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Crashing house parties, getting kicked out, crazy shit that results


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All thru high school and a few years after I would go to house parties almost every friday and Saturday. Usually I knew the person who was throwing it or a friend of theirs. Of course there were a bunch of times where someone would text me directions to a dope party they found out about or were already at. I'm pretty good at blending in but chances are if yer crashing a party yer gonna get the boot eventually. I gotta couple crazy stories and I'm sure a few of you do as well. Here's two of them tht I remember best.




my buddy was throwing a kegger one weekend and the usual group was there. This was maybe a year after I graduated high school. A bunch of the people I went to school with were there. Some I graduated with and some that were still attending, other random friends and aquaintances. A lot of writers and skaters with some gangsters thrown in here and there. But most of the crowd was just regular ordinary people. The reggae was blasting and the beer was flowing. Those were some good times for sure.


Well eventually the kegs ran out and we were trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the night. Someone found out Bout a party somewhere. A group of us decided to go check it out. I'm not sure eht tr rest of the party ended up doin. There was maybe 4 cars packed with people in our caravan heading to this party. I caught a ride with my buddy Moder (rip) and he warned me that he could give me a ride there but not home. I had to find another after the party.


We get to the party at some house deep in some neighborhood. I was pretty drunk and had no idea where the fuck we were. General area, but I was lost. This party was raging! We just walked in the front door and joined in withe the drinking. 4 full cars of people crashing all at once was noticed really fuckin quick.


All thru high school I ran with a bunch of mexicans. Some of my closest friends I've had. I was still chilling with em regular around the time this story is taking place. Most of the people that were crashing this party were Mexican. When they started kicking us out there was some pushing shoving and shit. Some yelling. Then someone fucks up big time. "GET THESE FUCKING BEANERS OUTTA MY HOUSE!" awwww shit it's on.


Of course a rumble starts right in the door way. Haymakers getting thrown randomly. Females in both groups getting punched, chaos. Some how they managed to get out entire group out the door and they lock it behind us.


The homies and some girl are yelling back and forth thru the front door. Some of us were laughing at what just happened. Now, I'm still not positive if I threw the first rock. But I'm pretty sure. Drunkenly I grab a rock from the gutter and chuck it thru a huge bay window to one of the bedrooms. CRASH!! Then of corse mob mentality takes over and everyone is throwing rocks. CRASH! CRASH!! CRASH!!! we are all laughing people inside are mostly silent. I very clearly remember seeing my friends older brother Manuel grab the garden hose for the front yard, turn it on full blast, and toss it into one of the broken windows for a bedroom. That's fuckin right.


Finally we come to our senses and realize chances are the polic are on their way. Everyone begins to scatter, cars are filing up. I'm frantically looking for Moder. He's gone. He did say he couldn't giveme a ride after. Thankfully I find a friend witha seat for me in his car. I get in and we pull away.


It didn't take long at all for it to become very clear he was wayyyyy to drunk to be driving. He was wasted. We all were. Our adrenaline in absolutley pumpin. But were all fucking lost. No idea where we are. Speeding around these streets trying to find something familiar. Anything. Then we do. We see that same house with broken windows. FUCK we just drove in a big circle. On top of that there are now 2-3 cop cars in front and a group of scared white folk pointing right at us. FUCK.


My homie hits the gas trying to get the fuck outta there but he's so wasted he sideswipes one of the cop cars. Shittttttt. We keep goin and now there's police chasing us. It felt like the chase was about 5-10 mins long. But was prolly less than a minute. My boy ends up crashing the car. He and the passenger get out and slam their doors behind em. I'm in the backseat fucking struggling to open a door, move the seat outta the way. Both while watching a cop car stop right in front of the car. I manage to get out somehow and fucking run for my life.


Just as I was about to hop the first fence I see the driver getting cuffed outta the corner of my eye. I get over the fence, run thru the yard,over the other fence, into a alley. Hop another fence, and I begin to hop fences parralell to the street. Goin from yard to yard. Ditching my markers, my weed. Fucking running into dogs, getting my nuts caught on fences. Chaos.


I can't hear someone chasing me. And I can hear dogs. Police dogs. A few of em. I just kept running until my legs were killing me an then Ran more. Eventually I feel like I can stop and catch my breath near someones trash cans. I get my wits about me and stay silent. I hear nothing but the wind now. Faintly hear a freeway. Sweet sweet silence. I gather some courage and peek ove the backyar fence into the street. Nothing. I exit. Look at the street sign. WTF is this street? Where am I??


