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mook is like kind of an idiot, but can be used in a variety of ways. including jokingly to friends and on yerself.


you could say "mooked out" as in "yo check out that dudes wack ass ride with that mooked out spoiler"


or "look at this fuckin mook with his corny assed knock off watch and karl kani jeans"


its pretty much just a montreal term but i think its worthy of expansion. shit sounds funny to say. makes you crack a grin everytime, specially when the word makes sense to you.


you could even say somethin like "yo dawg yer fitted is lookin tight but those kicks are kinda mookish son" if you was talkin to a homie er some shit and you thought his shoes were tacky.


tacky, thats actually a really good comparison. think tacky.


This is pretty much it.

Mook could be immigrant, immature, instinctive, loud, uneducated, tasteless, and a million other things.

Basically socially miss-adapted human beings who are far from conservative uptight snobby people. Someone who just doesn't give a fuck and will do and say things with no filter.

These people often offend the ones around them most of the time without even knowing it.


Once you understand, you will know exactly what i mean.




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there was a rap song i heard with buckshot using the term mook.


ya, back in the day buckshot used to date a girl from quebec. just outside of montreal in a place called lavalle.


he would hang around the coffee shop in, i forget the cross street, around her neighborhood. started to pick up a little french even. often ordered poutine, w/o gravy and smoke L's behind the backdoor with another dude that moved up from the states. i think he was from delaware or some random shit. dude got a job thru his acadian grandmother from new orleans and straight moved to canada.


they used to rap n shit when they got high. and the dude from delaware, or wherever he was from, used to call out scrubs that walked by while they was gettin there freestyle on and refferr to them as "mooks"


buck started laughin the first time he heard the word and eventually it just kinda stuck.


anyways, blah blah blah. dude from delaware said to him "eh yo buck, put that shit inna track son and get rawkus to ching me out" laughing and shit.


buck nodded, and said he'd see what he could do. and if he did, he wanted the dudes grandmother that he used to smoke L's with to take him into the woods and show him how to. as he called it "milk a tree for pancake juice" meaning, he wanted to learn how to extract the sap canadians use from maple trees to make syrop with and have it on his pancakes the next morning.


so anyways, long story short. the term "mook" gets put into a song. and buck got his wish. sure as shit, homeboy was out in the dead of winter, rockin a northface and timbo's, out in the forset with a spiget and an old carona bucket he found in front of a bar one morning, i guess left behind after closing from one of them "6 coronas for $7 dollar" deals and homeboy drained that tree of everything it had to give.


so ya, i mean. it was pretty tight and the next morning when he woke up, like it was christmas fuckin day, happier than a pig in shit. he ran out to the kitchen with this corona bucket full of the purest canadian maple syrop you can find. whipped up a pancake batter suuuper light n fluffy. got his griddle pan nice n hot. ladelled in a few rounds... waited. flipped em just as the bubbles started to form. waited about 20 seconds and put that shit straight onot a plate he had waitin for him.


buttered them things and paused for a minute. right before he was to reach for the corona bucket and stood. and stared. and stood some more. this was a big deal to buck. not some joke of a morning where you wake up, throw in a bowl of microwavable porage had a cigarrette and a coffee then sat in the can with a newspaper while you crapped out all that your body doesnt need. this was pretty much the moment hed been waiting for, anticipating, constantly thinking about and just as though he had aunt jemima's family bloodlines not only running thru his veins. but they were in his heart. pumping. like pistons in a race car. this was it, this was his moment. and he was ready, and for the first time happy.


old buckshot ended up eatin that whole plate up within a matter of what couldnt have been more than 3 minutes but seemed like a lifetime. and the best part of the whole story, our good friend buck, when he was done. took that rusty old, now emptied, bucket of corona and stuck it right his head. like a hat. a bucket hat. with an upside down corona logo that only read "C O R N A" as that darned second O was all warn away. and that buckshot with that maple syrop bucket hat now had those same syrop drippings runnin all down his face.


and he just sat back, and smiled.


so yes cali, moral of the story. you did here that word used in a buckshot song. and this was why.

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I dont know if this is true.. but this is definitely a mook story.


I started using it cuz my homeboy said it and i found it funny.

That was like 7 years ago, now most people i know use this word regularly.

