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my girlfriend...


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get some proper nice gift for her without letting on, something you can roll with where ever. let her get her bitch act on like usual, get real quiet and act hurt without saying anything, then tell her you got her something that day and give it to her. right after you give her whatever you got for her, step out the door without saying shit or giving her a chance to apologize. turn off your phone for at least one hour then show back up unannounced. during the time you are gone she will realize how wrong she was for doing what she did while also having time to realize how much of a mack you are.

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get some proper nice gift for her without letting on, something you can roll with where ever. let her get her bitch act on like usual, get real quiet and act hurt without saying anything, then tell her you got her something that day and give it to her. right after you give her whatever you got for her, step out the door without saying shit or giving her a chance to apologize. turn off your phone for at least one hour then show back up unannounced. during the time you are gone she will realize how wrong she was for doing what she did while also having time to realize how much of a mack you are.




Im fed up of being single for so long. I wanna be the one saying mate enjoy being single for as long as possible, not the one getting told it.

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get some proper nice gift for her without letting on, something you can roll with where ever. let her get her bitch act on like usual, get real quiet and act hurt without saying anything, then tell her you got her something that day and give it to her. right after you give her whatever you got for her, step out the door without saying shit or giving her a chance to apologize. turn off your phone for at least one hour then show back up unannounced. during the time you are gone she will realize how wrong she was for doing what she did while also having time to realize how much of a mack you are.


this nigga knows. 100% rate of sucsess

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  • 10 months later...

Most of the irc folks are still on here. A few have new names, such as Dow and tre. I hang out with crack semi regularly these days and attempt to shoot skate photos with him. You'll have to give me some flash pointers since I bought a new one not too long ago and am still getting the hang of action photos with a flash. And your bmx photos were always super on point and perfectly lit

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ask her what happened.


most logical ^


wow cant believe there hasnt been any pee in the butt comments.



i vote you break into your own house, dressed in a ski mask, beat and then rape her.




come back later without the mask on and be all "zomfg wat hoppend?!"


then tell her she deserved it.


i read that on some forum... but the guy wanted to take off the mask as he was raping her

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