curious how the fuck we came up with the term "big sexy muscles" - timmy and i are big fans of the show 'the trailer park boys' - one of the characters, a drunk trailer park supervisor is fond of the word "sexy" and at one point made a comment about another character having "sexy muscles". we started using BSM as code to make fun of assholes.


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