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ya, back in the day buckshot used to date a girl from quebec. just outside of montreal in a place called lavalle.


he would hang around the coffee shop in, i forget the cross street, around her neighborhood. started to pick up a little french even. often ordered poutine, w/o gravy and smoke L's behind the backdoor with another dude that moved up from the states. i think he was from delaware or some random shit. dude got a job thru his acadian grandmother from new orleans and straight moved to canada.


they used to rap n shit when they got high. and the dude from delaware, or wherever he was from, used to call out scrubs that walked by while they was gettin there freestyle on and refferr to them as "mooks"


buck started laughin the first time he heard the word and eventually it just kinda stuck.


anyways, blah blah blah. dude from delaware said to him "eh yo buck, put that shit inna track son and get rawkus to ching me out" laughing and shit.


buck nodded, and said he'd see what he could do. and if he did, he wanted the dudes grandmother that he used to smoke L's with to take him into the woods and show him how to. as he called it "milk a tree for pancake juice" meaning, he wanted to learn how to extract the sap canadians use from maple trees to make syrop with and have it on his pancakes the next morning.


so anyways, long story short. the term "mook" gets put into a song. and buck got his wish. sure as shit, homeboy was out in the dead of winter, rockin a northface and timbo's, out in the forset with a spiget and an old carona bucket he found in front of a bar one morning, i guess left behind after closing from one of them "6 coronas for $7 dollar" deals and homeboy drained that tree of everything it had to give.


so ya, i mean. it was pretty tight and the next morning when he woke up, like it was christmas fuckin day, happier than a pig in shit. he ran out to the kitchen with this corona bucket full of the purest canadian maple syrop you can find. whipped up a pancake batter suuuper light n fluffy. got his griddle pan nice n hot. ladelled in a few rounds... waited. flipped em just as the bubbles started to form. waited about 20 seconds and put that shit straight onot a plate he had waitin for him.


buttered them things and paused for a minute. right before he was to reach for the corona bucket and stood. and stared. and stood some more. this was a big deal to buck. not some joke of a morning where you wake up, throw in a bowl of microwavable porage had a cigarrette and a coffee then sat in the can with a newspaper while you crapped out all that your body doesnt need. this was pretty much the moment hed been waiting for, anticipating, constantly thinking about and just as though he had aunt jemima's family bloodlines not only running thru his veins. but they were in his heart. pumping. like pistons in a race car. this was it, this was his moment. and he was ready, and for the first time happy.


old buckshot ended up eatin that whole plate up within a matter of what couldnt have been more than 3 minutes but seemed like a lifetime. and the best part of the whole story, our good friend buck, when he was done. took that rusty old, now emptied, bucket of corona and stuck it right his head. like a hat. a bucket hat. with an upside down corona logo that only read "C O R N A" as that darned second O was all warn away. and that buckshot with that maple syrop bucket hat now had those same syrop drippings runnin all down his face.


and he just sat back, and smiled.


so yes cali, moral of the story. you did here that word used in a buckshot song. and this was why.



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You so




well i have no idea what "rmed" means or what the view has to do with your neglagent debate within yourself is but if your talking about arms this guy has more than the average joe and its an actual pic. thats real. hes my uncle:




we called him uncle armada and he drives one of these:




the guy can take a shit, wipe his ass, take a piss and smoke a cigarrette all at the same time. at christmas time hes like a one man assembly line carving turkeys mashing potatoes and stiring his own homemade cranberry sauce to exactly the right currency.


he knew BUCKSHOT aswell.

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1: Ancient


2: Smoke


3: Someone else taking a picture


4: symmetry


5: green


6: bad graffiti - not rap letters


7: Church/Temple/Place of Worship


8: Your poison


9: Statue


10: Neon lights


11: A Map


12: Heritage


badluck13: Your City


Bonus: Perveract as usual


Double Bonus: Anything CHzer0 related... cheeto feet gets doublemegaprops.

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Hey retards,


They used the work "mook" in the movie Mean Streets. It was made in 1973. Before any of you and your friends were even born, made it up, and all all of a sudden X years later everyone said it. I can guarantee you that it was used for years before that.


Watch this clip, he say it at 46 seconds in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGk0FpGIxM


Thank you and have a good night.

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i dont understand the words...i´m german...help me out


ancient would be like somethin old and heritage would be something that has history with/to whichever the example would be.


so like for germany you could get away with a flicking a dead jew.

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