Thankfully I had a cellphone. I called Buddy whowasnt at the pRty and told him the street name. He knew where I was and told me whic h direction to walk. I saw a few police cars here and there while walking but none saw me. At onepojnt I layed down I. The bed of some truck Ina driveway while they drove by. EventuAlly I ran into a mall I knew. But I was still very far from home.


That night I walked forever. I eventully got home just after the sun came up and slept for hours. The next WEEK my legs were sore as hell. It turned out I was the one from that car who got away. and of course neither of the homies snitched on me. Shut was a crazy night. Something I will always remember vividly.


I have another story that I'll add later. Typing on am iPhone sucks and I really needto get back to work.



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I was never one to crash completely random parties, but I did used to get ridiculously mad when I'd show up at a party as a friend of a friend and have fuckin herbs askin me all night "Who do you know?"


Now once or twice is fine, but all night? Really? Like I don't know it's because I got a few Dominicans with me and this is the whitest party my white ass has ever seen?


It resulted in more than a few parties ending in me punching people in the face

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i chill outside all the time at parties, i feel claustrophobic if im inside. a few fights have broken out with homeys and idiots. some ended me getting jumped, others with us throwing fists and rocks. nothing crazy like boats n hoes over here.


i did take a shit on someones doorstep when i was drunk walking home from a party one time though. it was like i was catching a tag. i looked around real quick, no one. pants down. log out. done. i was a PHANTOM


edit to the poop: i was really, really drunk

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i threw a party/show a few years ago and someone tried to steal my beer. ever seen someone get a 40 bottle thrown at his head from across a yard and hit it's mark? CRASH PROOF, MOTHERFUCKER. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, YOU'RE ON MY PROPERTY AND I WILL BEAT YOU WITH BOTTLES UNTIL YOU LET GO OF MY BEER.

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Aight so the second story isn't as long or crazy. No cops. But it still makes me smile when I tell it.




this time it was Halloween. Again we were crashing a party. This time it was in a real nice area. Since it was Halloween it was a costume party. so thanks to our costumes we didn't get booted til we hadbeen there for a few hours. This party was actuAlly pretty cool. Bitches dancing in the living room, almost everyone was in costumes, pimpin house, buncha bottles in the kitchen. Chill.


But we did eventually get discovered. Well not me but my buddies. Like I said, I blend in pretty well. So my buddies got kicked out and I was still in there. I remember em being dicks to my homies too. But they're my ride so I had to get ready to leave too. So of course I grab one of the bottles from the kitchen on the sly. I think it was capt Morgan. As I was getting ready to leave I decided to take a piss before I left. While i'm in the bathroom taking a piss, I get an idea.


I turn and piss on the roll of toilet paper. Chuckle. Piss on the mat on the floor. Piss on the towels. Then I start opening up drawers in the bathroom and pissing in them. All of em. I remember pissing all over a drawer full of some make-up. Aaahhh good times. They got jacked for a new bottle of captain and got a bathroom fulla piss. Haha.


Goddamn it's gonna suck when this shit comes back on me.

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on the new year of 2009 me and my homie each killed the big jug of rossi sangria. we end up finding this fat party up in these wealthy houses. Its pretty packed and its a two story. We are already drunk when we show up and right away I break up two girl fights cause im trying to party till the ball drops. In the midst of breaking the second fight one of the girls dudes gets mad cause I grabbed her to restrain her so he cold cocks me right in the head. My homie wasnt feeling it so he popped the fool right in the jaw, boom fight was over. so everything chills out and its getting closer to 12. then the cops come so we bounce but everyone is kinda hanging around cause its way to close to the ball dropping to find another party. after a while the cops start to clear out and we pile back in the house. i ended up fucking around with some soccer player chick and watched the ball drop. the end

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got hella drunk once at a party in bellevue, those of you who are familiar with washington know its pretty nice out there. anyways, it was at a fat ass 3 story house and at some point in the night i ended up in the bathroom. and they had one of those little waterfall decorations things with little rocks and shit in there. so naturally i picked up one of the rocks and power scribed the shit outta their bathroom mirror, im not really sure what happened afterwards.


a few days later she tried to get cops involved but i just denied even being there and it was all good.

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this other time we showed up to this party that we thought was gonna be crackin but it ended up being gay as fuck, so we took there paint and like 2 fifths. later that night we were doing a shitload of drunk tags and the homie ended up breaking his foot and i spent the rest of that night at the hospital with him.

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